The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Roger Stone: "Russian Story Is Recycled Bullshit"6:207 979
Democrats Are Spoiled Toddlers Crapping Themselves! Says Psychiatrist/Intel Officer23:1625 653
Globalist Moles Inside U.S. Intel Plot Trump Destruction5:1712 055
To Stop Trump, Globalists Plan Economic Collapse26:9040 618
Expert Destroys The Lie That Refugees Are Vetted12:5513 984
President Trump Talks About General Flynn3:3124 130
Breaking: Army Admits Plan To Take Over The United States19:15200 669
Liberals Politicize Love To Push Open Borders16:9017 776
Michael Moore Calls For Overthrow Of Trump And Installing Hillary5:1228 019
Vaccines Are The New Tuskegee Experiment6:3728 581
Despite Agreeing on Vaccines, Robert De Niro Doesn't Support Trump14:4030 202
Robert DeNiro Supports Trump Vaccine Safety Commission, Does Not Support Trump4:4246 494
Robert Kennedy Jr. & Robert De Niro Vaccine Safety Press Conference1:1626 999
Squatting Slav Confronts Trump Protestors11:3154 135
University Students Against Hillary 20209:2040 918
Sanctuary Sheriff To Release Child Rapists After Arrest5:5528 043
Flynn Just The Beginning If Trump Doesn't Clean House15:1534 037
Full Show - Globalist Coup Takes Down General Flynn - 02/14/20173:05:2047 737
General Flynn: Victim Of Political Assassination7:5726 846
JK Rowling Challenged To House Syrian Refugees4:5344 114
Europe's Sanctuary Cities On Fire10:4644 576
NY Times Journalist Calls Melania A Hooker3:3228 078
Flynn Resignation A Deep State Sabotage Of Trump19:48209 338
New York Times & Pelosi Caught In Fake News Scandal4:5916 877
Islam And Pedophiles Now Control Europe9:9068 696
The RNC Is Attempting To Destroy Donald Trump21:3245 210
Deep State Coup Against Trump Takes Down Flynn26:4853 082
Globalism Now Openly Admitted By MSM35:3021 355
Elite Athletes Go Full Social Justice Warrior6:4116 826
Communist Protester Hit By Car7:4645 281
Globalist Bill Gates Panics Over "America First" Doctrine5:1026 782
Robert Kennedy Jr And Robert De Niro To Hold Major Vaccine Press Conference2:4140 132
Ibtihaj Muhammad Creates Muslim Ban Fake News10:4025 641
Emergency News Briefing: General Flynn Resigns34:50151 685
MSM Lies About Trump Targeting Legal Immigrants6:4725 143
Oroville Dam Is Just The Beginning6:24103 499
ANTIFA Bully Shuts Down Free Speech On UT Campus9:1127 120
Elon Musk, Globalist Tool, Says Merge With Machines4:4323 849
Full Show - White House Crisis, Globalist Leakers Discovered - 02/13/20173:07:4983 610
Joy Villa Makes The Grammys Great Again11:3327 388
Secret Bilderberg Style Summit Discovered In Dubai20:4626 190
State Department Whistleblower Agrees With Trump On Stopping Open Borders30:5236 148
SNL Admits They Are Losing Fight Against Trump6:25159 825
Infowars Seeks To Overthrow The Globalist Paradigm, Not Become It10:4912 584
Counterculture Icon Joy Villa Crashes Grammy’s Cult12:5331 113
NEWSMAX CEO Chris Ruddy Talks Trump Meeting / Reince Priebus Future21:5014 502
Trump Is Pissing On The Establishment5:1818 226
Real Men Don't Try To Dominate Innocent People And Turn Them Into Zombies26:8023 131
The Devil Sees Nothing4:2313 772
Exclusive: Reince Priebus Is The Prime White House Leaker26:3887 217
John Oliver Is An Arrogant Dirtbag5:2465 657
China Announces Plan To Defeat Trump, Stop America11:3833 910
Survival Instinct Dead In Islamic Jihad Loving Trendies5:4318 546
Trump Begins Pedophile Roundup, Sandusky's Son Arrested On Sex Charges7:25262 192
Alex Jones Caught Touching Employees28:54231 271
When Will The Trump Protests End?7:3045 034
Making The Grammy's Great Again2:1044 412
Media Matters Sabotages Pro-Trump Media2:5431 284
Commie Mob Annihilated By The Infowar7:1090 765
Trump Is Fighting With Everything He’s Got To Save The U.S. Economy: 2/12/17 Full Show1:26:1863 846
University Trains Students For Civil War11:4346 157
Paul Ryan Minion, Reince Priebus, Working Against Trump12:5931 064
Breaking: Obama Moves Into D.C. Bunker And Prepares For Civil War10:56337 595
Ron Paul: Trump Is Trying To Save The Economy9:5329 632
Two Paths, Heaven Or Hell5:2532 315
The Zombie Apocalypse Is Here: The Modern World Is Killing Us20:5653 033
Would You Accept Digital Goggles?23:2235 230
CNN Panics, Cuts Feed When Called Fake News5:2358 022
EMERGENCY! Trump's Plan To Save Humanity Is Under ATTACK!21:13358 865
"I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT" Greatest Trump Tweets Of The Week7:3683 909
Why You Should Be Taking A B12 Supplement11:3141 003
Iranians Chant Death To America In Solidarity With Trump Protesters17:3141 167
Full Show - Ninth Circuit Court Ruling Is A Declaration Of War Against America - 02/10/20173:06:5075 177
9th Court Decision Will Help Trump's SCOTUS Pick Get Confirmed23:1837 888
WOW! Muslim Travel Ban Critics Are Clueless!6:38130 198
Child Sacrifice: Experts Claim Newborns Can Be Killed13:5148 446
Generation Z Has Awoken To The Control System26:38199 593
Infowars Takes Over Shia Labeouf’s Street Cam. Museum Pulls The Plug15:5469 202
This Man Has Over One Billion Views, Leftists Panic11:25526 470
"Powerful": Leftist Awakens From Fascist Brain Washing5:4668 627
The Truth About Why College Educations Are Designed To Be Worthless18:2121 162
Proof Colleges Ruining America6:3712 123
Trump Press Conference/Democrats Fall For Trump Trap22:2483 464
Ninth Circuit Launches Judicial Coup Against America26:4638 489
Judges: Destroying The Constitution19:5714 814
State Department In Open Revolt Against Trump22:1264 453
Ninth Circuit Bans Borders/American Flag3:2116 615
Nazi Witness: Trump Not Hitler, Protesters Are4:5444 703
UT Students Trumped By Political Correctness9:45119 332
Whistleblower Exposes Refugee Program Fraud6:3640 562
AZ Deport Drama: Created To Show "Evil of Trumpish"8:3035 186
Fake News Is The N-Word6:4035 666
Full Show - Sessions Confirmed // Censorship Explodes // Islam Rapes - 02/09/20172:49:5737 953
Donald Trump Was Elected Commander-In-Chief, Not Judges3:1834 422
Globalist Rebellion! 9th Circuit Court Rules Against Trump "Muslim Ban" ... Invites Terrorists8:1082 403
Mind Control: Slavery Of The Mind, Slavery Of The Cities26:1819 685
Are Liberals A Threat To National Security?10:3916 236
Dumb And Dumber Democrats2:2025 256
The Millennial Exploitation Of Reverse Racism6:5010 663
Democratic Race Baiting Exposed During Attorney General Confirmation6:229 205

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