The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Warning: Top Generals Moving Against President Trump11:1954 146
Pro-Freedom Country Singer Fights Back Against Global Elite11:3011 395
The Most Epic Media Roast Of All Time17:3739 925
Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died RIP 1943 - 201711:5885 629
Rising Country Star Takes On The Globalist Parasites7:5620 146
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Going Down4:5932 856
Media Gets Owned By Sarah Huckabee Sanders9:6026 205
YouTube to Censor Controversial Videos4:1210 451
Why FBI Official McCabe Is The Bad Guy Of The Week5:006 337
Why Maxine Waters Is In Deep, Deep Trouble15:2517 799
Alabama Senate Race Key Measure For Trump Supporters17:514 880
Full Show - DNC Leaker Discovered! Documents Show Facebook Designed to Brain Damage Users3:01:5616 644
Roger Stone: Seth Rich Revelations By Pulitzer Prize Winner Ignored By MSM4:1410 423
Professor Banned From Google For Saying Men And Women Exist5:1617 890
Millennials Have Been Programmed To Destroy Themselves And Everyone Around Them10:348 432
Exclusive: Inside The Crucifixion Of Joe Arpaio22:175 595
BREAKING: Military Program Potentially Infiltrated By Terrorists34:4313 369
Terrorism Expert Warns The Left Is Preparing Massive Attacks Against Trump And His Supporters18:3032 089
Mark Of The Beast Pushed Here In America5:1616 183
Eric Trump: My Father Is Carrying America On His Back23:589 921
Dinesh D'Souza: Victory Is In Our Grasp If We Come Together/Exposing The Left's Nazi Roots24:1035 104
Video: Twitter Confirmation Bias Exposed7:494 131
Just Over 1% Of Migrants Arriving In Italy Are Syrian Refugees6:347 212
Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Seth Rich Was Murdered19:5019 398
Exclusive: Seymour Hersh Exposes DNC Leaker's Identity18:2924 248
The Truth About Slavery Netflix & Amazon Don’t Want You To Know4:1528 943
It Begins: YouTube To Hide “Controversial” Content12:7018 731
Trump Saving American Economy From Obama's Destruction11:358 625
Pres. Trump, Pardon Sheriff Joe: “Guilty” Of Defying Sanctuary Judge8:2926 324
Dark State VS Trump - Afghan Pull Out Rumored After Trump Stops Arming ISIS7:1214 537
Full Show - For The First Time, Youtube Admits Plan To Censor Dissenting Views - 08/01/20173:07:2323 672
AUDIO: Seymour Hersh Claims Seth Rich Was DNC Email Leaker7:5765 935
Brits Fight Back Against Migrant Invasion14:2526 163
Just 1% of “Refugees” Are Syrian5:2910 865
Breaking: For The First Time, Youtube Admits Plan To Censor Conservative Views18:3917 781
The Left Is In Total Panic Mode22:3123 330
Bill Clinton Reveals What Hillary Presidency Would Be Like5:1329 117
Mueller's Secret Transfer Of Uranium To Russia Under Investigation24:2218 414
MSM Pushing Race War, Weaponizing Minorities8:316 814
Evil! Obama Looted Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac In Plan To Kill The American Dream Of Homeownership17:326 564
The Internet Has Empowered The People After It Was Designed To Take Full Control5:286 499
Alex Jones Laughs As John Oliver Boosts Infowars Store Sales11:50116 507
Insane Psychology Of The Left Exposed13:2020 395
The Deep State Is Made Up Of Multiple Factions, Patriotic And Traitorous18:1121 925
Zombies Are An Archetype For The Soulless, Liberal Conformist5:247 125
Communist China Has Taken Control Of Hollywood18:2211 387
Breaking: Pakistani Intelligence Penetrated The DNC / New Seth Rich Info18:3731 825
Paul Joseph Watson Destroys J. K. Rowling And Her Hypocrisy3:1922 803
