The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

Who Killed Heather Heyer?21:1845 184
Bombshell Connection Between Charlottesville, Soros, CIA49:80277 678
Full Show - Exclusive: Soros/Democrats Caught Running Charlottesville Race Riot - 08/14/20172:59:4537 232
Soros Protesters Caught Larping In Charlottesville28:2847 992
Infowars Extra: Left Wing Propaganda Pushes Obama Shadow Presidency6:2616 593
Fake Black Man Tricks College Into Accepting Him12:5818 777
Organizer Of Charlottesville Demonstration Worked For Obama5:8034 953
Boston Mayor Shuts Down Free Speech Rally, Labels Speakers Racists5:2718 136
Alex Jones Confronts Leader Of The Alt-Right Event That Changed Into Charlottesville Disaster23:4942 871
Alex Jones Joins Diamond & Silk In Massive Lawsuit Against Google / YouTube Discrimination15:2193 972
Emergency Warning To President Trump On Potential Trap In North Korea: Shoot Down EMP Satellites11:42133 200
Mike Cernovich Breaks Down Deep State Race War Attack Against Trump18:3925 813
Why WW3 Has Always Been North Korea's Endgame5:4620 667
Antifa Caught Working With Charlottesville Mayor To Start Bloody Riots6:4477 603
Public Calls For Investigation Of Charlottesville Mayor Calling For Police Stand-Down12:3555 831
Reporter: Charlottesville Race Riot Was Total Deep State Operation10:1220 849
EXCLUSIVE: Footage of Counter-Protester Violence in Charlottesville, VA Protest5:44311 420
Live Video: President Trump’s Second Statement On Charlottesville / Soros Race War False Flag19:2613 624
Police Say They Were Ordered To Stand Down, Charlottesville Mayor Criminally Responsible For Deaths23:1759 688
Confirmed: Mayor Ordered Police Stand Down/Caused Death In Charlottesville , VA5:4732 066
In Depth Analysis Of Charlottesville False Flag Race Riots: 8/13/17 Full Show1:19:5163 367
Witness To Race Riots In Charlottesville: “We Must Not Play Into Stereotypes Of The MSM”11:9053 533
Charlottesville Race Riots: Humanity Must Unite Against AI Take Over10:8017 025
Leader Of Charlottesville White National Rally Speaks Exclusively To Infowars18:1768 894
Soros Army Launches Race War On His Birthday4:3121 826
Reporter Attacked In Charlottesville’s Race Riots Speaks Out18:5770 448
Soros Unleashes Racist Antifa Army In America/Race War Ensues9:5020 848
Exclusive: Elite Stage Race War To Enslave America13:5434 767
What They're NOT Telling You About The Charlottesville Race Riots9:54387 542
Infowars Attacked By Antifa!8:49109 229
LIVE: Race Riots Trigger State Of Emergency In Virginia!52:58110 771
EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Riots Staged To Bring In Martial Law, Ban Conservative Gatherings1:07:22364 345
Black Man Kicked Out Of Gym For Supporting Trump11:3548 440
Congressman Calls For Mueller To Testify11:8026 190
Trump Press Conference On North Korea17:3518 631
Full Show - Patriots Organize March On Google Headquarters Across The Country - 08/11/20173:05:4226 728
Buzzfeed's Lab Caught Selling Re-labelled InfoWars Products At Double The Price5:3433 303
Infowars Bloopers LEAKED4:5523 631
Patriots Plan Protest Against Tech Censorship #MarchOnGoogle49:4911 143
Iran Created Islamophobia To Silence Critics18:479 051
Infowars Launches, Your New Source For Bombshell News3:3117 764
North Korea Must Be Totally Crippled In Response To Any Terrorist Acts11:3140 998
Globalists Need A Total War Scenario For Americans To Accept Tyranny6:2424 295
We Must Support Those Fighting Back Against Internet Censorship12:2513 776
Dr. Quanta: Ahmed Radical Islamists Like CAIR Masquerade As Civil Rights Groups6:336 695
Liberalism and Radical Islam Are Totalitarian Bedfellows12:587 529
Facebook & Youtube Need To Be Treated Like Public Utilities5:266 153
Paul Joseph Watson: I'm Leaving Youtube Until They Change Their Policies Against Us5:29106 585
