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Dungeons & Drogans: Session XXXV (Youtube)
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Dungeons & Drogans is the recorded adventures of a D&D gaming group. No script, no fixed dice--just genuine gaming entertainment.

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Session XXXV Summary:

The Drogans descend to the next level of the keep, entering a cathedral of shadows. An Orcus underpriest leads a pair of axe-wielding humans in prayer. Blood flows in rivers on the floor, draining into a large pit.

Rekoj immediately charges towards the underpriest as three vampires sneak up on the rest of the party from behind.

The two humans charge Rekoj, defending the underpriest, who also attacks the goliath with dark magic, badly wounding him.

Stephen predicts this is an epic fail in the making.

On Round 2, Rekoj keeps charging at the priest, provoking an opportunity attack from both axe-wielding humans, who strike him down to 5/52 HP.

The underpriest draws a mace and beats Rekoj into unconsciousness.

By Round 3, all the vampires are dead.

By Round 6, Rekoj has failed two death saves, and Autumn is down to 7 HP.

On Round 7, the priest takes Autumn down. Autumn fails her first death save.

On Round 8 Rekoj, bleeds to death on the dais, and Autumn fails her second death save.

On Round 9, Autumn bleeds to death as her party members finish off their opponents. The battle is won, but the cost was high.

The surviving party members take a short rest, knowing an extended rest is a luxury they can't afford with Kalarel so close to completing his ritual.

Coltaine, Sorrow, and Win'tyr prepare to descend the chains leading down into the pit. They realize the underpriest may still be alive, because Sorrow claims it is a 50 foot drop into a pool of blood.


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