Rebel News
12 567 vidéos, +1 300 000 abonnés

London rape crisis: US tourist attacked | Jack Buckby5:2256 306
Peter Fonda, “Sobbin’” Schumer, World Cup beer crisis | Amanda Head7:107 680
Detainment of illegal aliens isn't America's fault | Ben Mannes4:583 018
Chris Pratt "Jurassic World 2" pay gap myth EXPLAINED | Ben Davies5:317 004
UK: Ofsted IS failing poor white kids | Jack Buckby7:537 335
LIVE with Ezra! It's Free-For-All Friday!1:08:184 731
Leftist energy policies threaten food security | Marijn Poels2:592 065
Chris Pratt's a true Hollywood rebel | Kurt Schlichter3:425 549
Khalistani flag fiasco reveals the dangers of “diversity” | David Menzies4:2811 437
Canada detains migrant children too | Ezra Levant3:257 029
Conservative victory in Quebec wasn't an accident | Eric Duhaime3:3231 610
Peter Fonda’s sick rape-threat tweet infects CBC writer | Sheila Gunn Reid9:2958 575
Purdue U. bans homecoming “kings” and “queens” | Amanda Head3:523 313
Media ignores facts in police shooting of black teen | John Cardillo20:1833 875
Theresa May propagates DEBUNKED “Trump concentration camps” | Jack Buckby5:4113 308
Martina Markota: If Beauty Pageants are Bad, Why are Drag Kids Worshipped?4:007 236
Trump withdraws from corrupt UN Human Rights Council | Claudia Rosett14:8022 847
Lord Sugar’s a “racist” AGAIN | Jack Buckby5:386 963
Rob Shimshock: University Busted For $100K+ Free Speech Lawsuit3:143 488
Ezra LIVE! US illegal immigration FACT CHECK + questions & comments1:02:114 958
“Baby Daddy” Father’s Day card deemed racist | David Menzies4:252 567
Congressional intern yells "f*** you" at Trump | John Cardillo4:2616 542
Incredibles 2 stays true to family values (and still wins) | Ben Davies3:383 316
Trudeau's humiliating India trip cost $1.5M | Ezra Levant5:1414 382
Canada separates illegal alien families | Guidy Mamann3:129 466
Muslim call to prayer at Toronto City Hall | David Menzies8:5537 137
CJFE takes pro-censorship side in war on fake news | Sheila Gunn Reid7:436 563
BBC Three propaganda attacks the English flag | Jack Buckby9:4635 182
Rep. Mark Meadows accuses FBI of lying | John Cardillo10:344 686
Rob Shimshock: Muslim Prof Told Students To Praise Allah, Take Off Shoes3:3416 065
Labour ISIS-denying councillor in charge of kid's anti-radicalisation | Jack Buckby5:528 827
Getty Images wishes Che Guevara a Happy Birthday! | Ben Davies7:504 444
Donny & Marie Osmond keep politics out of shows | Amanda Head3:102 832
Katie Hopkins: Leaving UNHRC a strong move by Trump4:6027 693
Ezra LIVE! UK elites vow to “fight” Tommy Robinson supporters + your questions1:01:5921 337
“Serial slanderers” SPLC fund alt-left Canadian branch | Ezra Levant4:185 988
US Army boots Communist cadet | John Cardillo3:3630 456
Trudeau can't hurt Trump in a trade war | Ian Lee16:1455 748
Martina Markota: When Blue Checkmark Fools Become Heroes3:453 392
Tell Al Quds Day hate preacher to! | Ezra Levant11:7015 313
UPDATE: Trudeau won't denounce anti-Semitic imam — but pro-lifers are "hateful"?7:3659 805
Buckingham Palace attacker: Queen “enemy of Allah” | Jack Buckby5:9038 711
Rob Shimshock: Chanting Maniacs Shut Down Israel Event3:444 480
GOP Senators grill Michael Horowitz & Christopher Wray | John Cardillo18:373 338
Netflix cures #MeToo problem with “5 second” rule on eye contact | Ben Davies3:1410 838
Trump's Space Force: Pros & cons | Amanda Head3:374 200
Ezra live! Trump border myths debunked + your questions & comments1:05:254 551
Martina Markota: The Next Generation Meme War4:153 080
Illegal alien minors aren't being locked in "cages" | Joel Pollak5:433 742
Trudeau doesn't need a new luxury jet | Ezra Levant3:3814 802
SJW councillor takes aim at smoking in films — are car chases next? | David Menzies5:104 453
