The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Protesters Must Watch This! Don't Be A Dupe9:4936 722
The Eclipse Not Seen Since 17764:479 048
Black Man Tells Black Lives Matter: "Stop The Violence, Stop Moving Backwards"2:2947 512
Unbelievable! Hoards Of Brainwashed Leftists Freakout On Alex Jones Walking Down The Street8:4671 337
Original Black Panther: We Are Dealing With Neo Liberal Fascists13:4015 600
Muslim Editor Of Breitbart London Warns Of Islamic No Go Zone Takeover16:4018 413
Alt-Left Group Chanting Death To America Removes Confederate Statue In Dead Of Night23:5017 305
Liberals Get Violently Triggered At Anti-Trump Rally Over Kekistan Meme10:5458 117
Antifa Admits They Hate America, Threatens To Run Over Alex Jones With A Car5:8015 346
No Joke! Eclipse Deemed Racist By Atlantic Monthly11:3616 018
Providence: First Solar Eclipse Only Visible From US Since 1776 Today4:5336 528
Secrets Of Bannon’s Ouster Leaked/Crazed Left Openly Declares War On America 8/20/17 Full Show1:26:4828 685
Newswars Network Launched To Counter MSM Fake News10:219 089
Americans Tell Trump To List Antifa/BLM As Terrorist Organizations9:1540 367
Alt-Left Chants Death To America9:3626 000
BREAKING: University Of Texas Removes Confederate Statue Overnight11:5025 547
Ernst & Young Email Tells Employees Trump Is Evil4:566 236
Secrets Of Bannon’s Firing Leaked19:1472 714
Globalists Admit To Preying On Liberal Dupes13:348 252
Breaking: State Department/CIA Orchestrated Charlottesville Tragedy15:1233 055
The Greatest Cowards On Earth Discovered16:9065 871
New Independent Libertarian Network Launched To Counter Globalist Lies9:9013 397
Total Eclipse Of The Sun - A Sign Of War / Mass Death / A New Age?34:4373 963
Modern Liberals Are Racist Bullying Anti-American Scum10:1716 527
Emergency Travel Advisory Issued For White Americans Traveling To These Cities15:51156 384
Liberal Hysteria Bubble Losers Now Invading The Heartland4:2516 439
Hot New Groundbreaking Show Launches!0:5318 849
Victim of Communism Exposes The Leftist Agenda6:1464 563
Alex Jones Dares To Walk Through The Streets of Antifa Infested Seattle42:34141 659
Alex Jones Marches Through Seattle Alt-Left No-Go Zones13:4772 633
Police Issue Statement On Actors Hired For Charlottesville Race Riot21:56267 287
Full Show - Alt-Left Attacks Alex Jones In The Streets2:56:5034 682
Secrets Of White House Shakeup Revealed By Trump Insider22:3547 495
Has-Been Loser Schwarzenegger Falls On His Face In Trump Attack19:2143 465
Airhead False Conservatives Intentionally Damage The Trump Movement4:4913 881
Will The Termination Of Steve Bannon Shift The Trump Administration To The Left?10:2733 472
Alt-Left Terrorists Ending Free Speech5:3411 691
ANTIFA "Little Boys" Talk Tough But Are Too Scared To Stand Up To Real Threats7:1618 687
Shocking: Gerald Celente, "I Haven't Seen Anything Like This In My Life."13:2679 387
Silicon Valley Companies Are Modern Robber Barons11:2811 106
The People Who Pushed Bannon Out Are Creating Their Own Nightmare28:5371 991
Alex Jones: Hyena Killer1:3654 650
Shocking: MSNBC Promotes ANTIFA Violence Against Conservatives6:1019 856
Al Sharpton: Take Down The Founding Fathers3:4114 426
BREAKING: Democrats Admit They Hired Actors For Charlottesville22:3830 565
Literal Goblin Creature Pours Coffee On Alex Jones6:53103 640
Alex Talks About Leftist Pouring Coffee On Him In Seattle13:2068 806
Viral Video: Left Joins Jihad Against Free Speech5:5415 520
Alex Jones Attacked With Boiling Coffee On The Streets Of Seattle14:20652 806
