Rebel News
12,567 videos, +1,300,000 subscribers

Mattel’s “Hijab Barbie” ignores “dark side” of modesty clothing4:4713,421
“Left” use L.A. wildfires to lash out at Trump supporters2:168,168
Andrew Scheer's Conservatives indecisive on moving embassy to Jerusalem2:557,063
Kristin Tate's Rebel Buzz: Making Christmas Great Again4:518,006
Why Trump’s election brought a “sea change” for border agents3:106,031
Trump's Jerusalem plan, obstructionist Democrats, & Michael Flynn | John Cardillo & Kurt Schlichter22:516,344
Will Canada ban Pamela Geller?3:3911,242
MOVE THE EMBASSY: The Conservatives must say they would move Canada’s Embassy to Jerusalem9:4011,566
Investigating First Nations claims of sacred lake at Ajax Mine site4:404,531
John Cardillo: Mueller appoints Obama lawyer to prosecution team9:292,724
Andrew McCarthy Reveals Disturbing Truth About Mueller's Investigation Into Trump4:466,605
General Motors avoids “C-word” in “Holiday Tree” Christmas ad5:408,182
Canada "demonizes natural resources" while Trump frees up development3:265,985
“The Man Who Invented Christmas”: A family-friendly holiday movie | Ben Davies6:133,163
Rachel Notley's using a carbon tax to boost NDP spending power2:394,085
Ezra Levant: Liberal MP Kent Hehr insults Thalidomide victims2:324,215
FBI still won't explain role of Steele Dossier in Trump-Russia investigation5:494,583
BILL 32: How Rachel Notley is trying to silence The Rebel again | Sheila Gunn Reid8:269,500
Joel Pollak: Anti-Israel movement "hijacked" the American left3:707,248
Ezra Levant: Trump's Jerusalem decision triggers western liberal media2:5412,480
SAVE NATASHA: Help This British Couple DISCRIMINATED Against for Being British7:5311,493
John Cardillo: Trump's travel ban win at SCOTUS isn't the only good news7:264,997
Rebel takes “Morneau must go!” message to Ottawa4:537,339
NDP MLA mocks Kenney's Catholicism, Jewish law7:415,312
Dr. John Lott: What he'd advise Trump on gun laws & concealed carry rights23:352,828
Feed Our Troops: HELP Canadian soldiers' families this Christmas!4:466,081
Ezra Levant: Canada should pay Syrian migrants to go home3:5910,563
Millennials divided by Justin Trudeau's public tears4:3111,196
Why it’s harder being a “clean” stand up comic: Michael Joiner & Ben Davies (Part One)10:242,932
Rob Shimshock & Campus Unmasked: Exposing the radical left in academia2:704,325
"Homophobic"? NFLD schools cancel Operation Christmas Child7:228,822
John Cardillo: FBI’s Disgraced Strzok interviewed Flynn AND Hillary17:253,592
Daniel Pipes: Success of anti-immigration parties in Europe is "inevitable"2:258,693
Ezra Levant: China humiliates "Little Potato" Justin Trudeau2:5578,251
"Unconscious racial bias" is junk science | Dr. Tanveer Ahmed5:535,814
Tommy Robinson: Dylan’s Christmas Wish7:3811,524
Media focus on wrong target in Trump v. “Pocahontas” flap5:167,166
Ben Davies: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (and its leftwing villains)11:4510,904
Denzel Washington’s honesty exposes Democrat failures2:4627,628
Male-feminist NYT writer bashes ALL men for actions of few3:386,751
Kate Steinle's murder, Flynn charges | John Cardillo & Kurt Schichter12:336,357
UN “thinks Jerusalem isn't a Jewish place”: Sheila Gunn Reid6:5316,321
Ezra Levant: PM May should be fired for lying about Trump tweets3:1033,434
British child-killer gets “endless second chances”5:4012,296
Ezra Levant: Mike Pence is better for women than liberal fake feminists3:706,787
Powerful public sector unions creating "pension apartheid"3:274,909
North Korea, Iran & Muslim migrants | John Cardillo & Scott Uehlinger21:465,812
Rebel Buzz with Kristin Tate: Conyers, Pelosi and — Denzel Washington?7:304,388
“It’s OK to be White” posters “offside” at U of Regina3:6011,513
