The Alex Jones Channel
37,981 videos, +2,357,920 subscribers

Top British Newspapers Say Prepare For Nuclear War4:4119,372
North Korea Is Clinton's Mess7:4522,161
How Gab Can Defeat Twitter11:3514,494
President Trump Threatens North Korea With Fire And Fury17:3726,711
Full Show - McMaster Caught Spying For Soros / North Korea Miniaturizes Nukes - 08/08/20173:06:1139,699
North Korea Threatens To Nuke Guam Naval Base, Trump Responds42:43182,341
Scientists Say Google Whistleblower Is Completely Correct12:5421,253
California Bakeries Refuse To Bake Trump Cake1:5014,119
Whistleblower: Google Censoring Anti-PC Search Results21:3033,364
Jake Tapper Triggered By #FireMcMaster Tweets5:9012,288
CNN Is Like A Psychopath Trying To Lure A Little Kid Into Their Car18:8010,497
Al Gore Falls On His Face! His Film Belly Flops, And He Runs From Reporters18:1140,880
Alex Jones: I Love Muslims, I Want Them To Be Free9:299,549
False Prophet Al Gore Is Caught In Giant, New Scams19:5630,834
Powerful Editorial: Pat Buchanan Asks What Will Happen After The Coup17:4031,900
Bombshell Exclusive: Intelligence Agency Caught McMaster Briefing Soros On White House Takeover28:2791,219
Scientific AI Exterminism Defined5:456,041
Washington Braces For Aftermath Of Trump Coup11:6021,779
The Same Globalist Interests Attacking Trump Are Targeting Israel's Netanyahu4:8010,296
Chelsea Handler Is A Racist Idiot5:2714,800
James Comey Caught In Lie Regarding Loretta Lynch Emails17:3721,323
How The Deep State Is Spurring Civil War11:3626,886
Monsanto Emails Show Collusion With EPA11:4017,244
How Inner Cities Have Been Stripped Of Their Economies11:3414,501
YouTube Shadow Banning Anti-Establishment Users11:3118,875
Full Show - White House Launches Real News To Combat DC Swamp Creatures - 08/07/20172:55:4926,616
What Would Happen If Trump Were Removed From Office?21:1940,638
McMaster Worked For Soros-Funded Think Tank That Helped Make Obama’s Iranian Nuclear Deal6:5713,759
Rahm Emanuel Loyal to Non-Citizens Above Police5:247,393
Trump Has Truth On His Side In The Fight To Restore US Sovereignty7:337,390
Buzzfeed Took Peter Thiel's Trump Comments Out Of Context29:496,059
Deep State Underestimates America’s Willpower12:4411,252
Fox Analyst: Gen. Kelly Must Keep Memos Containing Alex Jones Theories Away From The President18:3313,168
"Seven Days In May" Is A Warning Of Near Future Events5:3312,509
Roger Stone: Trump Is Being Death Marched To His Destruction8:18114,805
Trump Loyalist Purged By Deep State, Warns Of Globalist / Islamic Collusion11:8010,501
Sean Hannity Threatens To Sue Obama Over Illegal NSA Spying / Unmasking5:4042,627
Anti-Gun Activists Face Bankruptcy After Losing Suit Against Gun Store5:2315,560
BREAKING: McMaster Is On George Soros' Payroll4:599,953
Globalists' Trans-humanist Agenda Designed To Crush The Human Spirit26:6011,059
Fake News Media Panics As Trump Launches Fireside Chats12:4651,280
North Korea Threatens Nuclear War After Criminals Transfer The Deadly Weapons4:6026,791
The Democrats Want Martial Law4:3813,674
Sleeping Giant Awakened And Not Laying Back Down4:5824,270
The Criminals Are Panicking As Americans Unite Against Globalism5:9017,773
Maxine Waters Applauds Leaks Threatening National Security4:456,814
Confirmed: Radical Islam Allied with Globalists To Take Down America! 8/6/17 Full Show1:18:2330,402
Incredible! Leaked Documents Show Muslims Bought Off U.S. Government In Preparation For Takeover36:24114,650
The Fire Of God4:2136,577
State Leaders Ask Democrats To Stop Trump Overthrow/Martial Law11:6025,565
Breaking: Obama Planned Martial Law On Election Day But Choked9:4963,165
