Rebel News
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Rob Shimshock: Trump Supporter Resigns From ‘Commie Camp’3:4012,266
WATCH: Trudeau heckled at Danforth Memorial | David Menzies2:59150,802
“Madman” Cruise delivers in “Mission: Impossible — Fallout” | Ben Davies5:416,094
Martina Markota: "Charmed" is Getting a Hispanic Feminist Reboot2:315,923
Anne Hathaway say Blacks "live in fear" | Amanda Head4:5911,988
Psychologists: Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real3:1513,484
Trump exposes Mueller's conflict of interest | John Cardillo4:104,309
UK: London crime UP 6.4% | Jack Buckby5:0011,056
Terrorism, Islam & mental illness | Dr. Tanveer Ahmed5:507,847
UK takes ZERO Christian Syrian refugees this year | Jack Buckby4:5619,786
Trump Escalates Twitter War Against Mueller, NYT Warns Trump PLUS Your Comments57:447,558
Man arrested at “judgment-free” yoga studio for exercising naked | David Menzies5:2822,752
Liberals on path of economic destruction to secure “Trump-hate” votes | Ezra Levant14:3944,024
“Rehabilitated” mentally ill Toronto cop killer released | David Menzies7:2012,155
Canada stays on global warming train while US GDP takes off | Ezra Levant5:4028,483
NDP “bigots” question man self-identifying as woman for cheap insurance | Sheila Gunn Reid5:4320,243
Rob Shimshock: Prof Calls On White Editors To Resign3:3210,421
Ivanka's fashion brand closes amidst anti-Trump boycotts | Martina Markota3:206,370
Mueller to investigate Trump's... tweets | John Cardillo3:375,571
"ISIS Beatles" extradition POSTPONED after mother objects | Jack Buckby4:5918,235
Tom Brady suffers “mind-boggling” fat-shaming abuse online | David Menzies4:509,128
Fox News, Dan Harmon & Trump's Walk of Fame star | Amanda Head7:603,420
UK: Vauxhall Labour wants Kate Hoey deselected | Jack Buckby4:005,300
Trump demands Turkey release U.S. pastor | Ben Davies4:294,512
Anti-Trump elites abused their security clearances | Kurt Schlichter2:594,041
EZRA LIVE! Tommy Robinson UPDATE, Toronto terror FACTS + your questions!1:02:2313,273
Martina Markota: Jim Jefferies and Diversity in Comics6:1216,758
UPDATE: Tommy Robinson's appeal verdict NEXT WEEK | Ezra Levant3:2221,191
Camp Cloud protesters harass pro-pipeline activist10:515,558
EU cuts trade deal with Trump, why can't Trudeau?4:1816,613
LIVE: The Latest on Mueller and Cohen, Facebook Stock Plunges - PLUS Your Comments57:153,342
Are Torontonians buying the PC spin on Danforth shooting? | David Menzies6:5868,510
Dangerous Camp Cloud “campers” emboldened by lack of action | Sheila Gunn Reid6:4711,866
Muslim refugee questions official narrative of Danforth shooting | David Menzies3:4335,127
Martina Markota: Netflix Accused of 'Fat Shaming'3:536,087
Straight-talking millennial weighs in on Danforth killer | David Menzies4:1253,384
Feminists show cultural sensitivity to “pure misogyny” of FGM | David Menzies5:907,420
Debunking environmentalist's lies about Fort McMurray | Robbie Picard3:152,353
Comedian Billy Eichner: Trump supporters "have joined a cult"3:563,946
'If People Really Want To Do BDS, They Better Get Rid Of Their IPhones'17:484,622
APTN journalist jeopardizes Rebel reporter's safety at Camp Cloud | Sheila Gunn Reid9:1515,572
Republicans must unite against Rod Rosenstein | John Cardillo3:273,439
CBC, Trudeau won't admit Toronto shooting was terrorism | Ezra Levant4:1020,156
Media's reaction to Toronto shooting “looked orchestrated” | Manny Montenegrino15:2648,516
LIVE: Rosenstein Impeachment Articles, White House Bans CNN Reporter - PLUS Your Questions52:234,627
Mayor Tory bans ALL guns in Toronto (except the ones that protect him) | Sheila Gunn Reid7:5928,386
Martina Markota: CW Unveils Trans Superhero Show3:158,944
Rob Shimshock: Muslim RA Says He Will ‘Physically Fight Zionists On Campus’2:5613,680
NDP leader says bulletproof vests are “racist” | David Menzies4:3016,141