Candice Malcolm: Maryam Monsef's citizenship problems continue2:445,866
Ezra Levant: Why British MPs chose Islam over Trump14:2879,272
#ApproveAjaxMine: Tell Premier Horgan to say YES to 500 jobs!7:414,337
Matt Lauer harassment, Pelosi hypocrisy & "Pocahontas" outrage | John Cardillo & Amanda Head16:145,816
Toronto City Hall shuts down “tough questions” on Burma crisis10:387,946
Lorne Gunter: Notley to implement her own "Rae Days"2:383,535
Ezra Levant: French President Macron slams African slave traders2:148,919
Jennifer Garner, Hollywood scandals & due process | Ben Davies3:422,512 UPDATE: Stock sale raises more questions6:104,340
John Cardillo: How Congress covered up sexual misconduct15:002,746
“Transpeople” counter-protesters use free speech to protest free speech13:308,659
Ezra Levant: Trudeau makes RCMP delete intel on Islamic migrants3:3015,986
Canadians "strapped" with obligation to help ISIS supporting citizens3:316,972
(Preview) Mark Latham's Outsiders: Australia Day, Milo & Islamic De-Radicalisation3:599,393
Tommy Robinson: #JUSTICEFORNIKKI9:4177,434
John Cardillo: Hell's Angels, anthrax & other Mueller failures16:293,387
Mark Latham Reads Hilarious Left-Wing Hate Mail7:5712,655
Eric Duhaime: Left-wing violence in Quebec provokes cultural backlash2:516,924
Ezra Levant: Leftists use transgender suicides as political weapons1:597,175
Lindsay Shepherd: “Free speech should be everyone’s issue”6:9014,517 The other side of the story3:2120,538
Ungrateful Lavar Ball politicizes Trump’s “minor miracle”4:606,297
Mark Latham: Defending Western Civilisation9:158,528
“Justice League” | Rebel Reel Reviews with Ben Davies7:575,247
Anarchist violence rises in QC (while govt targets “right wing”)2:197,924
David Menzies: GQ’s “Citizen of the Year” a “football zero” instead of this military hero6:458,126
Sheila Gunn Reid: Liberals wasted $100K “on things they've never used”6:326,349
John Cardillo | Deadly week for law enforcement part of Obama's legacy8:433,692
Doug Ford issues “Tory Ticket” to Toronto Mayor6:222,645
GQ delivers “turkey” of a Trump-hating column for Thanksgiving4:285,504
Ben Davies: “Suicide Squad” a “case study of giving in to political correctness”9:136,013
AB MLA Barnes: "Canada shouldn't consider a carbon tax, until..."2:593,377
Tommy Robinson: UK courts excuse Muslims crimes, citing different "cultural norms"2:338,987
Trudeau "de-radicalizes" ISIS terrorists with poetry, podcasts | Ezra Levant2:497,314
Libertarian leader offers “right” approach to marijuana legalization14:557,766
John Cardillo: What I'm giving thanks for in Trump's first year7:344,763
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Corporate SJW Hypocrisy!5:491,461
Lorne Gunter: Environmentalist "hype" caused Ontario's hydro mess3:605,481
Media ignores Ben Levin's "sickening" online activity3:355,941
Ben Davies: Hollywood to rename "Confederate general" streets2:504,090
John Cardillo: Police chief risks officers' lives with politically correct uniforms8:161,117
Trudeau, Notley, ignore downside of pot legalization4:318,003
Sheila Gunn Reid: Notley “pleased” by Nebraska Keystone XL approval?4:412,786
John Cardillo: Why Trump must fire Mueller NOW10:132,778
Trudeau's "outrageous" response to ISIS terrorists at war with Canada3:1711,988
Ezra Levant: Trudeau welcomes 60 ISIS terrorists back to Canada2:4816,834
Mark Latham's Outsiders: Pauline Hanson on the State of the Nation1:303,986
Sexual harassment complaints hit UN Climate Conference!7:106,155
John Cardillo: Brooklyn College won't let police use campus restrooms8:145,403
Australians Use Gay Rights To Persecute Christians8:5011,332
Ezra Levant: University outlaws critical thinking on campus2:329,581

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