The Alex Jones Channel
37,981 videos, +2,357,920 subscribers

timeviews Exclusive: General John Kelly To Be White House Chief Of Staff5:1423,852
Priebus In Trouble18:4413,260
White House Source: Reince Priebus Exit Imminent22:3218,862
Left Re-Writes History To Destroy Western Civilization25:3914,973
Adam Carolla Smacks Down College Safe Spacers6:3515,245
Why The Media Hates Scaramucci6:2321,994
Is James A Baker One Of The Anti-Trump Leakers?4:395,389
Leftists Publish Fantasy Trump Assassination Book5:397,271
The American People Are Profoundly Disappointed With Establishment Republicans5:4314,675
Roger Stone Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein Was Pushed By Dumbest Member Of Congress, Elijah Cummings18:5726,889
Why D.C. Establishment Hates Trump4:368,893
DNC Staffer Subscribed To Pedo-Centric Youtube Channels6:3313,666
Huge DNC / Muslim Brotherhood Scandal Ignored By MSM12:5823,472
Terror In Germany: Religion Of Peace Strikes Again5:2626,247
Never-Trumpers Go Protectionist, As Trump Opens Trade & Opportunity4:2612,122
Finally! Evidence Of Foreign Influence Revealed10:2329,905
2nd Amendment Blues: Band Refuses To Disarm For Concert5:5820,154
Violent Liberals Trying To Force The Assassination Of Americans5:3613,329
Govt Is Not God? Trump Needs To Tell Bundy Judge9:2713,720
Full Show - Al Gore Weighs In On Trump Coup Talk - 07/27/20173:02:4425,914
Finally! Evidence Of Foreign Influence Revealed9:5918,183
Death Panel Hospital Denies Charlie Gard Parents Their Final Wish5:229,788
Left Is Trying To Re-Write History18:4418,891
Michael Moore Is Still Having A Tantrum6:3018,921
Reality TV Stars Claim: It's All Fake39:4615,710
Migrant Who Wanted To Kill Germans Allowed To Stay1:585,153
Leftist Author Writes Book Depicting Assassination Of Trump7:343,581
Muslim Mob Beats People Up For Being White6:5928,523
Hillary Gets Trolled Over “What Happened” Book6:4640,078
Is Imran Awan The Domino That Will Topple The Clinton Crime Network?5:4515,136
Are AI Bots Manipulating Your Mind?5:401,044
Shadow Government Comes Out Of Shadows, Calls For Trump’s Death26:222,244
DNC IT Staffer Caught Trying To Flee The Country6:342,023
BBC Says Romans and Brits Were Black12:402,877
Democrats Admit Their Plan To Kill Trump, What Should He Do?9:546,861
What Does He Know? Al Gore Predicts Challenging Event To Happen Soon With Trump18:417,700
Government Agents, Not Bundys, Were The Criminals6:415,331
Repeal Obamacare & Try Free Market For 1st Time In 70 Yrs12:455,386
Why Working Women Want Trump As President14:1118,288
Awan Arrested At Airport As Democrats In Panic17:3142,396
Alex Jones Crazy Interview With Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt30:1240,864
Full Show - Can Trump Loyalists Stop Deep State Coup? - 07/26/20173:13:1020,191
Obama's Henchmen Foment Seditious Attack On The Executive Office5:809,619
The Truth About The Military Trans Ban6:3152,441
Framed! Expert Claims Jack Ruby Took Fall The For Shooting Oswald1:06:5814,607
Cernovich Takes Caller Questions And Talks About The Awan Brothers26:149,489
Deep State Declares War On Infowars22:1810,961
Trump Assassination Imminent, We Must Act Now to Stop Civil War/Martial Law47:2560,449
Why Are The Elites Evacuating The United States And Europe?10:1528,773
Democrats Have Announced A Plan To Kill Trump! What Will You Do?9:3518,752
Breaking: Washington Braces For Martial Law17:2384,203
Trump's Epic Victories: The First Six Months10,789
Expert Reveals Tampering in JFK Assassination Photos26,673
National Emergency: Trump Must Move Against Coup Plotters34,408
Breaking: 87% Of Facebook Is Bot Simulation For VR9,981
Former CIA Director Calls For Coup Against Trump26,309
Sessions' Drug Obsession: War On Constitution19,406
Sperm & Males Dying In Western Countries19,904
Congress Wants A Trade War Worldwide, Tying Trump’s Hands With Sanctions10,958
Full Show - Everything You Need To Know About America’s Next AG - 07/25/201734,824
Chemicals In Water Causing Extinction Of Western Civilization27,114
John McCain’s Legacy Of Lies & Deception16,596
Trump Must Appoint An AG Who Will Go On The Offensive11,547
Exclusive: Roger Stone Reveals Sessions On Way Out - Here's The Short List For Next AG83,563
Exclusive: Inside The Trump Purge Of Traitors41,572
Breaking: Leftists Call Boy Scouts White Supremacists14,160
Trump Begins Purge Of White House Leakers18,468
Michael Snyder: We Have to Take Back Our Country from Leftist Control Freaks4,974
Total Proof Hillary Clinton Is A Criminal18,003
Democrats Colluded With Known Terrorist To Subvert The 2016 Election14,325
Exclusive: Inside The White House Purge Of Globalist Operatives24,774
Donald Trump Has Stopped Obama's Arming Of ISIS16,609
Democrat Threatens Trump With Elimination13,345
Jeff Sessions Pushes Big Government And Destruction Of Private Property13,669
Deep State And Intelligence Agencies Continue Coup Against Trump14,390
The Satanic Establishment In Full Blown Panic Over Trump63,734
Full Show - Pastor Warns Of Planned Sudden Removal Of Trump - 07/24/201734,188
Patriots Warn of Coup Against Trump33,095
High Alert! Congressman Leaks Plan To Take Out Trump50,749
Women Burn Burqas After Fleeing ISIS18,489
Turkey's Erdogan Purges Turkish Industries4:2410,394
HISTORIC: President Trump Will Audit The Fed5:1254,147
REVEALED: The Globalists Plan To Replace YOU!5:809,623
Food Sovereignty: Grassroots Freedom In Maine5:206,302
Obama Official Worried That Migration Now Out Of Control18:4014,844
Will Blockchain Bring Freedom Or Slavery?9:147,021
McAfee Physically Attacked7:45124,841
Cameras Planted In Movie Theaters To Watch And Spy On Audience9:559,388
The Legal Framework To Take Your Children17:338,792
No MSM: Scaramucci Isn’t Scary6:2614,324
Dunkirk Vet’s Warning About War12:4312,209
Kushner: I Did Not Have Text With That Russian Woman5:353,608
GOP Pushes Political Forfeiture To Remove Trump17:116,379
Proof Police Brutality Is Not a Black or White Issue5:334,957
Gaslighting Kindergartners For Trans Agenda6:455,900
“Female Rambo” Was DoD Propaganda12:388,091
Chilling! Congressman Warns Of Plan To Take Out Trump 'Suddenly'20:1148,982
Muslim Village In India Loves Donald Trump5:3811,144

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