Australia To Ban Synagogue Because They're Offensive To Muslims9:3923,490
Democrat Blueprint To Overthrow Trump Leaked8:1540,078
Left Celebrates As Islamic Horde Devastates Europe5:3022,478
The Plan To Replace Humanity With AI Revealed14:2543,209
LGBT Protest Trump's Transgender Military Ban13:6036,196
What Are You Doing To Unlock Minds11:3216,788
The Difference Between Obama And Trump17:3924,392
Full Show - Emergency Transmission: Plan To Destroy American Resistance Movement Discovered3:08:4748,317
Incredible, Unintentional Comedy: BBC Says Women Should Wear Burkas To Prove They’re Feminists5:3840,124
Trump Blocks Global Economic Migrant Tsunami Devastating Europe5:3031,774
YouTube Officially Joins Communist China In Censoring Conservatives, Christians, And Libertarians8:3017,990
Donald Trump Must Fire Swamp Thing Robert Mueller7:5015,986
Exclusive: New Ice-T & Dave Mustaine Song Warns Of Martial Law In America2:2236,302
Deep State Prepares To Kill Trump / Decapitate American Resistance Movement9:2525,411
General McMaster’s Dirty Secrets Leak: Exclusive With Mike Cernovich17:2446,670
Putin’s Top Advisor Warns The World Of Globalist, Satanic AI Takeover Plan40:44123,449
Breaking Intel: Trump Completely Isolated Ahead Of Coup21:4583,168
BREAKING: Globalists Purging Infowars Followers From White House Staff30:4339,849
KING LEAKER: Major General H.R. McMaster11:5423,107
General McMaster Panics As Journalists Expose Him As Greatest National Security Threat9:5790,156
BREAKING: Twitter Bans Eric Trump And Drudge Covering Positive Job Numbers6:3016,193
POWERFUL: Trump Tells America They Won The Election, Not Russia3:136,652
MSM Caught Publishing More Fake Polls To Manipulate The Weak Minded4:387,311
MSM Caught Pushing More Fake Polls Claiming Trump Has Lost His Base15:427,675
Warning: Globalist Bootlicker McMaster Firing Patriots From Inner Circle13:8011,442
Litmus Test Against Christian Judges2:1313,212
Calif Crazies: Kill Your Pet, Not Just Your Car4:3818,192
REAL Trade War Sanctions Follow IMAGINARY "Hack"8:428,002
Mueller Convenes Grand Jury: You Can Get A Grand Jury To Indict A Ham Sandwich10:3814,746
Prosecutor Says Militia Illegal6:1316,313
Deep State Is Moving To Remove President Trump11:3418,028
Full Show - Coup Against Trump Accelerates / Greatest Milo Interview Of All Time - 08/03/20173:15:5639,105
Child Beheading Causes Trump To Shut Down Moderate Rebel Myth5:4741,427
CNN Embarrasses Itself Once Again6:2814,061
Globalists Want To Destroy America And Bring Back Feudalism25:3713,478
Treasonous Generals Isolating Trump In Preparation For Coup20:5453,794
Milo and Alex Jones: Feminism Is A Cancerous Anti Women Sex Bot That Wants To Destroy The Family27:1723,667
Proof Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder: Having An Infowars Bumper Sticker Makes You Anti-Gay5:146,950
YouTube Attempting To Suppress & Destroy Liberty Based Channels5:607,497
Leftists Trying To Build A New America Where Everything Is Racist18:407,809
Madam President Newsweek Issue Exposes Why Hillary Clinton Lost23:5817,145
Why Millennials Hate Michelle Obama5:5021,843
Milo: Glenn Beck Is A Media Eunuch22:4043,456
Ground Breaking Milo Yiannopoulis On Banned Book "Dangerous"15:4530,218
Alex Jones Calls Out Top Generals For Selling Out Trump And America21:5030,586
Donald Trump Has Accomplished More Than Any President Of The Past 50 Years12:3411,242
Fear-Monger Al Gore Has Gone Completely Insane4:1213,916
Obama's Ministry Of Truth Pushing For Complete Censorship Of Internet6:4111,223

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