850 vídeos, +731,000 suscriptores

ティータイムなねこ2。-Teatime for Maru&Hana.-2:60279,395
赤い紙袋とねこ2。-Red paper bag and Maru 2.-1:14200,544
赤い紙袋とねこ。-Red paper bag and Maru.-1:23150,494
ハンモックとまるとはな。-Hammock and Maru&Hana.-1:21339,045
まるとはな12。- Maru&Hana12.-2:20113,761
そして、抜けなくなったねこ。-And the box becomes a part of Maru!?-1:54352,237
タワーで寛ぐねこ- Maru is relaxed on the cat tower.-0:57126,040
もちろん、入るねこ。-Of course, Maru gets into the box.-0:59412,620
もちろん、入っているねこ。-Of course, Maru is in the box.-1:23449,063
まるです8。-I am Maru 8.-3:35354,089
被って歩くねこ。-Maru's new walking styel .-1:40173,985
(Super slow ver.) まるとはな11。-Maru&Hana11.-2:36106,735
ふみふみ×2なねこ。-Maru&Hana are making bread.-1:29323,018
舐められ続けるねこ。-Maru is licked for a long time.-1:31165,030
(Super slow ver.) 遊ぶねこ。-Maru is playing.-1:49121,653
ボウルとねこ。-Mixing bowl and Maru.-2:11588,157
冷蔵庫とまるとはな。-Refrigerator and Maru&Hana.-1:11331,896
着るねこ2。-Maru wears the paper bag 2.-1:90366,796
抱えるねこ。-Maru holds.-1:20385,564
ノリノリなしっぽ。-Maru's tail dance.-3:60163,455
いろいろなねこ20。-Many Maru&Hana20.-1:40118,687
タワーとまるとはな。-Cat tower and Maru&Hana.-1:56115,963
箱とねこ18。-Box and Maru18.-1:20286,055
箱とまるとはな。-Box and Maru&Hana.-2:52155,704
ソファで寝るねこ。-Maru sleeps on the sofa.-1:12751,220
箱を横どりするねこ。-Maru intercepts the box.-1:21168,665
ごみ箱とねこ3。-Trash box and Maru 3.-2:14152,532
グレーベッドとまるとはな。-Gray bed and Maru&Hana.-2:57171,443
赤いベッドとまるとはな。-Red bed and Maru&Hana.-3:19340,173
鏡もち箱とねこ。-Round rice cake box and Maru.-1:211,030,918
いろいろなねこ19。-Many Maru&Hana19.-3:60208,878
諦めないねこ。-Maru never gives up.-2:29785,764
まるとはな8。-Maru&Hana 8.-2:00141,553
まるさん、どっちだ?-Which trash box is Maru in?-2:40130,787
添い寝なねこ。-Maru&Hana sleep together.-1:28191,702
いろいろなねこ18。-Many Maru&Hana18.-3:21213,501
箱とねこ17。-Box and Maru 17.-1:27212,243
ハイタッチするねこ4。-High five and Maru&Hana4.-1:30275,484
いろいろな問題とねこ。-Many questions and Maru.-2:30461,548
プラスチックな箱とねこ。-Plastic box and Maru.-1:40422,983
はしごとねこ2。 -Ladder and Maru&Hana.-1:56263,766
いろいろな入り方をするねこ。 -Maru gets into the same box with various styles.-1:43335,117
いろいろな箱とねこ5。-Many boxes and Maru 5.-2:21378,532
押すねこ。-A pushcart and Maru.-0:421,907,278
夏の夜のぐうたらなねこ。-Lazy Maru&Hana in summer.-1:60262,916
水色テントとねこ2。-Light blue tent and Maru&Hana2.-3:11163,551
大きな箱とねこ3。-A large box and Maru&Hana.-0:54272,789
ブラインドとねこ。-Window shade and Maru.-1:48291,543
定員オーバーな箱とねこ。-The overload box and Maru&Hana.-2:60349,080
草とねこ。-Grass and Maru&Hana.-2:80255,461
箱で寝るねこ。-Maru is sleeping in the box.-1:10521,907
ねずみ爪とぎとねこ。-Mouse-shaped scratching board and Maru&Hana.-2:41347,638
箱とねこ16。-Box and Maru16.-1:17369,852
下からねこ3。-Watching Maru&Hana from the bottom.-2:52370,094
水色テントとねこ。-Light blue tent and Maru&Hana.-3:10751,714
まるです6。 I am Maru 62:491,391,328
紙袋とねこ。-Paper bag and Maru.-1:41295,769
挑発するねこ。-Hana incites Maru to play.-2:25207,828
階段とねこ。-Stairs and Maru&Hana.-1:44458,189
箱とねこ15。-Box and Maru&Hana.-1:10457,926
マカロンなベッドとねこ。-Macaron bed and Maru&Hana.-2:161,350,757
ブラッシングされるねこ5。 -Brushing and Maru 5.-1:19783,777
箱とねこ14。-Box and Maru and Hana.-2:70544,444
ケンカ遊びなねこ。-Battle play of Maru and Hana.-3:401,432,605
戸棚とねこ。-Maru gets into the cupboard.-2:001,091,034
Where is Maru?1:16614,283
いろいろな箱とねこ4。-Many boxes and Maru4.-2:00651,262
またたびの木とはな。-Silver vine and Hana.-1:90198,911
またたびの木とまる。-Silver vine tree and Maru.-1:40482,079
夜の網戸とねこ。-Maru and Hana in the night.-1:56339,449
はしごとねこ。 -Ladder and Maru.-2:12828,265
しっぽで遊ぶねこ。 -Maru's fascinating taill and Hana.-1:45407,639
添い風呂なねこ3。-Maru and Hana are in the bathroom.-1:341,402,466
回るねこと見るねこ。 Hana turns and Maru watches0:25513,691
遊ぶねこ19。 -Maru plays with Hana .-1:53883,556
いろいろなねこ13。 -Many Maru 13.-1:52910,089
ソファ下で遊ぶねこ。 -Maru plays under the sofa.-1:35932,871
ティータイムなねこ。 -Maru's Teatime.-1:33555,128
お風呂で遊ぶねこ7。 -Maru plays in the bathtub 7.-1:39765,975
まるです5。-I am Maru 5.-3:214,101,192
回すねこ。-Maru checks a bathtub plug.-1:20580,650
チビまる。-Little Maru.-1:20615,584
遊ぶねこ18。-Maru is playing 18.-1:80545,304
いろいろなねこ12。-Many Maru 12.-2:00467,351
寝るねこ。-Sleeping Maru.-1:55817,464
いろいろな箱とねこ3。-Many boxes and Maru3.-1:33452,915
いろいろなねこ11。-Many Maru 11.-1:51618,632
遊ぶねこ17。-Playing Maru 17.-1:51300,121

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