Rebel News
12,567 videos, +1,300,000 subscribers

Gavin McInnes: What's behind NOLA Civil War statue fight?7:2478,252
Faith Goldy: Sharia Fines Come to Canada8:27111,772
The Rebel's global battle to save free speech2:2627,198
White House "journalists" attack Sean Spicer over Michael Flynn2:4212,807
Jack Posobiec: gets White House press credentials4:5020,627
Tommy Robinson's BANNED speech: "The British Police State"1:19:20262,239
Tommy Robinson: Out on bail — but it's not over yet0:4753,146
Trudeau's plan to blackmail Western Canada2:3519,264
Leftists silent on Venezuelan crisis1:3019,859
Gavin McInnes: 10 Jobs That Are Bullsh*t12:28305,540
Jack Posobiec: Trump fires Comey2:3414,198
Save Tommy Robinson: Arrested for reporting the news1:54167,634
Jack Posobiec: #MacronLeaks exposed7:3347,529
Success! Jordan Peterson thanks his crowdfunding supporters7:5815,714
France splits into patriots vs. globalists4:1921,816
Student free speech activist: We're NOT fascist or racist!2:0050,502
Gavin McInnes: We Agree On This Stuff, Leftists. Shut Up.7:10149,593
Ezra Levant: Media Silent on #MacronLeaks2:5015,033
Tommy Robinson confronts students after cancelled speech5:30209,527
Gavin McInnes: Feminism Kills Women8:20124,438
Tommy Robinson: Why we started Troll Watch3:2084,764
Caolan Robertson: Steel barriers won't stop a toxic ideology2:7025,372
French Voters in London: “Anyone but Le Pen”8:44103,349
Eric Duhaime: La politique d'immigration de Macron?1:5411,184
Gavin McInnes: Antifa anti-Semitism (w/Brittany Venti, Martina Markota)2:55105,435
Gallery cancels “paleface” artist’s show of native-inspired artwork3:1212,892
Nick Gillespie: Today’s universities “constipated, stultified”11:1714,767
"More pain coming" from Notley's NDP2:289,252
Eric Duhaime: le plan Macron pour un Islam de France3:1214,738
#MacronLeaks: Secret Islamization Plans3:60111,196
Greenpeace vandalizes Eiffel Tower. Isn't charged. Again.2:1115,555
“Assimilate” vanity plate deemed offensive to natives3:3922,063
Eric Duhaime: French feminists vs. Le Pen4:2137,141
Faith Goldy: Ranking "so-con" choices for Conservative leader2:1013,212
Dr. Tanveer Ahmed: Identity politics' most dangerous aspects6:1516,316
Tommy Robinson responds to his book’s critics1:1749,393
Students caught up in Australia's hate speech law4:3627,399
Jack Posobiec & Baked Alaska: BuzzFeed calls for Trump's murder4:1026,532
MacronLeaks: Docs Link Macron to Possible Tax Evasion5:2034,555
Dr. Anthony Dillon: “Hurt bodies should outweigh hurt feelings”3:468,826
Gavin McInnes: Islam isn't "dope." It's sexist.10:40295,533
Trudeau's "Muslim snitch line" smear against Tories2:2617,969
Liberals suspend audits of political allies3:369,859
No Abortion or Euthanasia Law: Jay Fayza with Brad Trost17:6014,856
Gavin McInnes: Sexual Harassment At Fox News10:48205,687
Antifa suspected in Philadelphia May Day arsons2:1512,253
Trudeau begs China for cheap workers3:5016,197
Tommy Robinson: Justice For Chelsey — SIGN the PETITION10:70165,087
Faith Goldy: What's the deal with Jared Kushner?5:5169,738
Jack Posobiec: Antifa Arson in Philadelphia3:9018,625
Jack Posobiec: Real News Gala Proves MSM is Failing7:4311,745
Trump shakes up UN: Others talk, U.S. acts6:3120,966
Australian public broadcaster pushes left wing indoctrination2:0013,457
Ex-Australian Labour Party leader was "red pilled"2:1017,598
Miles McInnes: May Day, May Day! Antifa is no joke!9:19181,353
Ezra Levant vs Soros-funded Hungarian MP18:1117,600
Troll Watch 3: Tommy Robinson vs. Quilliam12:2492,290
Liberals don't denounce Saudi seat on UN Women’s Council5:3438,304
Third wave feminist hypocrisy: “Deep down, they know they’re wrong”5:5272,105
Australian Greens on a censorship crusade2:2116,283
Student charged with "hate speech" in Australia2:1419,300
France At War: May Day, Antifa, & Islam5:3069,848
Opposition grills Defence Minister for act of 'Stolen Valour'4:5227,834
NEW! Rebel Canada: Stories you won't see anywhere else1:4211,232
Berkeley SJWs: Free Speech Bad, Violence Good3:2862,969
Alison Bevege: Fearless Australian reporter joins The Rebel5:1222,086
Claire Lehmann: Why I was blacklisted by Australian media5:6040,022
Faith Goldy: Berkeley Patriots Talk Antifa Terror2:0058,316
Dr. Tanveer Ahmed joins The Rebel4:2021,270
Feminists blind to Saudi Arabia’s misogyny3:5138,172
The Man Who Mowed Down “Moldylocks”8:20458,638
UPDATE: RCMP bans firearm with "Molon Labe" engraving4:5263,082
Faith Goldy meets a Berkeley progressive FOR free speech1:8027,497
Jack Posobiec: Trump’s deal with China on North Korea5:5123,243
Sabotage? Eco-radical war on OHVs takes deadly turn6:14132,955
RAW: Black female Trump supporter blasts Berkeley Antifa2:3583,353
Tribunal awards “Sharia tenants from Hell” $12K4:3494,757
Corporate welfare "green" schemes on the rise1:387,650
Rebel UK: "We'll fill a huge void" in British media5:22106,571
Why Liberals want Michael Chong for Conservative leader1:317,143
Ezra Levant vs. Antifa activist in Australia! (UPDATED)8:4890,973
Gavin McInnes in Berkeley: Why I read Ann Coulter's speech1:2167,979
Gavin McInnes: Everything wrong with “Cultural Appropriation Rap”10:26209,312
Parents protest Islamic prayer in public school6:2852,731
Today in History: Muslim conquest of Spain begins (711)4:3522,347
Jack Posobiec: How To Stop Antifa3:1434,435
Canadian media silent on plot to kill Toronto journalist2:9021,456
Time to Label Antifa a Terrorist Group2:1733,671
Gavin McInnes: We Don’t Let Nazis in Proud Boys5:54125,633
Tommy Robinson: Troll Watch 2 (Mainstream Media Edition)3:46105,712
Saudi Arabia wins seat on UN women’s rights council5:5031,413
Gavin McInnes: The persecution of Ann Coulter7:19148,227
Antifa lie to police about assault on journalist2:1631,775
Faith Goldy: Unboxing Antifa Survival Kit6:3880,161
Jack Posobiec: 4chan's /pol/ leads fight to crush Antifa6:3051,531
Gavin McInnes: No Easter “doodle” as Google snubs Christians2:5938,720
Tommy Robinson confronts another accused Muslim grooming gang6:80655,132
Le Pen's Egyptian-born advisor condemns multiculturalism9:5951,604
Trump’s trade war with Canada heats up5:4528,595
Trudeau Cozies Up to ISIS-Funding Qatar2:4830,519

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