1 138 vidéos, +7 420 000 abonnés

Why Americans with disabilities struggle to vote5:57114 716
Everything else on your ballot, explained3:38218 100
The crisis in Aleppo, explained4:00251 462
The Taliban hostages you’ve never heard of5:52111 544
Magic Eye: The optical illusion, explained9:23466 902
Hillary Clinton’s 3 presidential debate performances left the Trump campaign in ruins - Vox8:18879 605
Consent, explained for Donald Trump6:53528 819
Harry Potter and the translator's nightmare - Vox5:54593 075
Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler?8:20908 283
Why rappers love Grey Poupon10:50512 849
America’s creepy clown craze, explained - Vox7:111 168 525
Fixing the debates: a better way to interrupt5:59460 026
Colombia’s fragile peace, explained5:49230 286
Settlers are taking over East Jerusalem one house at a time9:48205 616
The formula for selling a million-dollar work of art4:40271 295
Why the Lincoln Memorial was almost never built7:17278 444
Superblocks: How Barcelona is taking city streets back from cars5:31758 955
Why Israeli settlements don’t feel like a conflict zone | Settlements Part II10:56313 106
Democrats are in deep trouble — even if Hillary Clinton wins3:31821 403
The 1995 Hubble photo that changed astronomy5:27655 280
How the Mona Lisa became so overrated5:40639 964
Israeli settlements, explained | Settlements Part I8:60527 380
Homer Simpson: An economic analysis4:12760 220
Why red means Republican and blue means Democrat5:53396 179
Products that promise "detox" are a sham. Yes, all of them.4:10327 439
Mercury retrograde, explained without astrology3:50353 173
Understanding how Hillary Clinton would govern15:17701 749
What people miss about the gender wage gap5:20650 572
Where the "comic book font" came from8:33383 301
Kanye deconstructed: The human voice as the ultimate instrument8:51950 138
Gene Wilder's greatest quality was his comedic generosity3:35449 393
How Americans got stuck with endless drug commercials9:121 054 735
Why you shouldn't drive slowly in the left lane3:165 362 422
How technology has changed the definition of death2:11349 286
The hippest internet cafe of 19958:59417 948
The "natural" label on your food is baloney3:43348 660
Climate change: Yep, still happening10:59344 988
Sexist coverage steals the show at 2016 Olympics4:29316 443
How Stranger Things got its retro title sequence3:70575 859
Why Elon Musk says we're living in a simulation3:401 314 126
Yes, race walking is an Olympic sport. Here’s how it works.5:391 173 736
Fencing, explained | Rio Olympics 20165:33455 076
The remarkable discovery of microbial life5:34261 606
How Queen got Trump to stop using their music3:36423 620
Why women’s clothing sizes don’t make sense4:31772 531
Let’s face it — American breakfast is really dessert2:30290 915
Inside Rio’s favelas, the city's neglected neighborhoods9:00669 586
Donald Trump's threat to dismantle NATO, explained3:52485 687
We made a Bernie and Hillary fan assemble IKEA furniture together5:36145 135
Ancient Romans had yummy condiments. Here’s a recipe.2:29233 638
How LSD and shrooms could help treat anxiety, addiction and depression5:70299 507
We have 1 million subscribers. OMFG.5:80128 872
Political polarization is making dating worse5:80216 653
How free games are designed to make money4:39828 202
How the Republican Party went from Lincoln to Trump7:211 211 620
This plane could cross the Atlantic in 3.5 hours. Why did it fail?10:232 775 757
Melania Trump (2016) vs Michelle Obama (2008)1:19392 582
Turkey's failed military coup, explained3:23582 258
Why red light cameras are a scam3:55658 930
Why so many queer female characters die on TV4:19223 269
This is how the NRA swings elections4:23306 646
Hillary Clinton: The Vox Conversation41:27299 265
Why no aquarium has a great white shark5:546 010 704
Watch what really happens after the Running of the Bulls2:56538 586
Why Hollywood keeps making terrible sequels4:40580 816
Proxemics: the study of personal space4:45200 267
How Brexit could actually make the EU stronger3:16719 800
The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight4:572 049 601
How Snapchat's filters work5:801 182 198
2016 Olympics: What Rio doesn’t want the world to see8:373 846 200
Britain is leaving the EU. Here's what that means.2:802 735 776
50 Million Americans live with disabilities – so why ignore their vote?5:20151 947
Kim Kardashian's greatest talent3:15491 508
How long it takes to shoot and reload different guns1:54238 321
The Oxford comma's unlikely origin4:70183 902
Airplane black boxes, explained5:31369 898
Why truffles can cost $2,500 per pound4:40479 276
The Orlando mass shooting is a reminder of why Pride is so important2:55134 615
Time travel in Game of Thrones, explained4:39381 949
The big fight over Coexist5:33625 458
How They Might Be Giants influenced art-rapper Open Mike Eagle4:1396 011
Muhammad Ali's biggest fights were outside the ring8:29303 416
Transgender bathroom bills technically force men into women's bathrooms. How ironic.3:46305 809
The business of GIFs: Then and now5:14219 324
Late sleeper? Blame your genes.3:53489 287
When carmakers taunted horses4:31118 047
Meet this year’s youngest Spelling Bee competitor3:00348 106
The real secret to sushi isn't fish2:36436 507
Why Obama is one of the most consequential presidents in American history4:45793 375
Authoritarianism: The political science that explains Trump6:45901 180
Rapping, deconstructed: The best rhymers of all time12:441 620 326
When running was for weirdos4:35311 837
The bad map we see every presidential election2:60296 221
How highways wrecked American cities4:39453 890
Hope Solo is done being told the wage gap isn't real | 2016ish #55:5884 578
Motherhood, explained by the experts: our moms3:3462 335
The world's greatest internet troll explains his craft8:70897 211
Giving birth costs a lot. Hospitals won't tell you how much.8:16403 891
Why Donald Trump can't become "moderate"5:16309 032
How big government helps big dairy sell milk4:17209 590

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