The Alex Jones Channel
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Is Civil War Imminent In America?22:4323 766
Supreme Court Saves America, Reinstates Trump Travel Ban5:1018 480
Supreme Court Says Trump's Travel Ban Lawful5:5715 207
Clueless Liberals Search For Answers For Lack Of Victories12:2026 536
Is It Possible To Repeal Obamacare Without Replacing It?5:206 133
How The Establishment Is Trying To Silence Patriots4:517 623
Democrats Cling To Obamacare As It Continues To Fail Miserably18:903 605
Expert: Governments Working With Al Qaeda To Infiltrate Countries15:1714 052
Full Show - Trump’s Travel Ban Confirmed, Senate Moving Against Clinton And Lynch - 06/26/20172:55:5518 998
Trump Is Winning Despite Onslaught Of Fake News27:2416 573
It's Our Turn Now Treasonous Scum!5:1323 200
BUSTED: Whineacrat Swamp Behind Entire False Russia Narrative4:4628 476
London Mayor Sadiq Khan Backs Amnesty Policy For Illegal Muslim Immigrants6:6023 898
Tommy Robinson Schools Piers Morgan About Islam On Good Morning Britain12:4165 228
Trump Skips Ramadan Dinner, Democrats Cry Intolerance9:2332 499
Eric Trump Denounces Hollywood Elites' Attacks Against His Father16:1035 075
Trump's Travel Ban Makes A Comeback As The Supreme Court Reinstates Executive Order6:1026 950
BREAKING: Trump Calls Obama Out For Obstruction, Criminal Charges In The Works?8:2822 074
US And Russian Airforces Engage In War Games4:5612 664
The Alex Jones Show 6-25-2017 EXCLUSIVE: Feds Plan To Drop Russia Investigation, Left Plans To Riot11:55:10158 375
The Alex Jones Show 6-25-2017 EXCLUSIVE: Feds Plan To Drop Russia Investigation, Left Plans To Riot1:2315 705
The Alex Jones Show 6-26-2017 : Trump Has Officially Accused Obama Of Obstruction1:5011 574
Exclusive: Feds Plan To Drop Russia Investigation / Left Plans To Riot: 6/25/17 Full Show1:30:4044 251
Zero Hedge Discovers Anomaly In Alex Jones Hit Piece4:5448 430
Proof: Bernie Sanders Is The Ultimate Fraud11:3439 808
Elizabeth Warren Refuses To Answer Questions From Opponent Candidate20:5728 458
Roger Stone Receives Violent Threats For Public Speaking10:3727 302
CNN Admits They Are Fake News5:1170 613
How To Infiltrate Local Media And Beat Fake News21:4912 017
Democrats Compare Healthcare Bill To Murder6:239 086
Despite Negative Press, Trump Is Making America Great Again14:5624 730
Joe Rogan: The LEFT Are Eating Their Own6:59106 275
Democrats Imploding On Fake Trump/Russian Connection5:2344 538
Alex Jones: The Elite Must Surrender Or Be Destroyed9:1686 556
Political Police: Reagan Official Calls Out Spy Agencies As Political Operatives For Obama5:5622 252
Senate Investigates Loretta Lynch For Obstruction Of Justice18:7057 205
Meet The Man Who Is Going To Beat Paul Ryan12:3042 730
Full Show - The Second American Revolution Has Now Begun! - 06/23/20173:00:1065 256
Breaking: Former AG Loretta Lynch Under Investigation33:1339 266
Illegal Death Threats And A Deep State Coup D'etat Are Rampant America4:5319 029
Watch LIVE: Breaking: Senate Opens Investigation Into Former AG Loretta Lynch25:2273 197
Vaccinations Cause Polio Outbreak In Syria3:4817 544
Mike Cernovich Talks About Globalist Death Threat10:5019 291
LIVE: Senate Announces Criminal Probe Of Loretta Lynch31:1564 157
VIDEO: Rats Flee The Sinking Ship, DNC Turns On Obama’s DHS7:5953 128
Alex Jones And The Testosterone Wars3:4112 524
Journalist Who Penetrated North Korean Nightmare Tells All27:7048 132
Michael Hastings’ Widow Compares Trump To Suicide Bomber9:216 003
Atlantic Monthly Calls For Martial Law To Stop Trump, Says Alex Jones Is Bad for Selling The Supplem8:425 891
DNC Fraud Lawsuit Counsel Speaks Out On Lawsuit, Seth Rich29:2320 584