'Racist' Deplorable Endorses Trump's Wall16:1021 761
Vaccines: YOU Can Take Action NOW For Moratorium11:2812 791
Bunkerville Judge Gags Defense11:2710 084
Russia Investigation Turned To Hillary Clinton!17:1951 855
Full Show - Venezuela Has Collapsed, It Is Now A Failed State - 07/31/20172:59:4634 828
Singer Gave Up Lucrative Recording Contract To Red Pill The World: 20K Contest Entry17:7050 268
Color Of Money & Fraud: GreenTech & Clinton Crony Capitalism16:159 415
Congressman Accidentally Exposes The Lies Of The Drug War5:2983 865
The Western World Cucked!5:3418 815
Illegal Alien Rapist Deported 20 Times Under Democratic Party Agenda5:167 690
Micro Chipped Wisconsin Company Praised By Leftist Media5:309 668
FannieGate—ObamaCare Funded By Obama’s Crimes6:347 072
Trump Blamed For Democrat's Medical Tyranny5:706 786
Obamacare Vote Proves The GOP Lied To The American People12:295 373
MSM Doesn't Realize They're Already Dead5:297 210
Will Self-Driving Cars Save Uber From Death Spiral?5:334 261
Drug-Pushing Media Has Wussified America5:283 564
Scaramucci Removed From Communications Director Role18:2342 350
Google Tracks Your Purchases Without You Knowing18:566 568
Joy Villa Talks Being Pro-Trump In Liberal Elitist Music Industry16:417 870
How Career Politicians Are Destroying America5:343 507
Famous Actor Leaves Hollywood To Make America Great Again18:128 177
Insane Dianne Feinstein Threatens Trump With Impeachment5:3413 235
Roseanne Revival Pushes Trans-Insanity5:2414 674
Are We Living In A Simulation, What Is The Matrix?19:1220 616
North Korea Now Able To Nuke US Mainland6:3723 105
Venezuela Collapses Into Road Warrior Anarchy12:5924 763
Russian Collusion Failed, Russia Persecutes American Diplomats5:2710 357
U.S. Now In North Korean Nuke Range! Democrats Announce Plan To Kill Trump!1:25:1326 974
Corporate Insider Exposes Cold Blooded Globalism11:1422 222
Public Prepares For Trump's Execution10:9025 752
Top Democrats Call For Trump’s Overthrow, What Should We Do?10:518 707
J.K. Rowling Is Voldemort9:4020 641
Voodoo More Accurate Than CNN Polls4:349 374
In Victory Over The American People, John McCain Saves Obamacare14:4225 917
Congressman King Calls For Criminal Investigation Of Obama, Comey & Lynch10:2247 754
Breaking: Government Admits Plan To Microchip The Population10:2678 943
Clintons Are To Blame For North Korea Taking The World To The Edge Of Nuclear War10:3320 214
Video Of Roger Stone Breaking Reince Priebus Firing First6:2421 084
Spies Who Transferred Nukes To North Korea Discovered6:36267 155
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups5:2941 157
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Threatens Capitol Police Chief Over Incriminating Laptop6:3647 679
Britain Surrenders To NWO Agenda4:3851 517
Cyberbullies Praise Death Of Female Hunter10:5060 490
#CharlieGard, Treated Worse Than A Dog, Dies3:5821 015
Young Democrats Wonder If There's A Future Within Party11:3117 357
McCain Burns Down America & GOP11:4045 274
Full Show - Infowars Broke Priebus Firing, General Kelly Hiring - 07/28/20173:06:4931 442
Infowars Broke Priebus Firing / General Kelly Hiring 4 Days Before Announcement19:1130 997
Exclusive: Infowars Broke Priebus Firing - Inside The Trump Purge!15:3025 790
Qatar Gives The U.S. The Finger4:4525 414
VIDEO: Infowars Host Roger Stone Predicted That Gen Kelly Would Replace Reince Priebus9:1039 026

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