The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Tom Brokaw’s SJW Taunt of Alex Jones3:1311 791
Alex Jones Megyn Kelly Full Interview Leaked30:601 662 205
Full Show - MSM Doubles Down, Continues Attacks on Trump and Alex Jones - 06/15/20173:02:5720 301
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: MSM Tries To Shift Away From Killers For Bernie1:00:3548 162
Exclusive Sneak Peek! Alex Jones To Release Full Megyn Kelly Interview2:90170 535
We Are In A Life Or Death Battle With Evil For Humanity’s Soul22:1719 055
MSM Has Sold Its Soul To Destroy Humanity21:4030 947
Proof The Left Are Violent Criminals9:4211 820
Secret Pedophile Cult Is Being Rounded Up And Brought To Justice17:5643 480
Trump Must Clean House, Fire Deep State Operatives6:187 512
Former Navy SEAL Reveals Who Is Funding Radical Left Violence12:6041 623
Pathetic: A Senile Tom Brokaw Claims Alex Jones Is An Unalloyed Racist23:3412 369
Left Panics, Prepares More Terror Attacks For American People5:209 684
Infowars Attacked for Fighting Pedophilia / Pizzagate6:4510 446
New York Times Provided Key Intel To Target Congressional Baseball Game13:0012 109
Low-Ratings Don Lemon Lies About Alex Jones5:3618 079
MSM Calls For Alex Jones To Be Banned From The Airwaves Soviet-Style5:3718 254
VIDEO: Citizens Increase Pressure On Terrorist Media6:307 167
MSM Declares Alex Jones Enemy #1 As Trump Battles To Stop The Economic Implosion18:5018 581
MSM Celebrates Congressional Shooting, Prepares Open Civil War To Destroy America27:1029 911
Shocking New Information Regarding Shooting Of Congressman Scalise4:3841 601
Trump Must Prosecute Pedophile Elite To Secure Presidency6:1415 619
Leftist Shoots Up GOP On Trump's B-Day13:9012 701
First Reporter at Scene of Shooting: What Happened, What’s Behind It25:1927 448
First Shots Fired In Second US Civil War! What Will You Do?7:23171 977
Democrats Launch Terror Attack On Trump's Birthday11:0032 954
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Liberal Hate Becomes Real Terror1:01:2639 407
What Mueller Is Up To, Why Trump Supporters Must Be Vigilant18:2519 574
The Tech Left’s Program To Censor Us Continues4:577 328
Full Show - Liberal Terrorist Shoots Congressman On Trump's Birthday - 06/14/20172:55:5817 288
Trump's Duty Is To Stop Democrat Civil War Plan28:8033 262
Video: Hollywood's Message To Trump1:3629 250
Alex Jones: Trump Must Fire The Federal Reserve To Save America6:1020 998
William Binney: Surveillance Grid Could Be Used Constitutionally To Target Suspected Terrorists19:2010 490
Leftist Governor Needs Head Examined, Says 93 Million Americans Die Each Day From Guns9:8017 403
Former NSA Head Exposes Plan To Destroy Trump12:3746 520
Antonio Sabato Jr. Runs For Congress Despite Massive Hollywood Backlash12:1014 521
On His Birthday Trump Responds To Liberal Terror Attack4:5035 745
Congress Shooting Proves Left's Calls For Violence and Assassination Paying Off6:8028 696
Wounded Scalise & Republicans Mocked By Terroristic Social Media5:1621 398
Watch LIVE: CNN Allows Justification For Violence Against Republicans51:1864 099
Wolf Blitzer Reports: Liberal Shooter Not Evil5:2237 472
Breaking: Democrats Plan Communist Overthrow Of America11:3117 056
Deep State Activates Liberal Cells To Carry Out Terror Attacks On Trump's Birthday6:5022 162
CNN Defends Shooter, "He Wasn't Evil, He Was Just Tired Of Politics"5:19106 102
Will Trump Stop Democrats' Plan For Violent Civil War?4:528 730
MSM Directs Democrats To Carry Out Terror Attacks17:1413 896
Leftist Shooter: "It's Time To Destroy Trump And Co"4:5335 963
