The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Everything They Said About Trump Is Wrong12:4117 996
Trump Trolls John Podesta Into Madness From The G20 Summit12:5551 702
11-Month Old Baby Teaches Us About OUR Right To Life11:329 630
This Video Has 10 Million Views Exposing CNN Ratings Slump31:5270 335
CNN Caught In Giant, New Russia Lie11:28122 390
CNN Is Literally The Most Hated, Untrustworthy Organization On The Planet, ISIS Is More Popular14:5319 441
Father Of Soldier Talks About How The Troops Are Being Ripped Off7:4112 302
The Tide Of Jihad Is Breaking Under Its Own Weight5:1111 373
Fake Media Protects Voter Fraud4:587 448
Breaking: Trump Just Massively Outsmarted The Communist Chinese, Soros, And The NWO With Russia Deal7:32138 268
Lavrov Says Trump Pushed Putin On Russian Hacking21:0025 512
CNN Gets Pummeled: Great CNN Meme War Entries Vol 315:38166 084
Old Man Punches Out Weaselly CNN Reporter1:14130 657
Inside Source: Meet The Man Who Infiltrated CAIR12:2214 470
Full Show - Historic: Trump And Putin Meet And Agree To Ceasefire In Syria, Meme Wars Explode2:56:3135 233
Expert: Only Poland, Hungary, And Others With Common Sense Will Survive, The Rest Of Europe Is Toast14:1318 290
Amazon Monopoly Destroys Competition And Creates Dependency7:2211 777
Globalists Caught Mutating Humans, GMO 2.027:1918 924
Secret To Why Globalists Hate Christianity Revealed/US General: We Are Prepared To Strike N. Korea38:5148 239
CNN: Narcisist Vampire Society4:3211 034
Woman Who Confronted Fake News King Cuomo Speaks Out Against Bully18:2532 267
BREAKING: US, Russia Reach Deal On Syria Cease Fire, Huge Trump Victory4:3944 727
CNN Officially Declared Dead, Suicide Declared Cause By Coroner17:3649 990
Video: Trump Meets With Putin In First Press Conference5:2331 655
Self-Proclaimed “God-King” Macron Gives His 1st Edict: Ban Gas/Diesel Engines7:1626 032
Zombie Hoards & Violent Protests Greet Trump At G2021:3536 785
Full Show - Trump: Defender Of Civilization “The West Will Never Be Broken” - 07/06/20172:59:5830 067
Watch LIVE: Trump Receives Hero's Welcome In Poland1:01:2248 782
Busted: CNN Promotes Celebrity Deathmatch6:3322 782
Antifa's Rights Are Terminated5:2159 939
Devastating: Trump Responds To The Great CNN Meme War!10:25243 339
Wisdom Muses The Youth Away From MSMs Grave10:5111 306
Trump Protester Vows Better Aim For Next Assassination Attempt4:596 910
CNN Creates Fake News To Explain Trump Popularity18:1333 703
Linda Sarsour Calls For Jihad In America6:1523 261
Did Chris Cuomo Admit That CNN Broke The Law?12:1015 131
CNN's Cuomo Laughs About Blackmail8:2310 575
TRUMP VS CNN Arcade Game0:3220 445
California Death Spiral Continues As Liberal Elite Drive Out Conservatives23:3530 621
Warning: Your Genes Are Under Transgenic Globalist Attack, GMO 2.0 Is Mutating Human Genetics49:3420 392
New Trump Defeats CNN Meme Has The Network Pissed0:2448 779
Gay Vatican Drug/Orgy Story Broken By Infowars6:5740 887
Transhumanist Plan To End The Human Species Leaked11:3023 549
Sickeningly Arrogant: French President Declares Himself A Dictator5:5738 994
Donald Trump: CNN Destroyed Themselves19:3419 996
CNN's Attempt To Dictate Social Media Kicks Off Meme War17:7031 105
Over The Top: Linda Sarsour Calls For Jihad On Trump At Hamas Meeting8:1145 793
Video: Donald Trump, "The West Will Never Be Broken"18:6015 421
The Democrats Newest Catch Phrase Fails Before It Leaves The Gates11:1026 021
Let The Great Meme War Commence12:4029 024
Twitter Triggered When Declaration Of Independence Tweeted10:4821 297
