The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Breaking: CIA Manipulating US Media Against Nationalist Trump6:2110 384
Shocker: MSM Admits They Are Lying About Trump11:599 303
Megyn Kelly In Alex Jones' Studio5:3158 463
Alex Jones Warns Megyn Kelly, Exposes Psychological Warfare Operation24:70372 385
BEWARE: Staged Protests Ahead6:1515 673
Does The Truth Even Matter Anymore To The Trump Haters5:7013 500
Chelsea Clinton Criticizes Megyn Kelly For Alex Jones Interview18:1092 079
Muslims And Communists Attack Americans, NYT Times Caught In Huge Deception Full Show1:23:4050 682
Mike Cernovich Exposes Alex Soros’ Occultism/House Of Cards16:1042 009
Humanity’s Destiny Of Freedom Mapped5:347 181
Jack Posobiec: The MSM Dictatorship Is Over9:4017 393
Comey Admits NYT Is Lying To The Public About Trump-Russian Actions10:3810 579
Video: Trump Ready To Testify Under Oath, Comey Admits Trump Didn't Order Him To Stop Investigation5:7015 094
Soros Funds Pro-Islamic Thugs Attacking Americans On The Street11:2527 145
Leaked: The Secret To Why Alex Jones Supports Trump11:1546 495
Bombshell: NYT Caught Lying To Readers About Comey Testimony20:4854 182
BREAKING! Big New Developments in Sessions - Comey Hearings1:57:60141 329
Watch This Guy Call Out A Trendy6:3788 290
Founding Oathkeeper Says Civil War Is Imminent4:16123 398
Anti-Sharia Rally In Austin Spotlights Brain Dead Left5:3574 068
Mark Dice: Sh*t Has Hit The Fan Over Comeygate!7:52182 934
Former Democrat That Didn't Vote Trump Explains Why She Now Supports Trump5:15150 565
Crazy Bernie Turns Confirmation Hearing Into A Religious Litmus Test6:1030 162
ANTIFA and Muslim Thugs Violently Interrupt Americans Protesting Sharia Law10:24150 907
Communists And Muslims Team Up To Attack Americans Protesting Sharia Law13:52198 225
Nancy Pelosi Calls President Trump Bush Again4:2040 461
Trump Compels Climate Alarmists Towards Conservative Platform11:5119 974
President Trump Is Freeing America6:2557 290
Parents Are Training Their Kids To Be Trannies12:1045 034
Comey Highlights: Did He Break The Law?23:5117 142
Full Show - The Truth About Comey Hearing Exposed - 06/09/20172:55:4746 064
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Top Highlights From Comey's Testimony1:00:3236 905
Anti-Sharia LAW March Spun By Propaganda7:1026 332
James Comey Testimony Proves CNN and New York Times Are Fake News5:2025 684
Hollywood Funds Terrorism and Supports Pedophiles25:2618 550
George Soros’ Plot to Destroy Romania5:5720 467
Trump Holds Joint Press Conference, Answers Comey Questions20:4532 578
Jeb Bush Defends Trump, Admits No One Cares About Him18:31116 781
Comey Hearing Highlights: His Testimony Doesn’t Add Up6:5015 667
Peaceful Liberals Want Nuclear War19:9015 037
Can The People's Summit Help Overcome Tribalism Of George Soros?35:2510 752
Bernie Sanders: Trojan Horse For Radical Islam11:2112 015
Bernie Sanders Anti-Christian Litmus Test For Gov't Workers9:2422 060
Even The MSM Turns On James Comey18:1554 471
The Shocking Truth About Europe's Leaders6:4036 772
Theresa May Keeps Control of Britain16:3136 997
BBC Censors "Allah" From Interview About Muslim Attack5:5017 767
Feminists Now Embracing Radical Islam?5:2016 714
Insane McCain Insists Russian Narrative Real At Comey Hearing5:2121 263
Federal Reserve To Crash Stock Market To Stop Trump6:4075 397
James Comey: The Wannabe J. Edgar Hoover11:1219 637
