TEDx Talks
81 445 vidéos, +11 109 847 abonnés

Why Everyone Should Care About Language Variation | Meghan Armstrong | TEDxHolyokeCC20:36939
Education Advocate: Between the Cracks | Ruben Sepulveda | TEDxHolyokeCC20:3730
Le grand pouvoir des petits dessins | Dessinateur ASTER | TEDxClermont16:31278
Transformação pela arte | Rodrigo Rizo | TEDxFloripa11:54230
Dikkat! Fırsat Kaçıyor | Emre Soyer | TEDxIstanbul16:577 8241 liste
To Lead or Not to Lead: Changing the World with Shakespeare | Guy Roberts | TEDxYouth@ISPrague17:29773
Три истории, которые изменили мою жизнь | Елена Шкарубо | TEDxNiamiha12:48144
Through the Eyes of a Child | Andrew Buchanan | TEDxChadwickSchool9:1069
Finding Happiness | Asia Debrugge | TEDxShuksanMiddleSchool9:20411 liste
The Ultimate Teachable Moment: A Journey Through End-of-Life Care | Kelly Keane | TEDxHolyokeCC12:4963
Education when Information is Free | Matt Reed | TEDxHolyokeCC14:2767
Sobre viajar de bicicleta | Ismael & Karina | TEDxFloripa14:47861
Can I get an Ah-Ha? Teachers Want to See You Think in 4D | Vanessa Martinez-Renuncio | TEDxHolyokeCC14:3431
Poetry is Not a Luxury | Tzivia Gover | TEDxHolyokeCC19:2155
Active Listening: What Does it Look and Feel Like? | Thomas Neal | TEDxHolyokeCC32:3153
舞獅運動內涵 The substance of Lion Dance sports | 萧斐弘 Siow Ho Phiew | TEDxPetalingStreet17:554 821
女生力量無限大,做自己喜歡做的事 | 徐裴翊 | TEDxNTHU20:202891 liste
News is dead long live notifications | Christian Purefoy | TEDxEuston14:411 1001 liste
點燃生命的微光 | 張榮芳 | TEDxNTHU22:17651 liste
The Myth of Race | Melissa Weise | TEDxHolyokeCC16:20254
Is sitting the new smoking? | Sara Knaeps | TEDxLeuvenSalon12:20485
Mission Heirloom - a peoples journey to health | Yrmis & Bobby | TEDxSanFrancisco14:57164
Всё начинается с мечты | Алена Луговцова | TEDxNiamiha16:21338
A selfie with a robot ! | Konstantinos Karpouzis | TEDxUniversityofMacedonia17:30160
Иди и смотри | Никита Монич | TEDxNiamiha15:57643
Human evolution, the next chapter: cyborgs are being made today | Tom van Oudenaarden | TEDxRoermond8:402361 liste
Be an evil genius, do what you want | Max Noble | TEDxNTHU16:573951 liste
a break from this world/ musical pause | sofianne battikh et mohamed mekada | TEDxTBS13:35112
When technology becomes absolutely wearable | Anastasia Pistofidou | TEDxUniversityofMacedonia17:13447
Extraordinary free run | Minded Motion | TEDxRoermond5:361361 liste
Is Feminism finally ready for A NEW -ISM?! | Alán Ali | TEDxLund19:20530
在世界地圖裡看見人- I see you | 張苡絃 | TEDxNTHU21:60361 liste
Eesti sotsiaalsüsteem üleilmseks edulooks | Annika Amenberg | TEDxToompea12:21228
How to Exercise Common Sense | Mark Davidson | TEDxInverness9:44230
How to improve Two Abilities Making Dream Visible | Toshiki Yamagami | TEDxAnjo17:40567
如果所有人都學會了配音...? | 于正昌 | TEDxNTHU18:23511 liste
Patients are more than their data | Marc Van Impe | TEDxLeuvenSalon20:26130
Learning from the Space — the Possibility of Heat Technology | Hosei Nagano | TEDxAnjo15:41271
What I See through the Forever-Finding-A-Dream Maze | Yuji Suzuki | TEDxAnjo13:18359
Two tables — the scene which changed my life | Ayako Nomura | TEDxAnjo15:50169
Small fry or big fish? | Gustav Delius & Daniel Meeson | TEDxUniversityofYork18:47531 liste
Repaying the society after retirement — how to use my free time | Hajime Torii | TEDxAnjo18:35207
Visual Field Loss by a Brain Hemorrhage ― Overcome the Dispair | Hirofumi Takahashi | TEDxAnjo16:18179
El-Nafekha -The Blowers | ElNafekha- The Blowers | TEDxCairo20:431991 liste
Rendering Minecraft | Jesper Öqvist | TEDxLund6:11342
天使不做的夢 - I will do anything to make my dream come true | 劉大潭 | TEDxNTHU20:19771 liste
Trucks, Triage, and Shifting the balance of Power | Melanie Newdick | TEDxInverness9:5079
Přes ozubená kola do Hollywoodu | Jaroslav Beck | TEDxPrague17:191 479
Wearable Health. A Game Changer. | Chris Van Hoof | TEDxLeuvenSalon18:3091
Going the extra mile: pushing your physical limitations | Phil Wiggins | TEDxUniversityofYork18:301411 liste
Emotion as information: who wins when I argue with myself? | Deborah Talmi | TEDxUniversityofYork17:191911 liste
