The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Venerated Journalist Drops His Mask Of Objectivity To Push Trump Coup10:4331 887
Even The NYT Retraction On 17 Intel Agencies Is A Lie25:4722 746
Trump Insider Reveals Who Is Leaking In The White House57:50115 129
Trumps Bleeding Face Tweet Fully Triggers Democrats7:1233 552
John Podesta Gets Owned By Maria Bartiromo18:9025 153
Watch LIVE: Vampiric John Podesta Attacks Infowars1:00:3859 161
President Trump Tweets NWO Back To Hell!5:2396 143
The Tipping Point: As Consciousness Rises The Unseen Hand Is Moving To Make A Counter Strike27:3230 795
Don't Watch This Video!2:2796 849
John Podesta Attacks Infowars17:4839 632
Rex Tillerson / State Department Secretly Lifted Ban On Muslim Refugees In War On Christianity23:5135 928
The Public Has More Power Over Policies Than The MSM11:3521 623
Full Show - CNN Lays Groundwork For False Flag/ Project Veritas Strikes Again 06/30/20173:05:3126 698
American Public Watches Political Tennis Match Between MSM And Trump's Twitter20:2415 665
BREAKING! MSNBC Whistleblower: Jared Kushner Threatened Morning Joe37:34112 892
Project Veritas Exposes CNN's Master Deceptive Selective Editing Techniques24:1420 109
Announcing The "CNN is Fake News" Contest!2:5015 565
The OECD Effect: Frankfurt Becomes First German City Where Natives Are A Minority5:5614 949
‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Author Issues Warning to Trump13:90130 027
Larry Klayman Pushes For Review Of Cliven Bundy Prosecution22:125 267
Michael Moore Calls For Followers To Rise Up Over 4th Of July6:5647 451
Intelligence Agencies Have Higher Power Than The President And Would Have Stopped America's Founding12:1011 494
Infowars Is Forcing MSM To Cover Real Things/Human Organs Grown Inside Animal Hybrids12:2710 276
MSM Attacks Against Alex Jones Have Only Boosted Infowars Store Sales10:358 100
1960s Spacecraft Paraded Before The Public To Keep Them In The Dark7:7025 498
Trump's Travel Ban Fights Against The Accelerated Collapse Caused By Mass Migration5:484 225
Alex Jones Reveals The Truth About Human Animal Hybrids And The Moon Landing11:5132 282
CNN Producer Says "Voters Are Stupid As Shit" In New Project Veritas Video4:5126 121
Cardinal Pell Is Just 1 of Over 8,000 Priests Accused of Pedophilia12:1015 504
Single Payer Socialist HealthCare Slavery, If Health Liberty Rejected7:558 044
Is CNN Planning False Flags To Blame Trump?14:1458 138
Trump Travel Ban vs "Right" of Immigration6:578 015
It’s the Spending, Stupid: Taxes Soar But So Does Deficit4:436 268
Full Show - Elites Panic As Pope’s Right-Hand Man Indicted For Child Rape - 06/29/20173:00:1748 216
Watch Live: Liberal Meltdown! Trump's Travel Ban Begins Tonight59:5367 459
Tech Giants Team Up With Government To Censor Alternative News10:5185 450
Video: Left Trains For American Civil War7:1544 493
Public Schools Are Designed To Push Drugs And Poison Your Children22:2112 799
Megyn Kelly Used As Kamikaze Attack From Media2:6012 365
CNN Is A Desperate Facade, MSM Faces Its Last Stand12:115 929
CNN Is Terrified Of This Viral Video8:2574 938
The Russia Narrative: What They're Not Telling You11:407 909
Trump Needs To Expose China Meddling To Help Hillary In The US Election23:346 155
Pope’s Right-Hand Man Indicted For Raping Children11:5826 658
CIA Insider: Pedophilia Is Only the Gateway, Vampirism Is The Destination5:90202 145
Report: Mike Pence Preparing To Run Against Trump In 202019:2056 589
CIA Insider: Brennan Running Deep State, Planning Trump Assassination23:4641 561
Senator's War on Bitcoin & Cash8:5011 034
FBI Rotting From The Head Down: McCabe Faces 3 Separate Investigations6:3613 639
Senators Realize THEY Are Prime Targets Of Spy Agencies4:304 732