Martina Markota: Far-Left Racializes European Renaissance Art4:1810,375
Toronto Mayor: “We could live quite well without [guns] in the city, legal or illegal”3:354,763
It's only "treason" when TRUMP talks to Russia... MASHUP!0:552,807
Open carry now LEGAL in California (maybe) | Amanda Head3:599,766
Trump-Cohen tape is a giant "nothingburger" | John Cardillo3:333,606
What Supergirl got right with “trans” superhero | Ben Davies2:525,588
“I don't care about ISIS!” Teacher screams at Toronto shooting memorial | David Menzies8:30130,244
Provinces unite against Trudeau's carbon tax | Brad Trost7:4513,408
Media hides Toronto shooter's Islamic terror links | Ezra Levant11:2219,185
Declassified LIVE: Michael Cohen Tapes PLUS Toronto Shooter's "Mental Illness"51:516,218
Mayor Tory uses Greektown shooting to push gun control | Sheila Gunn Reid9:5711,405
Martina Markota: DC Gives Superheroes Safe Spaces in "Heroes in Crisis"5:404,992
#DumpFarage? Let’s #DumpOwenJones | Jack Buckby7:5831,120
Study: The poor are getting poorer in the UK | Jack Buckby4:577,365
Contrarian public intellectuals: The new rocks stars?16:473,870
UK Girl Guides new badges: "Protesting" & "Cocktail Mixing"4:564,711
Rob Shimshock: Kids Make Antifa Flags At Summer ‘Commie Camp’3:345,119
“Photo-prop” holds up entire Canadian economy | Sheila Gunn Reid1:514,396
Trump's enemies deserve to lose security clearance | John Cardillo4:212,384
Martina Markota: Buffy’s Getting a Black Reboot7:5130,451
The Guardian lied about Tommy Robinson's appeal | Ezra Levant4:5471,464
Top 5 ways to respond to same stupid NFL anthem protest arguments | Ben Davies6:366,716
How Trump plans to turn Russia against Iran | Joel Pollak3:154,548
Declassified LIVE: Trump Threatens to Revoke Security Clearances49:496,146
Danforth Shooting: Searching for a Motive7:2619,434
Camp Cloud “water keepers” ignore REAL problem in False Creek | Sheila Gunn Reid1:295,704
Camp Cloud “hippies” burn “sacred fires” despite FULL fire ban | Sheila Gunn Reid1:275,834
Cross-party MPs plotting NEW anti-Brexit party? | Jack Buckby5:438,231
Playground's proximity to Camp Cloud worrisome | Sheila Gunn Reid1:352,840
"Hot mess" Johnny Depp slams Trump at ComicCon | Amanda Head5:2040,124
Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Trail vs. squalid protest camp | Sheila Gunn Reid1:554,197
Am I a "self-hating" Muslim for visiting Israel? | Dr. Tanveer Ahmed4:505,231
Superman actor sparks outrage for #MeToo fail | Ben Davies3:8010,466
Amazon UK predicts “civil unrest” post-Brexit | Jack Buckby4:208,121
Anti-oil protesters protect us from "poisonous" bitumen | Sheila Gunn Reid2:578,237
"Green" protesters PROTEST making oil production more... "green" | Sheila Gunn Reid1:403,004
Carter Page FISA warrant application looks bad for Democrats | John Cardillo4:573,835
Masked protester vs. Sheila Gunn Reid at anti-pipeline "hobo camp"4:4713,480
Restraining orders rain down on Camp Cloud protest site | Sheila Gunn Reid1:485,809
Martina Markota: Hollywood Wasn't Always ‘Liberal’4:225,864
Reality of life with ISIS gives “wannabe jihadis” buyer’s remorse | David Menzies5:1613,826
Declassified LIVE: Trump threatens Iran, FISA applications - PLUS your questions56:165,744
Liberals consulted social justice “weirdos” for Bill C-712:2915,875
Scheer caves on border security tweet mob deems “racist” | David Menzies3:1918,231
How Toronto’s gang violence went from bad to worse | Sheila Gunn Reid2:5417,538
ScarJo’s surrender on trans role is bad for trans actors | David Menzies3:5010,818
Ezra Levant: No memorial for Westminster Bridge attack in London6:5311,197
Is Jean-Claude Juncker a drunk? | Jack Buckby4:3413,027
Labour way ahead in national polls, post-Chequers | Jack Buckby6:2111,901
Mueller's immunity offer to Podesta exposes anti-Trump bias4:204,969
Rob Shimshock: College Educates K-12 Teachers On ‘Post-Whiteness’3:534,339

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