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Dungeons & Drogans 2: Session 8 (Youtube)
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Dungeons & Drogans is the live-streamed adventures of a D&D gaming group. No script, no fixed dice--just genuine gaming entertainment.


Dungeons & Drogans 2: Session 8

The Drogans and their allies delved deeper into the duergar fortress in search of the Winterhaven captives.

Having cleared one fortress, they crossed a bridge over a chasm to enter the second of the twin fortresses, where they were ambushed through arrow slits in the far doors.

Sorrow kicked open the solid double doors at the end of the bridge, revealing duergar and animated, tripedal crossbows.

After a difficult battle, the Drogans and their allies prevailed. But Sorrow then wandered off on her own, finding herself in an ancient minotaur crypt, and just as most of her friends caught up to her, there was a stirring amongst the corpses.


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