Censorship Is So Progressive10:1768 503
The Only Thing Stopping A Trump Assassination Is Us Talking About It7:3124 244
Philip Mudd On Trump: The Government's Gonna Kill This Guy17:4744 078
Civilization Is Becoming More Unstable: Special Report17:2929 983
If They Kill Trump, They're Coming After All Of Us22:1248 181
Former CIA Torturer Declares They Will Kill The President5:1048 198
Ideological Diversity Under Attack5:577 808
How Chicago Christian Band Succeeds In Leftist Stronghold11:5415 335
Obama Lied About North Korea11:3638 170
EXCLUSIVE: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Pleads To Trump DOJ11:6021 497
Deep State Judges And Attorneys Continue Their Witch Hunt Of Trump17:3611 287
Full Show - Americans Need A King Arthur To Drive Out Conquerors Of The Human Spirit - 08/10/20172:59:1518 993
Michael Malice: All War Scenarios With North Korea "Hellish"18:5969 189
John Rappoport, "California Is Descending Into Utter Madness"20:4353 164
Commie Hellhole N. Korea Cannot Destroy The U.S.18:7020 497
California Voting Numbers Don't Quite Add Up7:2815 273
CDC Destroyed Evidence That Some Vaccines Cause Autism13:2011 811
Buzzfeed Gives Glowing Review Of Infowars Products13:1114 298
Producer Of Anti Vaccine Movie Banned From Australia6:206 126
The Love Of Truth Casts Fear Out Of The Human Heart13:2911 366
Having Children Connects You With The Past and Guarantees A Future6:908 621
Gavin McInnes: The Gestapo Don't Have To Work Because We Police Ourselves12:3132 812
Kim Jong Un Has Been Given Over To Destruction3:5828 783
Commit Yourself To Evil And You Go The Way Of Judas3:477 264
Word Police: Authoritarianism Is The New Liberalism4:435 358
Humility Before God Is The Key To Transcending Our Own Wretched Mortality18:389 688
The Spanish Dishonor Their Ancestors And Allow Migrants To Undo 300 Years Of Reconquista22:2041 824
BUSTED! Alex Jones Caught Fidget Spinning1:0075 912
Senator John Decamp Passes Away Leaving A Legacy Of Triumph Over Pedophilia & Satanism0:3210 368
Google's Worst Nightmare11:4093 510
Liberal Terrorist Shoots And Kills GOP Committeeman17:3740 864
Canada's Border Shut Down11:36187 570
Full Show - Trump Promises Fire And Fury In Response To Provocations From North Korea - 08/09/20173:13:2630 123
Breaking! Hillary To Be Offered Plea Deal For Guilty Plea51:29101 758
FAIL! Buzzfeed Attack On Infowars Blows Up In Their Face33:3479 275
How President Trump Got Fooled Into Endorsing Luther Strange15:409 863
Agency Selling Sex Toy Ads Blacklists Infowars10:474 741
Roger Stone: The Current Administration Is 20% Trump And 80% Obama Holdovers21:4517 830
North Korea Is A Distraction From Border Conflict Between India And China26:2247 666
Academic Military Industrial Complex Is Teaching Populations To Embrace Open Borders6:198 479
Net Neutrality Is A Plan To Regulate The Internet Under The Pretense Of Equality4:434 897
Oversocialization Gives Life To Politically Correct Culture12:358 913
Hillary Clinton’s Election Loss Caused Mass PTSD For Democrats5:169 613
Adam Curry: North Korea Wants To Be Recognized As A Player On The World's Political Stage19:3210 601
Obama Operatives Sabotage Trumps Presidency As AG Sessions Closes In On The Clinton Crime Family18:5529 192
Goliath Pedo Government Loses A Major Nemesis4:5810 766
Puerto Ricans Actively Resist Globalist Takeover11:319 649
Crazy, Obese Penguin Leads North Korea Towards Their Own Total Annihilation9:5811 325
Trump Surrounded By Deep State Wolves4:588 273
The Truth About The Google 'Diversity' Memo5:486 080
Coup Against Trump Accellerates As FBI Conducts Raid Of Paul Manaforts Home16:2246 136
Globalists Transferred Nukes To China, North Korea, And Pakistan To Deliver Our World To Satan24:1325 837

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