Rebel News
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Kurt Schlichter: DACA a "Constitutional abomination"2:556,608
NAFTA: Trudeau secretly planning to end free trade?3:1110,818
How socialism caused Venezuelan crisis11:289,883
Tommy Robinson: Police Won't Stop Harassing Me4:4348,469
Mark Latham’s Outsiders: What’s Gone Wrong with Australian Schools?39:4030,529
Rebel investigation could land Ontario Liberal in jail3:4711,594
NAFTA: Trudeau tells U.S. to drop “right to work” laws3:2418,138
Media divides Americans, Hurricane Harvey unites them3:494,946
Israeli wine ban: Agency won't reveal memo's author4:275,718
Dr. Tim Ball: How climate alarmists deceive the public3:376,428
Combating the UN's (illegal) anti-Jewish BDS campaign12:534,881
Claudia Rosett: North Korea's "unification" end game1:576,614
Tommy Robinson: Victory for "The Dinner Lady" (thanks to you!)1:5620,825
POLL: Canadians oppose Trudeau's open border policies3:5712,986
Fossil fuel didn't cause Hurricane Harvey — It's saving lives5:1911,771
BLM 's 10 demands to honkies: Hand over your valuables3:3231,814
Hanson Derangement Syndrome: Left-Wing Academics Attack Her Pubic Hairs4:5720,034
Trump's re-election depends on building the wall2:3613,507
Gone with the Wind "racist": THESE films will be banned next4:6013,079
AB NDP's sexist jobs plan ignores unemployed men2:148,087
Hurricane Harvey unleashes storm of leftist lunacy3:5015,483
Ezra Levant: Globe & Mail columnist wants "limits on public outrage"4:5110,199
NAFTA: Globalist Liberals focus on feminism, climate cult4:138,694
Why Omar Khadr fans should OPPOSE his bail requests3:556,578
Tommy Robinson: Jihad by Foster Care4:5335,347
Media ignores ISIS inspired anti-Christian vandalism4:1016,703
Christian preacher critical of Islam silenced by "mall cop"3:137,436
Joel Pollak: Democrat/Antifa alliance crumbles11:3715,958
Ezra Levant: "Free Expression" group's link to comedy club vandalism3:188,509
Trump's tax reform message (and the Hurricane Harvey connection)5:396,098
Tiffany Gabbay: Left's reaction to Hurricane Harvey will get Trump reelected4:2030,670
POLL: Google was wrong to fire James Damore4:597,219
Tommy Robinson: Channel 4's "Moderate" Muslims5:45122,382
To punish North Korea, Trump must sanction Chinese banks: Gordon Chang9:528,685
UN blames Trump (not Antifa) for violence against journalists3:3111,329
Quebec to protect “refugees” from “people with right-wing tendencies”3:2712,835
Street preacher assaulted by “mall cop” for criticizing Islam5:1510,103
Ezra Levant: Let’s house refugees in CBC buildings!3:108,073
Boston’s guide for “infidels”: How to aid victims of "Islamophobia"3:2722,867
Vice's racist idea: Free speech “connected to” white supremacists5:2712,674
Jagmeet Singh is Justin Trudeau's "kryptonite"1:2916,238
North Korean missile launch goes unpunished3:3510,764
PEGIDA rally banned by London, ON city hall9:5714,940
Yes, Khadr will get looser bail conditions: Blame judges2:155,135
Tommy Robinson: Muhammad's Day in Court5:5369,950
Mark Latham's Outsiders | Mock Beheading Double Standard: Kathy Griffin vs Bendigo Three50:1015,925
Asking Millennials: Should "breastaurants" like Hooters be illegal?5:1919,230
CBC covers up Antifa violence at UC Berkeley3:7018,983
Marc Morano: Hurricane Harvey not related to climate change3:608,750
John Cardillo: "Civil War 2.0" hits Berkeley, Charlottesville, Boston15:3711,991
Ezra Levant: UK police treat "old stock Brits" as second-class citizens5:2927,961
NEW evidence: Kamala Harris wrongfully charged this Trump supporter with "hate crime"14:1921,414
Australian Human Rights Commissioner advocates sharia law3:5940,213
Ontario teachers' union wants to erase Canadian history3:3816,796
R.I.P. Jerry Lewis: Life imitates art in "The King of Comedy"4:549,300
Pamela Geller: Silicon Valley's war on free speech15:3716,442
Save Australia Day: More Council Madness2:108,110
Dolly Parton is a hero, not a racist4:4541,527
Asking Flint residents about GM & "Roger & Me," 25 years later5:5510,732
Gavin McInnes: The REAL reason I left The Rebel6:24458,049
Ezra Levant: Ukrainian tribute to First Nations is "offensive"?3:2516,334
“Robert Lee” backlash: ESPN didn't learn from Kaepernick fiasco2:5017,561
At Woodward Dream Cruise, Detroit’s “Motor City” lives on6:586,071
The Rebel's Fundraising Revealed18:4721,734
The Rebel's new editorial plan10:6012,572
Ezra Levant: "I'm not hiding or quitting or going away"13:2025,959
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Statues "debate" imported to Australia, Hanson's burqa & more40:5427,163
They want to kill The Rebel. See Ezra's plan to fight back!45:2154,835
What Trump’s plan for victory in Afghanistan gets right6:1210,096
Confederate monument controversy is fake news4:2519,137
Marc Morano: Bannon's departure "bad news for climate skeptics"3:167,100
Ezra Levant: Assange's tweets trigger leftists in Boston2:3421,210
Gavin McInnes: Yeah, Trump is Archie Bunker. So?7:50180,284
Tommy Robinson: UK police launch online "Hate Crime Hub"5:2355,264
TrumpMobile inspired by man's unforgettable brush with future president2:4610,630
These conservative politicians still won't denounce alt-left6:5929,998
John Lott: Trump protects gun owners' rights9:4716,187
Gavin McInnes: Four magic words all women love4:42137,847
Ezra Levant: Firing Bannon a victory for the establishment2:4122,947
Whites can’t do yoga? This leftist explains why4:4833,313
Muslim prof: Destroying Confederate statues akin to Taliban "mobs"1:5230,067
Joy Villa: Black Trump supporters called "sell-outs" (by other blacks)2:1037,358
Gavin McInnes: Heroin is cool7:10160,946
Ezra Levant: Why we had to say goodbye to Faith Goldy1:10241,310
Blackmail: Setting the record straight12:29229,811
Why liberals and conservatives will never agree10:1316,398
How Chinese trade deals harm Canada's economy3:298,965
Gavin McInnes: 10 Favorite Things My Dad Says9:22149,801
Tommy Robinson Reacts to VICE on Acid Attacks17:80158,041
Link between feminism & homelessness: Dr. Tanveer Ahmed4:3932,691
The Alt-right are modern segregationists6:2335,936
Trump on Charlottesville: Why he’s right and media is wrong6:3180,187
James Damore: Google "pushing" diversity "religion" on workers17:4416,262
Mainstream media ignores Antifa violence in Charlottesville1:5340,450
Poll: Quebeckers oppose Montreal Mayor's sanctuary city plan2:2413,840
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Interview with James Damore about Google55:8017,971
How Google hypocrites got rich: By understanding gender differences!5:2626,819
The world needs more Texas: Dr. Tanveer Ahmed3:1920,509
Join Gavin McInnes on The Rebel Cruise: Sails Nov 12!1:2226,672
Why The Rebel rejects the Alt-Right12:8073,572

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