Clear Cut Comey Hearing Creates Two Polarized Points Of View18:1323 011
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Comey Suicide Bombs The Senate, Trump Unhurt!1:00:2484 016
Giant Commie James Comey Commits Perjury #JailComey21:5222 469
The MSM Can't Stop Talking About This Man1:3819 041
Top Ten Facts From Comey's Testimony10:2748 676
Comey Calls Himself A Coward To Make Trump Look Like A Bully5:4210 727
Full Show - Comey Destroys Himself Before the Senate Intelligence Committee Must-See - 06/08/20173:03:5025 814
We're Fighting For Freedom And To Save Our Culture5:506 469
Breaking: Trump Is Winning The Civil War / Comey Leaks Are Criminal18:7037 218
James Comey Details How He Leaked To The NY Times5:108 442
Video: Rubio Asks Comey Why He Didn't Leak That Trump Was Innocent7:0049 782
Roger Stone: Comey Testimony Is Death Whimpers Of Russian Collusion Narrative12:2239 635
MSM In Full Spin Mode Over Comey Hearing4:4991 737
Did Comey Lie Today Or In May? Either Way, It's Perjury.2:4911 423
WATCH LIVE! James Comey Congressional Hearing6:45:50179 401
Gavin McInnes: Comey Just Hanged Himself, Left Are Cannibals27:14229 916
Comey Rationalizes Why He Refused To Inform Public Trump Was Not Under Investigation1:549 287
Trump Vindicated! Comey: "Trump Did Not Order Me To Stop Investigation"8:2518 109
Powerful! Comey Destroys Himself, Must See Video9:3154 851
#FAKENEWS! Senate Hearing Finds NY Times Prints Fake News2:257 664
Former FBI Director James Comey Admits He's A Coward3:307 785
Contradicting Comey Admits Again He Was Not Pressured To Halt Russian Investigation4:146 793
Unbelievable! Comey Admits Lynch Ordered Him To Cover Up Clinton Crimes10:1039 826
Comey Will Obstruct Justice To Foment An Open Coup11:1010 723
Video: Comey Self Destructs In Front Of The World17:57149 973
Comey Admits He Leaked Info Against Trump16:3527 934
Comey Serves Senate Intelligence Committee Big, Fat Treason Burger6:2616 580
Comey Admits "Hope" Was Not An Order To Kill Russia / Flynn Investigation2:1811 168
DUNCE! Comey Can't Explain Why Only Bad Info On Trump Is Leaked1:4817 091
Alex Jones Speaks Truth To Megyn Kelly4:28296 098
LEAKER! Comey Admits He Leaked Trump Memos To Press1:1226 127
BOMBSHELL! Former FBI Director Comey Contradicts His Previous Sworn Testimony2:1721 485
AMERICA IS BACK!2:3022 997
What the Guy Fawkes Is Going On?!12:0021 919
Full Show - Eric Trump Reveals The War On His Father - 06/07/20173:04:5725 531
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Comey Releases Testimony Before Hearing1:41:5162 902
Help Us In The Fight For Internet Freedom4:538 606
Why Trump Must Get On Offense And Attack Comey17:3912 922
James Comey's Memo Release Vindicates Trump11:0031 733
The Disgusting Dark Side Of Chelsea Clinton21:27225 748
Only Donald Trump Can Kill The Federal Reserve4:5216 945
How The Olympics Will Be Used To Push Globalism5:205 409
Meet the Pro-Trump Nationalist Running Against Elizabeth Warren5:549 322
Leading Scientist Exposes Deadly GMO Secrets7:1016 858
Roger Stone: James Comey Is A Shill For The Clintons8:1924 621
Obama Crash: Globalists Push Collapse To Stop Trump9:4918 118
Kathy Griffin Exposed Liberals' True Violent Nature5:8012 570
Sweden Surrenders To Muslim Rapists16:7025 348
Trump Is Charging Through A Globalist Mine Field14:2415 222

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