Alex Jones Tells Joe Rogan And Professor Bret Weinstein Why The Left Are Turning On Themselves10:3153 936
Col. Shaffer Issues Emergency Warning: The Left Is Adopting Islamic Terrorist Tactics21:4064 575
Alex Jones Reveals The Origin Of The Illuminati6:7054 509
Max Keiser: Trump Is Delivering On His Promises But Global Economic Crisis Is Deepening21:1019 286
Washed-up Failure Johnny Depp Fantasizes About Killing Trump6:5819 454
Trump Calls For Pelosi To Stay In Charge5:1612 709
Hollywood Anti-American Scum Will Pay For Promoting Civil War7:2020 711
Panicked Left Intensifies Calls For Violent Trump Overthrow13:2821 491
March 14th Scalise Shooting Was Our Shot Heard Around The World, American Second Civil War Has Begun6:279 706
Get Ready For CIVIL WAR!5:5391 783
What Is Johnny Depp Going To Do If Someone Kills Trump / Hollywood Is Making Civil War Trendy16:5752 535
Democratic Leadership: Total Pansy Wusses!5:4512 086
Democrats Radicalize People The Same Way Terrorists Do7:117 000
The REAL Election Hack That MSM Won’t Cover12:9018 905
Illinois Is Ill, Getting PROGRESSIVELY Worse Like ObamaCare18:1017 817
PROOF: Democrats Are Complete Hypocrites10:368 221
Watch LIVE: Red Alert! Leftists Plan To Kill Trump Exposed1:01:3498 339
Deep State Uses Military Deception To Provoke World War4:3716 535
Blaming Patriots Is What The Deep State Feeds On5:198 634
Left Cries Over Georgia Special Election Defeat5:4034 544
Stephen Colbert Debuts New Character / Anthony Cumia Responds17:4714 883
When Everybody Is A Terrorist, No One Is A Terrorist5:448 396
CNN Has Only Stepped Up Their Propaganda Programming Since The First Gulf War12:2012 804
Full Show - Sean Hannity Is The Most Courageous Member Of The Mainstream Media - 06/22/20173:02:1120 518
American Patriots Are Winning The Information War As The Democratic Party Commits Suicide5:2123 198
Colonel Shaffer: The Left Is Pushing For Civil War / Adopting ISIS Strategies25:5717 993
Democrats / Federal Reserve Try To Stop Trump Recovery18:2030 379
The Left Calls For Burning America Down9:1115 712
Stephen Colbert / Tuck Buckford Take On "Evil" Alex Jones14:4174 543
Democrats Call For Nancy Pelosi To Resign After Dems Lose 4th Race17:5623 372
Democrats Are Angry Because Their Plans To Overthrow Trump Have Leaked6:2222 038
BREAKING: Comey Got Trolled By Trump/Fox News Reports On Democrat's Plan For Civil Unrest11:4424 852
Civil Emergency: Sinister Forces Align In The Deep State To Turn Soft Coup Hot18:1525 872
Leftists Psyop Weapon System Malfunctioned, Blew Up On Launch Pad5:1113 943
Sean Hannity Exposes Democratic Plan To Overthrow Trump, Army Colonel Confirms Plan, Elite Panic26:4990 148
Chelsea Clinton Doesn't Understand Sarcasm5:2621 499
Allahu Akbar: Screaming Muslim Stabs Michigan Cop In Islamic Act Of Peace2:1015 783
Tiny's Story: From Trump Hater To Trump Supporter Defender8:5724 389
Liberal Tears Flood Georgia After Ossoff Loss11:2882 835
Full Show - Democrats Lose Four Special Elections In A Row! Trump Surges, Elites Panic - 06/21/20172:57:3527 284
Watch LIVE: Trump Wins 4th Victory Despite Globalist Assault1:00:8058 623
Bombing North Korea May Be The Last Horrible Option Left5:2551 422
Alex Jones Trolls The MSM3:1133 024
Megyn Kelly Exposes Herself as a Robot, Thinks Pepper Spray Is a Food Product9:3466 410
Leftist Media Covers For Michigan Muslim Terrorist4:5253 519
Peaceful Liberals Threaten Reporters With Death18:2038 940
Brussels Attack Further Proof Islam Not Compatible With The West6:808 207
Hard Evidence The Left Are Violent Extremists12:7014 645
The World Is On The Edge Of WWIII, Top Experts Agree15:5633 405
DNC Political Hitman Continues Seth Rich Murder Cover Up21:1813 752

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