TEDx Talks
81,445 videos, +11,109,847 subscribers

La Lune / Agitations tropicales | L'IMPÉRATRICE | TEDxParis9:400
Corazón de Lentejuelas | Josefa Casán | TEDxOlavarría20:5701 list
How much Nature do we have? How much do we use? | Mathis Wackernagel | TEDxSanFrancisco16:220
Tecnologia, Exploracion y Ciencia al alcance de todos | Roy Petter Torgersen | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara19:4601 list
Il food tra dimensione locale ed iperlocale | Alex Giordano | TEDxRomaSalon17:520
#BuscateLaVida Emprende! | Rafael Mira | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara23:3301 list
You may hold the cure for the next epidemic | Luciana Borio | TEDxUSU18:200
Trans 102: Life After Transition | Jaye McBride | TEDxAlbany14:5201 list
Aulas que cambian historias | Viviana Pavón | TEDxUCA15:200
Co není, může být. | Pavel Kacerle | TEDxYouth@Prague15:3301 list
Por un puñado de sueños | Jose Luis Lopez Sánchez-Pascuala | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara17:5101 list
Construyendo plataformas de colaboración duraderas y sostenibles. | María Nelly Rivas | TEDxManagua14:900
Human from this Planet | Mohammed Kazkji | TEDxYouth@Prague16:3401 list
Preservar el Gran Acuífero Maya | Guillermo De Anda | TEDxManagua22:460
Success Strategies for Re-Engaging the African American Male Student | Wes Hall | TEDxCrenshaw8:4601 list
Conductor-led improvisation for orchestra | Adam Conrad | TEDxEdina13:270
Identidad digital | Claudio Grosso | TEDxUCA10:500
Changing the Face of STEM | KiMi Wilson | TEDxCrenshaw9:8001 list
Designing Change for Good | Julian Scaff | TEDxCrenshaw8:9001 list
“Behind the Curtain, In Front of the Screen” | Erin Verbeck | TEDxVanderbiltUniversity11:6001 list
Playfulness and Presence | Neil Morbey | TEDxBelfast13:470
Notes On Progress | Gavin Millar | TEDxBelfast5:500
The Art of Thankfulness | Kathryn Willis | TEDxBelfast15:400
The Age of Innocence and Experience | Geraldine ÓKane | TEDxBelfast14:290
The Handless Maiden’ Aa radical blueprint for treating psychosis | Paul Miller | TEDxBelfast13:350
Shaping Your Destiny | Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr. | TEDxCrenshaw20:4201 list
The Art of Doing Good | Michelle Joan Papillion | TEDxCrenshaw6:4901 list
¿Cómo afecta la falta de educación financiera al desarrollo del país? | Elaine Miranda | TEDxManagua14:300
Translating Improvisation | Paul Stapleton | TEDxBelfast11:320
Human vs. Artificial Intelligence: Key Similarities and Differences | Philip Hilm | TEDxYouth@Prague12:4701 list
Harmonizing The Brain: Music and Alzheimer's Disease | Deepa Rajan | TEDxVanderbiltUniversity13:4801 list
Tu Objetivo, Tu Salvavidas | Diana Garcia | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara15:4201 list
Black Hearts in White Minds: Race, Crime, and Redemption | Professor Jody Armour | TEDxCrenshaw12:1001 list
Un filántropo de pocos recursos | Juan Recabarren | TEDxSantiago19:3601 list
Catching Inspiration: Juggling, Art, and Your Mind | Amit Khandhadia | TEDxVanderbiltUniversity10:1801 list
La Revolución de las canas | Eleonora Barone | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara12:5001 list
Education Changes Lives | Glenetta Pope | TEDxCrenshaw11:2501 list
Theater For Personal & Social Transformation | Caroline Watson | TEDxINSEADSingapore18:600
Changing the Face of Depression | Elan Carson | TEDxCrenshaw7:2901 list
Experiential Juncture of a Rapper | Dom Kennedy | TEDxCrenshaw7:5601 list
Las emociones, ¡al laboratorio! | María Clara Zamora | TEDxUCA11:120
Rethinking change | Anna Rohrbough | TEDxSnoIsleLibraries11:1901 list
Edebiyatçı Bir Antrenörden Aldığım Kolektif Yaratıcılık Dersleri | Cem Topçuoğlu | TEDxIstanbul18:2901 list
Coloring Books | Ty Allan Jackson | TEDxAlbany16:3701 list
Building social skills in children through animation | Terry Thoren | TEDxSnoIsleLibraries16:1801 list
Workplace trust and transparency | Ben Hempstead | TEDxSnoIsleLibraries5:3301 list
La Piedra Rosetta del emprendimiento | Monica Marcos | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara13:2301 list
Architecture is in Crisis and sustainable design | Nicolas Duval | TEDxUniversityofNicosia15:2001 list