What is magic? | Tom Crosbie | TEDxUniversityofYork17:161371 liste
Flowers for Turing | Joe Reddington | TEDxUniversityofYork13:90901 liste
In the eye of the beholder: how the Zebra got its stripes | Jonathan Kingdon | TEDxUniversityofYork21:50451 liste
The CBA factor | Eliza Gkritsi | TEDxUniversityofYork13:203991 liste
A few minutes can change your career future | John Tzavlopoulos | TEDxUniversityofMacedonia12:52416
Genocide Survivors: Contributors not Victims | Myra Giberovitch | TEDxMontreal14:58830
Escaping into Real Life | Ben Wright | TEDxUniversityofYork12:562221 liste
Changee!用實踐啟動改變! | 林端容 | TEDxNTHU18:11321 liste
Réinventer la ville, tous ensemble, et à moindre coût | Jérôme Glad | TEDxMontreal15:492 431
Performance | Kebapella | TEDxVytautasMagnusUniversity7:3293
Turning your best friend into business partner | Parenthesis | TEDxUniversityofMacedonia8:44140
Practice and attention | 胡啟志 | TEDxNTHU12:50341 liste
Financing the Future | Anthony Flint | TEDxBeaconStreet13:551 453
Celebrating beforehand — Mikawa-Manzai | Anjo West Jr. High School Mikawa Manzai Club | TEDxAnjo11:49549
3 guiding principles to overcoming setbacks | Chris Weiler | TEDxYouth@LakeVilla16:259971 liste
Мой путь от падения до олимпийского пьедестала | Людмила Волчёк | TEDxNiamiha12:33351
Complimentary soulutions in complementary medicine | Yuri Abrahams | TEDxRoermond19:332721 liste
Save the children! SNS is prohibited after 9:00 p.m.!? | Hideyuki Kamiya | TEDxAnjo15:20386
Momentum of Meaning | Femke Rotteveel | TEDxRoermond18:386291 liste
Reinventing education from the bottom of the brain | Agustin Cuenca | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara15:293951 liste
THE CITY OBSERVATORY | Helen Kendrick | TEDxUniversityofStrathclyde12:58106
How we can deal with failure and not waste time preventing it | Sean Crevier | TEDxYouth@LakeVilla17:348591 liste
"Prinčevi i žablji bataci" | Andrija Geric | TEDxKarlovackaGimnazija14:201 719
Innovation’s Accelerated Future | Karl Seiler | TEDxFloridaTech16:302141 liste
臺灣國寶樂器 -- 月琴的前世今生 | 陳明章 Mingchang Chen | TEDxTaipei18:492 6621 liste
Every child fighting for a better future is a reminder to act | Marina Shacola | TEDxLimassol12:531861 liste
平和を考えるための3つのヒント | Kazuto Tsuruga | TEDxOsakaUSalon23:27951 liste
To Take a Detour in Life is to Be More, and Fear Less | Michela Picchi | TEDxTaipei12:404301 liste
一份無私的愛 讓迷失的孩子走回正軌 | 張進益 Chin-Yi Chang | TEDxTaipei7:297631 liste
The oxymoron of virtual reality | UsuArdo | TEDxAssisi8:262491 liste
Ke Nako! Changing the African Conversation | Malaika Kapur & Kuzi Mutonga | TEDxTerryTalks18:20561
Getting older while being taught all the time | Christothea Pelekanou | TEDxLimassol23:151461 liste
L'Antispecialista | Beatrice Davies | TEDxTorVergataUniversity17:272691 liste
La proprietà intellettuale e l'acqua minerale | Guido Scorza | TEDxTorVergataUniversity17:31821 liste
Performance musical | Felixfônica | TEDxFloripa17:80206
Intuizione lato a e lato b | Antonietta de Lillo | TEDxTorVergataUniversity14:53781 liste
How we will get from A to B in 2026 | Sheryl Connelly | TEDxMelbourneSalon14:505701 liste
High Altitude Expeditions | Saulius Damulevičius | TEDxVytautasMagnusUniversity16:47238
Un terremoto de solidaridad | María José García | TEDxUFRO10:36365
Seul | Abraham 'Tismé' DIALLO | TEDxClermont1:60118
Danza y nueva​s​ masculinidad​es​ | Omar Martínez | TEDxUFRO16:20390
A journey of saving nature by caring | Helga Ahmad | TEDxIslamabadSalon26:501461 liste
Fighting effects of climate change with internet-of-things | Umer Adnan | TEDxIslamabadSalon11:26991 liste
On Climate, Development & Security | Adil Najam | TEDxIslamabadSalon19:221081 liste
The coming solar revolution | Jeremy Higgs | TEDxIslamabadSalon18:182391 liste
Linking Ecology with Economy to Protect Man & Nature | Aisha Khan | TEDxIslamabadSalon11:18761 liste
Cows, Carbon and Climate | Joel Salatin | TEDxCharlottesville17:50965
3R: Refugee, Refuge, Reborn | Haki Abazi | TEDxPrishtina11:472811 liste
Parler des gens | Abraham 'Tismé' DIALLO | TEDxClermont2:24783

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