The Alex Jones Channel
37,981 videos, +2,357,920 subscribers

The Truth About Oprah Winfrey10:4095,551
Liberals Build Wall to Protect Muslim Rally9:2218,154
Trump Supporter Labeled Terrorist at Austin College12:4223,975
Pro-Trump Muslim Speaks Out On Travel Ban17:0065,599
Pope Has Sold out the Catholic Church and Embraced SATAN3:3039,554
Anti-Wall Anti-Ban Leftists Form Wall & Ban Reporter6:2039,879
Ex-Official Calls on Mexico to Unleash Drug Cartels to Punish Trump2:0050,822
Congresswoman Tells Truth! There Are No Moderate Rebels9:3243,114
Why Trump Issued Travel Ban11:3227,523
Epic First 10 Days of Trump's Presidency11:3121,249
Trump Will Stop H1-B Visa Abuse by Multinational Corporations17:3370,580
The End of An Era11:2664,478
Trump Signals the Left's Awakening12:4452,102
Full Show - Soros Launching Civil War Against Trump, Because Trump Is America - 01/30/20172:57:52112,773
The Left is Projecting Their Self Hatred on America While Trump Delivers14:5023,745
President Trump Cries Foul on Schumer’s “Tears” / Democrats' Hypocrisy on Visa Ban23:5931,601
Financial Expert: Secrets of the Stock Market that Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Know21:2730,380
The Aftermath of Trump’s Visa Ban17:3634,437
Terrorism Expert: “Quebec Terror Attack Looks Like an Anti-Trump False Flag"20:3040,664
The Left Wants a Civil War: What Will Happen?11:4828,843
Expert: Canadian Terror Attack Has All the Hallmarks of a False Flag11:2921,412
Epic Video: The Truth About Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban'16:4175,530
Vice Talks Trump Coup & NY Times Hopes for Assassination11:3938,010
Trump Signs Executive Order Cutting Regulations that Oppressed American Industry20:5516,893
Humanity Has Reached the Tipping Point8:3826,901
Humanity Now Choosing Its Destiny. Good or Evil?14:5213,266
What to Expect From a Trump Economy5:4732,830
Leftist Media Propagandizes Trump Immigration Ban5:3917,445
Governments to Pay Legal Defense Fees for Illegal Immigrants4:4122,816
The Trump Effect: A Man of His Word5:4214,264
Starbucks: Unemployed Americans to the Back of the Line, Hire Illegals First43:4142,932
Investigation: Is Donald Trump a Time Traveler?10:4492,411
Trump Signature Signifies Stability, the Trifecta4:4022,913
Why People are Protesting the Travel Ban1:5043,250
Term "Expecting Mothers" Offends Transgenders2:1420,170
Trump Bans All Lobbyists, Delivers In Spades8:1743,857
Trump is the Deliverer5:5221,764
Trump Gives Pentagon 30 Days to Come Up With ISIS Defeat Plan1:4330,980
Fatal Terror Attack in Quebec Canada4:2034,605
Butthurt Pro-Abortion Agitator Arrested at Texas Rally for Life!10:5546,596
Breaking: Catholics Turn Against Satanic Pope Francis16:45169,331
Investigative Report Proves Trump Is Right About Voter Fraud12:5632,715
Black Conservative Humiliates Brain Washed Liberal4:1050,179
Trump/Putin Plan To Take Out ISIS Angers GOP Dinosaurs1:5035,096
Trump Copy’s Obama Muslim Ban, Media Flips8:2457,589
Bank’s, Communists And Islam Oppose Trump25:3852,068
VIDEO: Leftist Brown Shirt Sucker Punches Trump Supporter10:4763,600
Breaking: Democrats Admit to Using 3 Million Illegals to Steal Election25:22192,186
Flashback: Obama Banned Iraqis In 2011 For 6 Months While The Left Was Silent5:1733,747
Pro Trump Democrat Turns On Obama's Policy Of Arming ISIS9:45146,411
Feminists Chant Allahu Akbar, Call For Trump to Open Borders12:3291,589
After Creating Havoc in Our Lives, Fed Agencies Now Fear for Their Jobs4:5081,387
Nasty Woman: Ashley Judd Goes Bat Shit Crazy During Trump Record Week11:3090,439
Nasty Woman's March Leader Kidnapped, Raped, Tortured Man11:3390,873
Shocker: Trump Following Through On Campaign Promises13:1036,237
Mexico, Our Neighbor, Under Economic Tyranny5:3483,200
Full Show - NWO Slayer, Trump Delivers In First Seven Days - 01/27/20173:06:2091,773
Act Of War10:1874,713
When Will President Donald Trump Take Out George Soros?21:25152,173
Will President Trump Stand Up For Western Land Rights?5:2415,500
If Trump Fully Delivers, He Will Be George Washington 2.03:5320,454
Communist Chinese Claim They Rule America5:2344,316
Roger Stone: Trump Has Picked His Supreme Court Winner11:3630,488
CNN Snot-Nosed Liar Destroyed28:34165,350
BOMBSHELL: Left Admits Illegals Were Secret Plan To Win Election5:1421,698
BREAKING: Trump Has Been Planning His Whole Life To Take Down NWO8:27167,479
California Has Added 4Million Illegal Voters To Their Rolls, Proving Trump Right On Election Fraud14:3375,497
Trump: The Most Pro-Life Administration Ever3:1312,242
Trump Kills Perfect Record Supporting Torture5:2136,489
It's Official: Trump Won The Popular Vote24:29274,021
CNN Mocks Trump for Keeping Promises: “Verges on Obsession”5:4439,131
BREAKING: Shia LaBeouf Is An MK Ultra Mind Control Victim5:3869,028
Breaking! Study Proves Trump Right About 3M Illegals Voting and Swinging Elections8:2464,273
Trump Declares War On Fake News2:4918,710
Updated Handicap of Trump's SCOTUS Pick4:2418,794
Why Trump Supporters Should Back Conway3:3022,835
Real Solidarity: Pro-Life March In Washington D.C.2:5524,836
Trump Train Traveling At Mach Speed11:3165,543
Mexico Declares War On The US11:31274,189
EMERGENCY ALERT: Communist Chinese Now Taking Over US Media8:41124,942
CNN The Leader In Racist News Coverage17:7038,505
Full Show - Emergency: Communist Chinese Attempt Takeover Of United States Media - 01/26/20173:07:1469,422
Major Media Players Can't Fake Their Way Out Of A Wet Paper Bag20:2620,253
State Dept And The UN A Pair Of Cesspools7:7024,761
Harry Dent: Trump Can't Stop Global Collapse43:49134,575
RFK Jr And The War Against Fake Vaccines8:3412,688
Drain The Swamp, Drain The Sanctuary Cities10:4413,768
Breaking: MSM Wants To Get Caught Lying To Distract Public7:2823,013
Shadow Gov't Operative and Underwear Bomber Cover-up Artists Resigns From State Department16:7028,332
CRISIS: Communist China Now Runs Hollywood13:3317,981
Alex Jones Responds To White House Press Corps Controversy11:3835,683
Will President Trump Allow Communist Chinese To Control Hollywood?23:6013,037
Communist Chinese Hollywood Depicts Trump As Dictator24:2713,211
ABC Promotes Assassination Of President11:5326,317
Trump Will Prosecute Clinton Crime Family20:26154,511
Farmers Are The Key To Humanity's Future10:3419,112
Is Trump Backing Down On Promise To Prosecute Hillary?10:5061,699
In Blitzkrieg Action Trump Delivers On Promises13:8024,837
Austin Sheriff Grants Sanctuary to Criminals5:3759,456

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