Rebel News
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Tommy Robinson: Another big Justice For Chelsey march!2:3737,634
"Tear Down the Curtain" on sharia pools in Australia3:1330,903
Australia's solution to migrant crisis: "Stop the Boats"4:2124,945
Today in History: Frederick goes to his grave not to war (1888)4:477,900
8-year-old drag queen the product of Antifa parenting?3:4051,303
Faith Goldy: Is Soy Feminizing the West?9:2383,272
Gavin McInnes: Even gays confused by “LGBTTQQIAAP” jargon10:15210,328
UN set to outlaw "cultural appropriation"5:1043,937
Gavin McInnes: Talib Kweli is Bugging Me on Twitter29:50141,257
Sessions smacks down Russia collusion claims7:3212,343
Trudeau's refugee policy will have "long term and devastating consequences"4:4822,471
Pamela Geller: Sharia law "exalted" by the left3:9021,343
Docs reveal: Liberal refugee screening "in total chaos"3:1116,423
UPDATE: Top lawyer joins "Justice For Chelsey" campaign4:1525,169
Why Queen’s Birthday Honours Missed Australia’s Best53:7012,156
Laura Loomer: Queer Antifa protesters defend sharia law2:2936,110
#FacebookDropPakistan: Facebook's ugly relationship with Pakistan5:3340,873
Blue collar gender quotas "contribute to male suicide"?3:5817,660
Tommy Robinson: Cops threaten store over "Don't fund terrorism" sign2:9093,646
Wildfire Review reveals Notley's mismanagement4:495,721
Gavin McInnes: When Feminists Get Red-Pilled4:18106,269
British establishment defames Tommy Robinson and "UK Against Hate"1:5928,375
NEW speakers added to The Rebel Live: June 17, 20171:468,157
UK’s unarmed police run from jihadis during attack4:1226,672
Tommy Robinson: Highlights from Manchester "UK Against Hate" march5:2483,647
Why Muslim refugees are more likely to become terrorists4:5454,222
Asking leftists easy questions: Miles McInnes vs. Fleccas8:1691,799
EMP threat: New book exposes electro-magnetic pulse weapons6:6016,464
Lady justice statue banished from Bangladesh Supreme Court3:1211,928
Conservatives must campaign on Free Speech to win2:3327,896
Miles McInnes: Top 10 Moments4:1026,990
Raw: Fearless Girl meets fearless Laura Loomer. Gets burqa'd2:2972,237
Gavin McInnes and Fleccas: Student Leftists Are Political Phonies1:3341,417
Syrian Refugee beats wife with a hockey stick4:0072,223
Trudeau "short circuits" security review of Chinese takeover3:1616,735
CBC laments “justice denied” for lawbreaking refugees3:5220,010
Gavin McInnes: Reza Aslan is an Ass25:14142,629
Trade Union Discrimination3:1011,905
Garnett Genuis defends voting for the Paris Agreement5:4010,362
Trudeau exposes Canadians to "Chinese spying"2:4215,163
Miles McInnes: Wonder Woman should make no money4:2075,479
Bad News in the Battle for Freedom of Speech10:3643,812
Andrew Scheer walks Conservatives into Liberal trap4:5614,688
EXCLUSIVE: Unseen footage of CNN’s staged anti-ISIS Muslim protest3:5138,231
Stop Road Taxes in Metro Vancouver!5:205,020
London Mayor Sadiq Khan is "soft on terrorism"2:3828,515
Conservative backstabbers betray supporters to appease Liberals14:9019,115
Tommy Robinson: Before you vote, watch this video2:17130,360
Backstabbing Conservatives vote in favour of Carbon Tax8:5031,960
Tommy Robinson: Didsbury Mosque is truly dangerous8:47102,905
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Extended interview with Tommy Robinson26:4662,360
London Attacker: 'I'm going to be a terrorist'2:4425,395
Faith Goldy: ISIS Knife Attack in Canada?2:4798,917
How Trump's rejection of Paris Accord reflects the "will of the people"2:3114,789
UK Against Hate: March Against Islamic Hate in Manchester2:4557,623
Mark Latham takes on the mainstream media's "outrage industry"4:2011,621
Trudeau poses in photo op to push environmental junk science2:5012,741
Pro-Sharia feminist’s views defy reality3:1035,483
Mark Latham Joins The Rebel!1:159,312
Mark Latham Joins The Rebel!1:1715,562
Mark Latham's Outsiders: 8 Ways to Fight Back Against Radical Islamic Terrorism49:5623,874
Faith Goldy: How To Fix Europe's Jihad Problem8:4162,690
Boycott Porter Airlines3:3320,618
Paris Climate Accord is "smug liberal virtue signalling"4:5923,063
How feminism has fuelled obesity crisis3:2140,215
CNN busted arranging "fake news report"2:4038,285
Tommy Robinson confronts Didsbury Mosque hosting hate preachers6:17288,914
Watch Chelsea Clinton react to awkward book signing request1:29474,675
UN environmentalists admit low carbon lifestyle "sucks"3:3120,267
Siege in Melbourne: Global jihadist insurgency hits Australia3:2443,625
Cassandra Fairbanks tells Gavin McInnes about violent threats against her3:7039,542
Tommy Robinson: UK gov't housing radical jihadists on your streets4:45179,039
Liberal cronyism on full display in appointment of Madeleine Meilleur1:5421,253
Caolan Robertson: Islamophobia? Shut the f**k up4:90132,787
Star Trek license plate triggers Manitoba Government3:5732,668
Texas man sues “date from hell” for texting during movie3:1721,605
Tommy Robinson: “Get these murderous scumbags off our streets”4:47487,373
EXCLUSIVE: Shocking footage of London on High Alert3:10173,095
Rebel reports from scene of latest terror attack at London Bridge0:5034,519
Why Trump was right to reject the "Global Warming Scam"14:5078,712
French tennis star banned for “unsolicited kissing” of female reporter5:1327,325
“Screw them!”: Motorcyclists react to Suzuki’s “Bike to Work Week”6:1625,593
Wynne's minimum wage hike slams small business2:8011,177
Trump puts America first over Paris climate deal4:5424,973
Media ignores REAL scandal: Obama Admin spying on US citizens6:3226,671
Trudeau’s ‘bait and switch’ on gun registry puts UN in charge5:1823,475
Why Kathy Griffin's Trump decapitation wasn't a joke2:1381,026
"Nationalists and Globalists" have replaced the left and right3:1617,893
Tommy Robinson: Sikhs stand with Manchester bombing victims1:39107,100
Trudeau's open border leads to illegal migrants death6:4023,334
The Rebel Live: Join Ezra Levant & more June 17!1:405,103
Trump dumps climate, Trudeau sticks with Paris deal7:2831,322
Joel Pollack: "No evidence" of Trump collusion with Russia2:3114,275
Alberta NDP celebrates death of Trans Mountain Pipeline2:498,046
Gavin McInnes: "Wheelchair dancing" is an oxymoron6:4084,506
Chanel boomerang triggers SJW outrage over cultural appropriation3:5623,662
Melbourne U runs “white male privilege” workshops4:4925,494
Faith Goldy: Time to Excommunicate Trudeau!5:5497,139
Raheel Raza: Canada needs a commission on "radical Islamist ideology"1:4914,415

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