NJ Governor's policies granted mass shooter early prison release4:192 911
Trudeau treats himself to luxury renos on lakeside retreat | Sheila Gunn Reid9:5439 453
UK: Oxford rape gang jailed for 90 years | Jack Buckby5:7043 297
Lying media claims Trump put illegal minors in concentration camps21:219 599
1K+ killed or injured by “asylum seekers” | Jack Buckby6:5211 475
Rob Shimshock: Antifa Students Creating An ICE Text Alert3:254 642
Killer nurse unwittingly “aided and abetted” by public sector union | David Menzies5:386 825
Cruz creams Kimmel in court (basketball, that is...) | Amanda Head3:505 769
Ezra LIVE! Tommy Robinson’s letter from prison + your comments & questions1:01:4717 302
Best World Cup stories, from Iceland to Israel | David Menzies5:565 930
Can “right-wing, gay, Jewish muckraker” fill void in Toronto politics? | Ezra Levant13:2510 887
Ford must RESIST Liberal grovelling for official party status | David Menzies4:408 707
Supreme Court rules against Christian law school | Ezra Levant13:6017 921
The FBI is tarnishing its reputation & betraying its heroes4:534 133
Martina Markota: Feminism and the Female Archetype4:497 489
Liberals cry “Islamophobia” over end of Ramadan voting session7:5232 210
Lib Dems Grow, Labour Majority Cut, UKIP Collapse in Lewisham East | Jack Buckby7:338 609
IG report reeks of a massive "political whitewash" | John Cardillo18:293 361
Rob Shimshock: Prof Calls Jordan Peterson An 'Incel'5:3239 099
Dinesh D'Souza's new film, Kim Kardashian, and Cal 3 | Amanda Head8:535 105
Police launch 75th London murder inquiry this year | Jack Buckby7:289 201
Chrystia Freeland risks plunging Canada into a depression | Ezra Levant3:2512 884
Ezra Live! BIG NEWS about Tommy Robinson + your questions & comments1:02:1026 907
Ottawa library refuses to screen movie about Europe's migrant crisis10:709 863
Katie Hopkins: I'm tired of hearing about Grenfell Tower fire4:80113 313
Google eradicates egg from salad emoji to appease vegans | David Menzies5:144 392
Laurier U. "viciously attacked" Lindsay Shepherd | Lawyer Howard Levitt20:1828 183
Obama couldn't be trusted with North Korea | Kurt Schlichter3:342 616
Notley's beer tax slams Alberta craft brewers2:331 673
AUTHORIZED by Tommy Robinson's family: legal defence fund3:43117 712
Muslim hate preacher gets summer jobs grant from “social justice” Liberals6:2217 211
Naked hypocrisy of anti-oil “birthday suit” bike ride | David Menzies3:195 664
Make "The Case Against David Suzuki" a BESTSELLER!0:542 191
The UK Guardian: “Roads are sexist” | Jack Buckby4:2911 593
Martina Markota: Participation Trophies are Destroying Real Accomplishment4:552 728
Republicans accuse DOJ of "intimidation" and "obstruction" | John Cardillo9:342 063
UK: Labour disintegrates, 6 frontbenchers quit | Jack Buckby6:5214 272
Satirical Frat Video leads to 15 Students Suspended | Rob Shimshock4:435 284
How do millennials feel about Trump giving the Eagles the bird? | David Menzies4:143 879
Dems, Hollywood ask: “How did we lose” to insane” Trump? | Amanda Head3:154 136
David Horowitz: Trump's confronting the leftist threat3:604 528
Trump showed North Korea that he "means business" | Scott Uehlinger3:212 011
Ezra LIVE! Is Tommy Robinson safe? PLUS Your comments & questions1:01:5618 183
EU ignores real problems to focus on Memes | Ben Davies2:494 654
Save Maxime Bernier: Tell Andrew Scheer to reinstate Bernier! - Sheila Gunn Reid13:177 299
Writer at taxpayer subsidized Maclean’s says “Canada is NOT a country”5:5616 530
Home Sec Sajid Javid will BAN Hezbollah – Finally! | Jack Buckby6:4116 552
Did Theresa May trick MPs before Brexit vote? | Jack Buckby9:1511 801
Left’s profanity DESTROYS dialogue | Ben Davies4:486 072

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