Live Improv Theater | Bake This | TEDxTUM17:700
"Operacion Cabra" | Dani Losada | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara18:3801 list
la Fuerza nunca ha dejado de acompañarme | Domingo Gaitero | TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara19:3901 list
Be What You Needed as a Child | Deanna Fidelak | TEDxGrandePrairie13:1801 list
Reflections After a Trending Hashtag | Martese Johnson | TEDxCharlottesville14:170
Creativity as Addiction | Ada Lovmo | TEDxGrandePrairie15:5501 list
How I used Facebook to create my own habit | Joanna Chmiel | TEDxPoznan18:5601 list
Soy Gordibuena y Que | Leslie Ulloa & Rouse Ruiz | TEDxArroyoDeLaPlata13:4301 list
Activism, Altruism and the Power of One | Peter Tangen | TEDxLimassol15:4801 list
La marca de un nómada | Arturo Gonzalez | TEDxArroyoDeLaPlata18:3201 list
"Melody of soul": psychology of human sense of music | Philipp Barsky | TEDxYouth@Tomsk13:2901 list
Production of functional food | Artem Bagreev | TEDxYouth@Tomsk12:9001 list
Data mining of social | Anna Dubovik | TEDxYouth@Tomsk17:1301 list
Astronomy as a way to change the life | Alexandra Grokhovskaya | TEDxYouth@Tomsk11:1801 list
Evolutionary crystallography or how to save billion years | Oleg Feia | TEDxYouth@Tomsk18:1601 list
Tomsk solutions for future markets | Pavel Kiselev | TEDxYouth@Tomsk8:5401 list
How to face a problem: from reaction to creation | Jean François Noubel | TEDxEMLYON13:150
"Women and Children First" or "Every Man For Himself"? | Oscar Erixson | TEDxUppsalaUniversity17:470
21st Century Leadership | Keith Yamashita | TEDxSanFrancisco17:190
About the things we dont know: An Introduction to Lygometry | Amin Toufani | TEDxSanFrancisco15:150
Елементарна небайдужість | Анна Коваленко | TEDxKNU12:5501 list
Terapia de la Risa | Fundación Doctora Clown | TEDxUdelRosario20:230
Innovación para todos. "The Half Full Challenge" | Santiago Castro | TEDxUdelRosario12:530
Una fórmula para (sobre)vivir | Aurora Vergara | TEDxUdelRosario13:300
A bold message about beauty | Michelle Serna | TEDxSanFrancisco9:270
Los ciudadanos transforman su entorno | Carlos Urrego | TEDxUdelRosario12:470
¿Ver el vaso medio vacío? | Adriana y Enrique Serrano | TEDxUdelRosario12:580
Gorritos de creatividad | Yeison Builes | TEDxUdelRosario3:350
Як вивести український культурний проект на міжнародний рівень | Альона Матвієнко | TEDxKNU14:5001 list
Discovering my originality | Chris Ah Gee | TEDxJCUCairns10:5201 list
La segunda piel | Liliana Hernandez | TEDxArroyoDeLaPlata8:4901 list
Aerial explorations of playgrounds | Stefen Chow | TEDxKyoto10:1001 list
Story Time Stars: Let Every Child Shine with Early Literacy | Sandhyaa Iyengar | TEDxAlbany16:3701 list
N'attendez pas votre place, créez-la! | Rebecca Sfedj | TEDxEMLYON13:200
Як створити медіа без грошей олігарха | Юрій Марченко | TEDxKNU13:2701 list
Einstein, un exemple d'échec scolaire | Manuella Hachet | TEDxEMLYON9:510
Our quest to eliminate malaria forever | Thierry Diagana | TEDxSingapore17:440
Jak skutecznie przekonywać | Stanisław Stefaniak | TEDxPoznan17:1401 list
O kurach, które stały się orłami | Marysia Sadowska | TEDxPoznan9:2301 list
Joss Stone Cover - Free Me | Jade Granjon Rosa | TEDxEMLYON3:100
Як освіта може здолати корупцію | Гліб Буряк | TEDxKNU13:4001 list
Zero Budget Creativity | Soquelle | TEDxSanFrancisco10:340
Congruence et alignement, socle de liberté de d'audace | Patrick Bourdet | TEDxEMLYON8:520
How to be happier at the workplace: connect with your colleagues | Marie Schneegans | TEDxEMLYON4:330
Protecting the Land That Feeds Us | David Haight | TEDxAlbany18:130
An Immigrant's Story Comes Full Circle | Catherine Hill | TEDxAlbany17:5001 list
The nuclear family — facing both sides of the atomic bombs | Ari Beser | TEDxKyoto13:2201 list
Exotic Physics of an Ordinary Morning | Chad Orzel | TEDxAlbany16:5901 list
Maestros superhéroes | Juan Manuel Lopera | TEDxUdelRosario10:200
L'excellence | Matías Mercapide | TEDxEMLYON14:560
Breaking the Silence on Genocide | Nicole Weinrauch | TEDxYouth@SAS17:410
Why I escaped from my brainwashed country | Hyeonseo Lee | TEDxKyoto13:5801 list

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