Full Show - Epic Broadcast: America Is Now Choosing Sides In Second Civil War - 08/17/20173:09:5237 242
Democrat Hoax Crashes Stock Market32:1795 493
Mark Dice: MSM Is Officially Terrorist Propoganda12:4791 943
ANTIFA Gets TRIGGERED In Charlottesville7:2952 302
The Left Openly Wants To Remove Any Reminder Of Those That Built This Nation18:5817 133
Even Nazis Have The Right To Free Speech4:487 808
The Left Is Going Crazy With Nazi Fever12:3113 766
Will AG Sessions Finally Go On The Offense?5:4913 456
Pastor Who Witnessed The Holy Spirit Enter Donald Trump Speaks To Infowars28:2493 346
The Establishment Won't Stop Until Trump Is Destroyed But We Won't Let That Happen18:2514 622
Pastor That Warned About Trump Assassination Issues New Warning To America24:25111 522
Will The MSM Bullying Break The American People?6:189 561
Breathtaking: Democrats Caught Hiring Paid Actors To Trigger Riots In Charlottesville14:1344 323
Deep State Caught Red-Handed Causing Charlottesville Violence10:2827 162
MSM Pushes Hoax That Jewish Actors Staged Charlottesville24:6013 343
Clueless Liberals Sign Petition To Remove George Washington From Dollar Bill6:3125 566
Alex Jones' Response To Joe Rogan's Jewish Actors Charlottesville Video10:53136 022
Media Pushing Hoax That Trump Is Stepping Down5:4520 692
Full Show - Antifa/Alt-Right Pitted Against Each Other To Ensure Deep State Domination In Agitprop3:24:3334 070
Why Anthony Scaramucci Was Right5:2637 430
Why Senator Michael Williams Is The Trump Candidate For Georgia19:5714 649
Ukrainian Collusion With Hillary Exposed6:5620 172
Trump’s Press Conference And The False Flag Of Charlottesville14:2029 662
Dying Democratic Party Will Not Stop The American Recovery7:4819 985
Breaking: Charlottesville Confirmed Agitprop Staged Event29:1991 077
Expert: Why We Are NOT Going To Civil War8:3970 658
Milo Yiannopoulos Exposes The REAL Alex Jones1:07:2443 504
Video: Trump Slices MSM To Pieces In Epic Press Conference36:2356 478
Very Fake News Media Are Pathetic Losers6:3320 034
"My Daughter Was Not A Victim," Says Mother Of Woman Killed In Charlottesville17:5326 757
Full Show - Avoid Civil War, Unite America - 08/15/20173:03:1227 962
Ultimate Proof Fake News Responsible For Charlottesville42:1450 908
Marxist Indoctrination: Kindergartners Taught That Gender Is Imaginary5:3835 800
Fake News Jake Tapper Attacks Alex Jones11:2031 180
How The New World Order Plans To Start A Civil War20:1629 458
Muslim No Go Zones Taking Over Europe7:8025 471
Eyewitness Testimony Of What Happened In Charlottesville14:4233 734
How Many Times Must Trump Disavow Extremists Before The Left Is Satisfied?4:1911 172
Fake News Now Endorses Domestic Terrorist Group Antifa6:2015 909
Trump VS The MSM6:5131 015
University Of San Francisco Hosts Black Only Student Orientation3:2411 294
James Alex Fields Perfect Cut-Out For Patsy19:507 787
Why We’ve Got To Shut Down The Federal Reserve To End The Boom And Bust Cycle6:4619 822
New Crop Of Politicians Seek To Make Congress Team Trump13:1511 226
Are Protest Events Turning Into Deep State Traps?8:4015 459
Exclusive: Trump Set To Pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio Before Planned Trip To Arizona5:3712 844
Don’t Let The Left Bully You Into Stopping Free Speech In America16:4922 536
Merkel Says She Will Outlaw Diesel Engines In Germany6:5215 263
Donald Trump Is Right, Leftists Caught Staging Attacks On Jews6:4235 132
Nobody Ever Said It Would Be Easy To Take The Country Back13:2519 393
Alex Jones: I'm Going To Expose George Soros5:2762 308

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