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Dungeons & Drogans: Session XVI (Youtube)
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Dungeons & Drogans is the recorded adventures of a D&D gaming group. No script, no fixed dice--just genuine gaming entertainment.

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Session XVI Summary:

Coltaine finds a note on Ninaran's corpse, signed by Kalarel. It states that she should put an end to the Drogan's meddling, and that he is very close to completing his work. It goes on to say that the pass phrase to the second level of the keep is: "From the ground, some magic was found."

The Drogans loot Zaxzarrd's corpse before burying him in the center of the evil, glowing, magic, necromantic circle. They then return to Winterhaven, carrying Autumn, and visit Sister Linora at the temple, who says she can raise the eladrin from the dead if the Drogans can supply her with a large diamond.

At the temple, the Drogans meet Zook, a gnome druid--and John's new character--who was sent by a priest to put an end to a death cult led by Kalarel. They bring him into their fold.

Lord Padraig enters the temple and pries a large diamond from the pommel of a sword he used in his youth as a mercenary leader. He offers the diamond to complete the resurrection, and Autumn is alive and well the next morning.


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