Shock Video: Elmo Calls Out Radical Islam7:2045 610
CNN's Cuomo: It's Not Illegal If The Media Does It6:4013 568
CNN Begs The Public To Stop Using The Term Fake News20:19128 482
Why Did Trump Call Scarborough Psycho Joe?7:2151 387
BREAKING: Pope's Pedophile Network Imploding As His Top Aide Is Indicted For Child Rape18:4747 962
LaVoy Finicum's Widow Speaks Out On FBI Indictment12:8012 326
Will Trump’s DOJ Stand Down While Arpaio Is Tried For Enforcing Law & Fannie/Freddie Are Robbed?12:0022 438
CNN's Death Spiral11:1039 594
Watch LIVE: Senate Moves To Destroy Bitcoin Privacy, As FBI Head Faces Multiple Investigations1:00:5564 572
Why Are Hillary, Podesta And Obama Not Being Investigated By The Special Counsel4:4835 093
VIDEO: Greatest Unintentional Comedy, Leftists Train For Hand-To-Hand Combat Against Patriots8:10115 047
CNN Crybabies Show How Out Of Touch They Are With Real Americans24:3211 195
Mike Cernovich Returns From DC With Huge Scoops / Globalists Planning Syria War To Stop Trump23:5941 104
Competition Sunk MSM Not Russia11:147 221
Expert Prediction: Left’s Aggressive Attacks Will Transform How Public Events Are Carried Out18:1616 301
Rapid Radicalization Of The Left Accelerates / Hodgkinson Is A Tremor Of The Coming Mass Terror Wave17:3614 870
The Alex Jones Show 6-28-2017 Watch Live: The Collapse Of CNN Heralds The End Of MSM3:59:1588 316
O’Keefe Strikes Again: Van Jones Says Russia Story A Big Nothing Burger9:1025 700
What Happened To The Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner Emails?17:4048 123
New Anthony Weiner Investigation Info, Child/Human Trafficking Is The Currency Of Elites10:4519 648
CNN Admits They Lied To Viewers About Trump Russia-Gate10:4727 079
Breaking: Van Jones Confirms CNN Is Fake News!4:1737 746
Roger Stone Talks About Death Of CNN/Coroners Report5:4017 168
Roger Stone: Hungarian President Asks Trump To Criminally Investigate George Soros17:5972 711
The Trance Is Broken: As The Very Fake MSM Collapses, Humanity Rises21:4722 576
Black Trump Supporter Called White Supremacist For Supporting Trump11:5422 477
Washington Post Defecates On Barack Obama12:9044 977
Donald Trump: The Art Of The President Of The United States18:9015 330
Full Show - CNN Admits They Fabricated Russian Narrative To Boost Ratings - 06/27/20172:56:3724 026
Watch LIVE: CNN Caught Lying To The People1:01:6050 934
CNN's Trail Of Lies5:1715 908
Death On The High Seas: Destroyer Crash Proves Dangers Of Autonomous Vehicles7:1721 295
Liberals Begin to Turn on Each Other As Russia Lie Collapses22:3049 813
The Truth About Herd Immunity Exposed2:2412 725
Meet The Man Who Went To Prison To Expose US War Crimes38:1119 405
We Must Hold Trump Accountable For His Campaign Promises5:0016 022
BREAKING: CNN Led Us To The Brink Of Nuclear War With Russia Over Ratings3:58:19107 254
Feds Continue To Purge And Destroy Those Who Oppose Globalists' Agenda18:1015 596
Sarin Gas False Flag Used To Push Syrian War6:8010 464
Emergency: Globalists Plan New False Flag In Syria12:9014 549
Jeh Johnson Pushes Russian Hack Lie5:166 167
CNN Admits They Lied To The People23:0016 378
Alex Jones Exposes The Death Of The Mainstream Media22:1140 763
Undercover James O'Keefe Video Proves Russia Narrative Is Just For CNN Ratings5:3528 187
Lynch Interference In Clinton Email Investigation Ready To Explode3:1733 285
Eric Trump Slams Leftists Calling For Father’s Assassination7:3716 977
Major Patriot Joyce Riley Passes Away1:507 580
Travel Ban Now Enforceable, Not A Muslim Ban18:6015 631
The Plot To Scapegoat Russia24:2011 291
Watch LIVE: Supreme Court Agrees Trump Travel Ban Constitutional1:02:4161 676

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