Rebel News
12 567 vidéos, +1 300 000 abonnés

HIGHLIGHTS: Last year's Rebel cruise (Join us on the next one!)2:204 205
GOP establishment fights Trump's "hostile takeover"2:2710 227
Replacing Ginsburg will be Trump's greatest achievement2:5011 739
Gavin McInnes: Stop Making Our Movies Politically Correct10:46621 341
Debunking LeadNow’s pro-Khadr lies and race-baiting10:1819 310
Calling out Canadian Islamic leaders7:1428 198
Gavin McInnes: ADL should target real anti-Semites10:27112 279
The media lied about Trump's Poland speech3:1621 171
Why South Korea and Japan should join Club Nuke5:4920 286
Mike Cernovich: Anti-Defamation League now "irrelevant"2:5032 173
The Left labels Omar Khadr a "typical Muslim"2:3620 914
South African Govt Complicit in Persecution of White Farmers4:4227 661
Ezra Levant in Iraq: Refugee children's art belies harsh reality3:569 585
Anti-Defamation League embraces Left-Wing Identity Politics3:9017 964
NDP leadership contenders silent on Khadr payout2:909 936
Ezra Levant in Iraq: Erbil rebuilding after years under attack7:127 960
Ezra Levant in Iraq: Kurdish Muslims who protect Christians5:3415 740
Is Brian Jean abandoning Wildrose members?2:546 264
Omar Khadr a Cash Cow for Activist Lawyers1:3913 124
Liberals nervous about NAFTA as news of Khadr payday hits U.S.4:4429 868
This Week in History: Seneca Falls feminist convention (1848)5:186 172
Americans outraged by Trudeau's Khadr payout1:3524 753
Why Canada needs an FGM investigation1:5315 045
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Stopping Sharia Law in Australia51:2432 562
Environmentalists ally with Russia against Trump5:5016 905
Ezra Levant: A camp for "the forgotten refugees" — Christians & Yazidis2:448 689
U.S. media picks up on Trudeau’s dirty deal with Khadr4:4537 185
Trudeau's Khadr payout "cost saving" claim is a lie2:6011 385
Ethnic cleansing of Christians began with Islam's founding2:419 088
Gavin McInnes: 10 Celebrities Who Are Aging Really, Really Badly5:56223 244
Abandoned Christian homes in Iraq tell poignant story2:329 937
Gavin McInnes: Thanks, Trump! Now all my friends hate me12:41324 172
Khadr payoff dogs Trudeau at Calgary Stampede4:3440 133
GERMAN graffiti in a desecrated church in Iraq? Here's why4:5716 225
Faith Goldy: Iraq's Christian Genocide2:4525 439
Ezra Levant visits Christian "ghost town" in Iraq2:1610 598
Sue-Ann Levy vs Jerry Agar on Free Speech7:1211 069
Everything's Bigger in Australia (Especially the Elon Musk Con-Job)4:3122 964
Exposing "terrorist training camps" in America3:2162 848
Ezra Levant: Christian cemetery desecrated in Iraq3:5611 922
Why “man-free” music festival won’t fix Sweden’s rape problem4:5252 060
Do Holocaust Deniers deserve Free Speech?2:1122 572
Faith Goldy: On The Frontline in Iraqi Kurdistan2:0019 561
5 Ways Liberals Are Indoctrinating Kids3:7025 573
Faith Goldy: "Feminist" Aid to Iraq Forgets Women3:3026 907
Trudeau to give Clinton Foundation $241M from taxpayers3:4936 624
Trudeau lies to sell Canadian public on Khadr payout5:3773 565
Faith Goldy: What can change the future for Christians in Telskuf?3:3511 566
UPDATE: Board's bullying of Christian school get worse5:1514 708
Gavin McInnes: Is Fred Perry Racist?9:28104 201
Ezra Levant: Giving humanitarian aid to Christians in Telskuf, Iraq3:409 669
Ezra Levant in Iraq: Mosul liberated as humanitarian effort continues6:1220 030
Menzies' PC Guide to Talking Terrorism3:2815 110 UPDATE: Courts say “no” to Khadr’s real victims5:3419 864
Is the NBA up for their first trans-cheerleader?2:4820 661
Faith Goldy in Iraq: Christian town liberated (no thanks to Canada)3:1939 113
British funder of terrorism defends Khadr payout5:4715 529
Tommy Robinson UPDATE: Save Fletcher sign is back up!0:5650 125
Today in History: The Race Riot of the Republic (1863)4:459 105
How Al Gore's anti-coal crusade hurts Bangladesh's poor2:398 494
Faith Goldy in Iraq: “Not a single home left untouched”2:5635 258
Trillium Party vs Patrick Brown on carbon taxes2:147 061
Canadians united against Trudeau's Khadr payout2:3924 434
Gavin McInnes: How to Make a Fidget Spinner6:30149 862
Rebel Media's cruise sails Nov 12/17! Get your tickets today!1:456 039
Faith Goldy: Christian History Erased in Iraq3:3047 885
Ezra Levant in Iraq: Inside a Christian refugee camp in Erbil3:3927 802
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Exposing Australia's Racial Victimhood Industry48:4631 130
Trudeau earns “Fool on the Hill” moniker in week of fumbles4:2065 725
Gavin McInnes: What Really Happened with Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna?3:17121 048
Dr. Tanveer Ahmed: Transgender activism and the true self4:4327 909
Scheer vows to “get tough” on Liberals over “disgusting” Khadr payout4:4219 874 Trudeau helps terrorist, The Rebel helps victims3:549 933
Ezra Levant in Iraq: Bringing humanitarian aid to region's Christians8:3730 113
Debunking "white privilege" myths in high school homework5:5356 031
France: Macron to ban internal combustion engine3:5020 350
SJWs demand Disney bring “diversity” to Pirate ride3:8056 730
CBC slammed for interviewing Gavin McInnes6:5787 155
Murder of Muslim teen proves border security isn’t about race3:5033 535
BC rejection of Kinder Morgan pipeline "a serious economic issue"2:605 344
Five examples of Pro-Life censorship on campus3:2014 440
EXPOSED: Media Party complicit in Omar Khadr pay-off6:4420 373
Apology to Omar Khadr? Canadians say #NotInMyName11:5556 507
Brian Lilley: Help Omar Khadr's victims at SpeerKids.com5:5514 323
Gavin McInnes: Proud Boys "forced to appear political"2:1064 346
Family fights anti-white indoctrination8:2322 225
Patriotic Proud Boys opposed "anti-Canada hatefest"3:3324 148
Canada’s military enters new "decade of darkness"9:2238 509
Tommy Robinson: UPDATE — Good news!1:2041 844
Laura Loomer confronts Chris Cuomo over #CNNBlackmail1:57133 561
Justin Trudeau mimics Pierre's anti-Americanism1:3916 192
Today in History: Up (and down) with Richard the Lionheart (1189)4:187 891
Mark Latham: Stop Islamic School Radicalisation — Sign the Petition3:4515 411
Omar Khadr by the numbers: The human cost7:1237 007
Gavin McInnes: Stop the witch hunt! SaveTheFive.com6:5267 854
Toronto’s Caribana parade tests BLM’s commitment to gay rights3:3517 174
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Interview with Pauline Hanson & More54:1421 409
"Mindless" Trudeau forgets Alberta in Canada Day speech3:8013 078
Trudeau gives $10M to Canadian terrorist who killed US medic3:3034 961
Gavin McInnes: 5 Ways To End Arguments with Liberals8:47373 380

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