TEDx Talks
81,445 vídeos, +11,109,847 suscriptores

Čemu nam mozgovi svijetle | Srećko Gajović | TEDxOsijek18:200
Oh Bondage up yours! | Chardine Taylor-Stone | TEDxTottenham14:480es en una lista
The Inherent Problem with a Healthy Lifestyle | Cameron Codd | TEDxRexburg18:530
Kill and Survive: A Stealth Pilot's Secrets of Success | Bill Crawford | TEDxRexburg13:110
Social issue and business | Lorenzo Di Ciaccio | TEDxCrocetta11:200es en una lista
Your personal genome is coming! | Brian Noland, Ph.D. | TEDxTemecula17:100
Pedianomics - The Future of Sustainable Health Care | Alex Munter | TEDxAlgonquinCollege13:530es en una lista
Care for the Caregiver | Gabriela Prada | TEDxAlgonquinCollege17:400es en una lista
CRAZYWISE: A Traditional Approach to Mental Illness | Phil Borges | TEDxSanJuanIsland15:290es en una lista
How to win over powerlessness by abolishing nuclear weapons | Daniele Santi | TEDxCrocetta9:000es en una lista
New Ability | Graham Spero | TEDxAlgonquinCollege8:260es en una lista
My Second First Breath | Hélène Campbell | TEDxAlgonquinCollege14:580es en una lista
The Letter | Jack Kitts | TEDxAlgonquinCollege15:180es en una lista
Education: more than a piece of paper | Hawon Park | TEDxISPP8:100es en una lista
How patient innovation improves lives | Pedro Oliveira | TEDxTUM19:900
Z głosem serca drogą do szczęścia. | Aleksander Białobrzewski | TEDxOstrołęka12:590
What if periods were free? | Berkley Conner | TEDxBallStateUniversity11:400
Future of Video Games | Chanketya Nop | TEDxISPP6:540es en una lista
Soyons tous locavores! | Henry JOSEPH | TEDxPointeaPitre20:390es en una lista
Excellence Up and Down | Andra Hansen | TEDxRexburg17:400
The Future of E-Sports | Nathan Darc | TEDxISPP5:240es en una lista
Why the world needs you to celebrate your rhythm | Dionne Thomas | TEDxTemecula12:130
Straight Outta Tottenham | Seema Chandwani | TEDxTottenham15:140es en una lista
Go Boldly | Yahya Ehsan | TEDxFCCollege14:500
Technology and the sense of being human | Lesley Pheng | TEDxISPP6:150es en una lista
DFA: Design For All | Michele Pacileo | TEDxCrocetta5:570es en una lista
#DrawDisability: challenging stereotypes one drawing at a time | Andrea Pregel | TEDxCrocetta15:260es en una lista
Facing a dilemma: MacGyver or Indiana Jones? | Dr. Ricardo Fernandes | TEDxKielUniversity12:260
The Scientific Possibilities of Time Travel | Natsuko Yamaguchi | TEDxISPP13:180es en una lista
Role models are not enough! | Tunde Okewale | TEDxTottenham13:530es en una lista
San koji postaje stvarnost | Hrvoje Jurić | TEDxOsijek19:140
Dance performance | Rovin Raie | TEDxYouth@Tallinn3:410
Hea aeg elada Eestis | Kaspar Korjus | TEDxYouth@Tallinn6:260
Capsula Mundi - redesigning the coffin | Anna Citelli & Raoul Bretzel | TEDxCrocetta9:200es en una lista
So you want to travel to Mars? Watch out! | Dr. Jingnan Guo | TEDxKielUniversity15:520
Self-empowering visual methods | Valentina Noya | TEDxCrocetta11:110es en una lista
Innovators caught in action | Ponhneath Nguon | TEDxISPP9:210es en una lista
How to turn busy into balance | Sara Cameron | TEDxTemecula11:520
Mission Possible: Principles of Universal Adhesion | Prof. Dr. Stanislav Gorb | TEDxKielUniversity16:600
Kako postati pokretač pozitivnih promjena u svom okruženju | Martina Čuljak | TEDxOsijek14:250
Your voice: Sounds of the heart | Dr. Monika Hein | TEDxKielUniversity16:570
How heavy is your shingle | David Hansen | TEDxYakimaSalon25:480es en una lista
Inimlikkusest | Carl Tuulik | TEDxYouth@Tallinn12:420
Mõõtmisest kvant-sideni | Aigar Vaigu | TEDxYouth@Tallinn13:120
Take back the Power of Y(our) Story! | Mary Alice Arthur | TEDxKielUniversity17:190
Challenging the way we look at science | Taylor Clarke | TEDxKielUniversity16:140
Glazbena Izvedba | VA Brevis | TEDxOsijek16:260
Unruly, stubborn and obsessive - Music and me | Riccardo D'Avino | TEDxCrocetta13:170es en una lista
Is 2 minutes enough to change the world? | Martin Dorey | TEDxKielUniversity20:570
I have the best job in the world | Martha Dismont | TEDxBermuda19:550es en una lista