CNN Blackmail Scandal: What They Are Not Telling You20:10120 768
Watch LIVE: The Great Meme War Begins, MSM In Panic1:04:4053 550
The Great CNN Meme War Has Begun! Best Of CNN Dank Memes Vol 18:70191 536
CNN’s Blackmail Scandal Is A New Low For Journalism9:1021 141
Infowars Launches 20K Meme Wars Contest16:5329 527
No Joke! French President Macron Declares Himself God8:2463 899
MSM Has Intensified Their Lying7:599 316
Lee Ann McAdoo: CNN’s Persecution Of Meme Maker Like North Korea23:2823 935
Full Show - CNN Bullying Blows Up In Their Face / Fake News Network Panics - 07/05/20173:06:2219 434
CNN Sets Itself On Fire / The Great Meme Wars Have Begun24:1075 310
DNA Evidence Provides Proof Egypt Was Founded By Central Europeans8:1864 588
The NYT Hopes You Forget About Their 17 Agency Russian Lie27:4210 993
Breaking: Soros Moles Discovered Inside W.H./Why Joe Scarborough Hates Trump21:4877 295
China, Japan, And South Korea Prepare For New North Korean War5:5524 585
Elite Publication Calls For The End Of White People/Christianity/America12:1024 581
ICBM Launched By North Korea, Closest World Has Been To Nuclear War4:5229 548
In Govt We Trust — NO! Yet Spy Agencies Most Trusted Institution?18:8024 807
Disunited States As TX Libs & CA Conservatives Swap Places12:1248 002
Full Show - 1776 Part 2 Is Here - 07/03/20173:04:4028 427
Alex Jones: The Stakes Have Never Been Higher! Powerful 4th of July Message26:32127 188
Watch Live: Huge News Scandal Threatens To Topple Surveillance State & Vindicate Trump1:01:0072 774
Alex Jones 4th Of July Message To The Living Dead14:3055 645
Brexit 1776 Was A War Of Secession4:5610 126
Baby #CharlieGard The Face Of Single Payer Death Panels18:5012 174
Destructive And Evil! Democrats Brag That Obamacare Was Designed To Destroy American Healthcare21:3711 636
Emergency! Snapchat Gives Entire Internet Real Time Location Of Your Child5:0017 721
Proof NWO Collapsing4:4937 913
MSM Double Standard: CNN Pushes Trump Assassination, Cries When Trump Fights Back8:1112 434
The Secret To How Trump Dominates The Media Revealed13:179 492
Highlights: Failed Impeach Trump Rally Austin15:3644 830
Trump's Message To The Fake Media: I'm President, You're Not4:4916 934
Desperate MSM Attacks Alex Jones For Selling Coffee7:436 998
Top Expert: Trump Behind Takedown Of Global Vatican Pedophile Network37:22144 996
Alex Jones Exposes MSM Mars Slave Colony Hoax18:3323 806
CNN Calls For Trump's Death, Then Calls For Trump's Impeachment26:1147 369
Trump Body Slams Dying Media Into Submission5:9022 607
FAIL: Liberal Impeachment Rally Offers Zero Basis For Debate4:5411 792
Global Pedo Network Is Crumbling4:5427 611
Frogs And Fish Are Becoming Gay! MSM Forced To Admit Alex Jones Was Right 22 Years Ago8:0022 102
'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Author Addresses CIA Drug Smuggling Comment12:0011 595
Trump Protesters Struggle To Answer Single Question16:33109 342
Trump Hater Wants You To Pay For Abortions6:1120 150
Trump Body Slams CNN! 7/2/17 Full Show1:19:1029 922
Alex Jones: The NYT Are Imploding!2:3122 968
Vegas Sweetens The Pot, Ups The Ante On Marijuana Legalization4:2030 695
Tensions Rise In North Korea & South China Sea7:3025 344
Are Dems Covering Up Hatch Act & Other Election Crimes?17:2112 753
Trump White House Says Simple Repeal Of Obamacare May Be In The Works9:439 900
10 States Call On Trump To Rescind Obama’s Dreamer Executive Order5:1224 068

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