Rand Paul: Nobody Would Have Survived Without Armed Police6:1014 497
Terror Attack: Gunman Attack On Baseball Game Was Carried Out By Crazy Anti Trump Leftist16:4044 736
FROZEN: Yet Another Polar Expedition Trapped In Non-Existent Ice2:5819 763
JP Morgan Doesn’t Want You To Know About Alex Jones9:3618 729
Trump Assassination, Second Act17:4824 631
Citizen Journalist Exposed Portland Train Stabber As Bernie Supporting Lunatic5:109 528
Full Show - The American People Face the Greatest Propaganda Assault in History - 06/13/20172:53:4624 794
TOP TEN Moments From A.G. Sessions' Testimony15:4660 352
#Sessions Colludes w #DEA - NOT #Russia - 2 stop #MedicalMarijuana1:01:1037 089
Sessions Dogged Determination In The Face Of The Rotting Russian Nothing Burger5:1112 910
Snooty Senator Harris Told To Shut UP During AG Sessions Testimony6:4342 183
Sessions Outs Comey As A Liar Again4:5524 939
AG Jeff Sessions Destroys Russia Hoax In Testimony Analysis By Alex Jones49:5187 854
Megyn Kelly Blushed When She Talked About Putin, Said He Was Intriguing11:5246 949
JP Morgan “Boycott” Highlights Who Funds #FAKENEWS5:609 584
EXPOSED: J. Edgar Comey, Dirty Tricks, Dirty Dossier Connection18:118 057
Psychiatrist Talks About Why Megyn Kelly And MSM Hate Alex Jones So Much12:2038 715
Swamp Ignores Comey Perjury, Hopes to Entrap Sessions6:508 866
Coal Gives US Civilization, Arby’s Gives Us Gas12:407 541
Antifa Swarms Reporter When He Attempts To Video Tape Them5:4524 090
Democrats Prove Trump/Russia Collusion Is A Fairy Tale4:379 329
AG Sessions Put Creepy Ron Wyden In His Place4:2515 825
Inside America’s Coming Water Wars5:3210 933
Behind The Scenes Of The Megyn Kelly Alex Jones Interview Exclusive27:5451 974
Roger Stone The Fix Is In, Mueller Hired To Indict The President6:1834 026
WATCH LIVE: Jeff Sessions Testifies3:27:5675 700
Comey Admits That He And Mueller Have Already Rigged The Russia Investigation Against Trump11:5417 544
Powerful Jeff Sessions Opening Statement: NO RUSSIA COLLUSION19:3240 082
Hilarious! CNN Admits The Public Doesn’t Trust Them As MSNBC Is Caught Again Staging Fake Interviews6:3465 033
Breaking: MSM Caught Staging Fake Interviews Again / Distract Attention By Attacking Alex Jones12:8017 733
The Left Has Become Numb To Life10:138 585
Democrats Caught In Massive Election Fraud Nationwide18:4015 077
Media Refuses To Report Alex Jones’ Real Statements On Sandy Hook17:2350 983
MSM In Meltdown Over Megyn Kelly Interview5:5682 706
Ivanka Trump On The Viciousness Of Washington D.C.4:3925 367
Liberal Media Lies About Trump Crashing Wedding6:3411 615
Pedogate Arrests Continue To Pile Up18:1030 985
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: More Arrests Made In Pedogate59:4592 523
How Many Times Has Comey Lied To Congress?18:5110 673
Full Show - Melt Down Over Megyn Kelly Interview - 06/12/20172:53:8048 270
The Hysterical Fascist New Left Desperately Tries To Take Down Trump11:2214 851
Muslims And Communists Attack Peaceful Citizens In Austin, Police Do Nothing17:4923 754
Alex Jones Responds To Megyn Kelly Firestorm41:55277 027
Insider: The Republic Is Being Prepared For Trump Assassination6:5964 533
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Praises Trump Assassination Play12:2815 569
Was Seth Rich Planning Second Data Dump?5:2210 190
BombShell: Comey Told Congress He Had Never Leaked, Then Leaked17:2616 582
Seth Rich Questions Election Fraud Months Before Assassination18:907 579
Trump Assassination Imminent5:1025 272

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