Performance Musical | Ciertas Petunias | TEDxUTN17:300es en una lista
Should We Stop Trying So Hard to Teach? | Faith Muirhead | TEDxChemungRiver14:300es en una lista
How One Teen Said No To Gender-Based Violence | Pooja Nagpal | TEDxManhattanBeach9:320es en una lista
Performance | Redeemers | TEDxMansouraUniversity9:140
The new spirit of innovation | Bryan Davis | TEDxBermuda15:300es en una lista
Jazz and the American Experience | Christian Li | TEDxChemungRiver13:390es en una lista
The Big Lie of Small Business | Vusi Thembekwayo | TEDxUniversityofNamibia17:580
The Importance of Academic Research in Namibia | Theo-Ben Kandetu | TEDxUniversityofNamibia16:500
100% Renewable Energy | Harald Schutt | TEDxUniversityofNamibia18:500
The Next Industrial Revolution | Michael Nauta | TEDxUniversityofNamibia17:590
Afrofuturism: Re-writing the African Narrative | Masi Mbewe | TEDxUniversityofNamibia6:600
Reformed Education Structure for Namibia | Paulus Nkandi | TEDxUniversityofNamibia13:530
Desdramatizar la discapacidad | Ana Clara Tortone | TEDxUCES9:300es en una lista
O Futuro do Futuro! | Jurema Werneck | TEDxGoiânia14:520
Brasil, o país do futuro… hoje! | Camila Asano | TEDxGoiânia12:420
Moving From Job Seekers to Job Creators | Dennis Noa | TEDxUniversityofNamibia8:450
Your Gift Can Set You Apart | Stacey Susa | TEDxUniversityofNamibia16:380
Ending The Old Boy Network: The New World of Publishing | Andy Weir | TEDxManhattanBeach15:460es en una lista
A melhor tecnologia de comunicação global | Fábio Santos | TEDxGoiânia11:270
Vida.com | Vanuza Postigo | TEDxGoiânia7:140
Qual a receita para uma cidade inteligente? | Ana Carla Fonseca | TEDxFloripa22:310
Why Can't We Get Diet & Nutrition Right? | Heather Jacobsen | TEDxAlbany16:220es en una lista
Math | Karol Mukhamediyeva | TEDxShuksanMiddleSchool4:200es en una lista
How to Build a Hub Using Creativity as the Currency | Alain "fusion" Clapham | TEDxTottenham17:290es en una lista
Thinking beyond your head | Mikkel Rasmussen | TEDxTottenham11:540es en una lista
每個小選擇如何大大影響你的人生 | 林昶佐 Freddy Lim | TEDxTaipei16:160es en una lista
Rethinking Africa's Approach to Malaria | Dorothy Echodu | TEDxSanJuanIsland18:270es en una lista
O verdadeiro Teatro | Paloma Dourado | TEDxIndaiatuba5:570es en una lista
Space Oddities: Why Do We Imagine Some Things and Not Others? | Helen Keen | TEDxESA16:430
Od drogi do celu - decyzja i determinacja w realizacji pasji. | Piotr Mady | TEDxOstrołęka18:550
Healing Images | Steve Koppel | TEDxBeaconStreet13:250
Why the present might not be as enlightened as the past | Emma Dabiri | TEDxUCLWomen10:390
Connecting Through Passion | Nathan Gwilliam | TEDxRexburg17:280
Power of Sisterhood | Hoda Ali & Leyla Hussein | TEDxUCLWomen17:480
Digital Health - Transformando la salud | César Alonso Peña | TEDxGranVía17:520
The Food You Eat | James Miner | TEDxBeaconStreet14:390
I Built a 3D Printer and So Can You! | Rocket Burns | TEDxYouth@TampaRiverwalk11:210es en una lista
Show Steelers Youth Steel Pan Band | Maestro Maines Show Steelers | TEDxYouth@TampaRiverwalk14:540es en una lista
Walking with Robots – A life rescued must also be lived | Lina Sors Emilsson | TEDxUppsalaUniversity17:180
The powerplant in your driveway | Tom Gage | TEDxBermuda20:390es en una lista
Construyamos la Democracia Digital | Justin Graside | TEDxColoniadelSacramento15:190
Sueños, deseos y objetivos que cumplir | David Corredera López | TEDxYouth@LaVallUixo8:380es en una lista
Limitation Is A Mirage | Liam O'Neill | TEDxOmagh11:590
Dancing with Pixies | Professor Mark Bishop | TEDxTottenham19:190es en una lista
The BAFFU Negotiation | Yasser Musa | TEDxBelmopan17:140
Making Fashion Fairer for Women | Ruba Huleihel | TEDxUCLWomen8:370
A personal story behind the evolution of the web | Wendy Hall | TEDxUCLWomen14:230
What does a scientist look like? | Ines Pineda-Torra | TEDxUCLWomen6:410
Imposter Syndrome: Talking about our shared secret | Maryam Pasha | TEDxUCLWomen9:240
How to lose your teeth | Bridget Minamore | TEDxUCLWomen10:310

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