The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Stephen Colbert / Tuck Buckford Bloopers Released3:1731 046
Russia Collusion Hearings Blow Up in Democrats’ Faces6:3016 348
Pedogate Continues To Unravel, From Haiti To America18:2633 363
Monica Petersen: Latest In Clinton Body Count?6:24109 899
Gary Heavin On Shortlist For Haiti Ambassadorship12:179 138
Leftists Continue To Push Insane Russian Hacking Lie5:148 495
The Left Is Engaged In Criminal Obstruction Of Justice12:609 678
Defeat Of Ossoff Proves Americans Are Sick Of Democrats6:4233 755
Democrats, Not Putin, Are Real Threat To America6:1913 808
Proof DHS Hacked American Elections9:1517 976
What Trump's Victory Means For The 1776 Revival7:2822 707
LEFT Preparing To Plunge America Into 2nd Civil War7:1850 200
Snake Bezos Enters The White House9:2215 774
Is This The Final Proof That Hitler Escaped To Argentina?12:10231 308
The Real Collusion Happening In U.S. Government5:1513 693
Media's Bias Exposed During Brussels Bombing18:8017 952
Full Show - Russia Threatens War Over US Shootdown Of Syrian Plane, World In Turmoil - 06/19/20173:02:1523 317
Left Demonize PJW & Tommy Robinson As “Hate Preachers”5:1123 747
Breaking: Terror Attack On Brussels, Belgium Metro Station4:4341 978
Left Blamed Trump For Murder Of Muslim Girl By An Illegal5:239 910
Trump Proven Right About Millions Of Illegal Voters1:5721 288
Bernie Sanders Encourages “Unprecendented” Action After His Supporter Tried To Massacre Republicans2:507 531
Watch LIVE: Suicide Bomber Blows Himself up At Brussels Station1:07:41121 046
Gov. Jerry Brown VS The USA5:134 344
Hillary's Ties To Russian Spies5:366 234
MSM Implicitly Condones Violent Rhetoric Of Extreme Leftists22:124 941
VIDEO: Tuck Buckford Attacks Donald Trump1:2351 057
Metaphysical Battle Between Good And Evil Behind The Scenes Shows Its Face9:518 762
Liberal Lunatic Larry Wilmore Celebrates Otto Warmbier’s Arrest Before His Death10:0013 935
Are Muslim Arms Being Manufactured In The US And Shipped To Mosques Worldwide?3:5612 387
Who's The Biggest Liar: Megyn Kelly, Brian Williams, Or Connie Chung?11:2114 015
Full Show - Biggest Liars In Media Conspire To Destroy America - 06/20/20172:57:5815 300
Free Market Is The Answer To Saving America8:417 941
NYC 'Trump Assassination Play' Protester Speaks Out5:1014 026
Leftist Suicide Gene Leads Them To Spark Civil War With Conservatives22:4934 177
Should We Run And Hide When Liberals Attack Us With Knives, Clubs, and Guns?12:3614 153
Sean Hannity Agrees With Alex Jones, Tells NBC To Release The Tapes7:3279 628
Fox News Analyst Warns Of Left Triggering Civil War In America4:4016 756
Walmart Killed Main Street, Amazon Is Crashing The Whole Economy15:6038 607
Finsbury Mosque Terror: What They're NOT Telling You5:3853 888
Veteran Slams Megyn Kelly Defending Drug Runners7:0032 979
Leftists Scream, “You’re Getting the Shank, White Boy”, Stab Trump Supporter6:2729 945
Otto Warmbier Dies In Parents Arms After Torture Enduced Coma In N. Korean Prison Camp4:1016 321
The Truth About John Ossoff10:405 517
How Trump And America Are Being Tricked Into WWIII12:106 696
Colonel Shaffer Warns Of A Bloody Civil War18:2413 350
WATCH LIVE: Russia And US On The Brink Of War1:00:3482 817
MSNBC Host Calls For ISIS To Attack Trump17:4225 239
Will Trump Pardon Assange/Snowden?8:4015 901
US Veterans Volunteer To Claim Children From Sex Slavery In Middle East7:3518 570
Sean Hannity Calls For Megyn Kelly Tapes To Be Released15:1834 525
Alex Jones Responds To Megyn Kelly Claiming He’s An Actor3:2917 914
Megyn Kelly Destroys Herself, Claims Drugs Not Being Shipped Across US Mexico Border, Ratings Plunge17:5429 009
Insider: Globalists Planning War with Russia To Stop Americana Agenda6:4013 869
Alex Jones Exposes More Megyn Kelly Lies17:5964 412
The Truth About The Right Wing Terror Attack In London15:4135 884
Breaking: Deep State Wants War With Russia To Stop Trump11:5618 205
Proof Infowars Exposed Globalist Proxy War In Syria11:4510 927
Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, And The New Media Are Killing MSM17:4221 860
Why Trump's Cuba Policy Reflects American Values4:477 164
Qatar Exposes The Heart Of ISIS Terror Funding4:5516 215
Disaster! Megyn Kelly's Dis-Info Piece Gets Lowest Ratings Ever17:1366 173
New Cuban Missile Crisis, US and Russia Now In Standoff In Syria8:4436 869
Public Agrees That Megyn Kelly Destroyed Herself: 6/18/17 Full Show1:30:18114 540
Exclusive: NBC Looking For Megyn Kelly Exit Plan19:4751 235
Mike Cernovich: Why journalists Should Talk To People They Disagree With26:488 502
Exclusive Analysis On The MSM Sinking Ship22:5513 649
Exclusive: Megyn Kelly Caught Lying To The Public, Red Handed25:10315 688
Public Outraged By NBC / Megyn Kelly Attack on Fatherhood4:18100 683
Alex Jones Father's Day Message To Newtown Families1:50245 787
EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Challenges NBC!7:2892 225
Republican Blames Trump For GOP Baseball Park Shooting!5:5533 070
NYT Assisted Baseball Shooter, Bernie Provided The Hitman?5:3234 979
Was Congressman Shot For Investigating Human Trafficking?4:4644 946
BREAKING: DNC Lawsuit Attorney's Want Protect For Witnesses, Cite Seth Rich5:2435 058
Witches Admit To Hexing Trump, Won't Hex ISIS12:6022 149
Proof The Left Is Responsible For Political Violence18:1121 435
DREAMERS vs American Dream: DAPA Gone, DACA Remains12:5015 076
Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Why The Left Is To Blame For Political Violence1:00:3243 139
The Left Are Terrorizing The United States Of America5:3926 903
Top Three Tips To Run For Office In 20185:347 145
Hateful NBC To Air Alex Jones Megyn Kelly Interview On Father’s Day To Demonize Fathers27:4348 278
Alex Jones "I Do Not Want Megyn Kelly's Kid To Die Of Cancer"1:07:5469 103
How Darkhorse Candidate Corey Stewart Nearly Pulled Off A Come-From-Behind Victory19:368 801
Full Show - Alex Jones Breaks Down NBC’s Plan To Kill The New Media And Stop America’s Awakening3:02:2227 419
The Red Pill: Former Feminist Talks Metamorphosis, Awakens To Human Destiny36:3028 057
Megyn Kelly Gets Scooped By Alex Jones3:4759 242
Trump Announces Plan To Truly Open Cuba and End Military Monopoly4:5121 568
Trump's Winning Strategy To Defeat Russia/Obstruction Of Justice Probe Revealed27:2220 584
Trump: Scalise Took A Bullet For Us All4:3413 883
Listen To Megyn Kelly's Alex Jones Interview Leaked29:40153 108
#HuntRepublicans: Dem Strategist Calls For Civil War6:2121 513
Head Of Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfein Makes Fun Of Trump Trying To Save Economy, Praises China11:5711 589
MSM Goes Into Total Meltdown Fearing The Rise Of Alex Jones4:4749 865
Fraud, Theft, Defiance: Foundations Of ObamaCare & How Trump Can End It23:279 883
Fed Up: Rates Rise In Boiling Frog Take Down Of Economy3:3011 002
MSM Obfuscation, NOT Obstruction By Trump15:208 388
Killers for Bernie: What They Don’t Want You To See9:3920 209

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