850 videos, +731,000 subscribers

まるとはな22。-Maru&Hana 22.-2:45137,981
鏡餅とはな。-Two round rice cakes and Hana.-1:23115,144
獅子舞とねこ。-Lion dance and Maru.-1:18362,246
二つの大きな箱とねこ。-Two large boxes and Maru&Hana.-1:54112,948
箱とまるとはな2。-Box and Maru&Hana2.-3:43161,476
箱とねこ21。-Box and Maru 21.-2:24229,145
ボウルとねこ3。-Mxing bowl and Maru 3.-1:51268,907
いろいろなはな。-Many Hana.-3:2089,218
またたびボールと箱とねこ。-Catnip ball and the box and Maru.-2:4689,894
袖まる。-Sleeve Maru.-1:39274,405
いろいろなねこ22。-Many Maru 22.-3:22273,346
フードツリーとねこ- FOOD TREE and Maru&Hana.-3:1795,251
まるとはな20。- Maru&Hana20.-2:2383,415
秋の演奏会とねこ。-Autumn music festival and Maru.-2:13455,004
箱とねこ20。-Box and Maru 20.-1:36251,967
プレイサーキットとねこ。-Play circuit and Maru&Hana.-4:51209,611
引き出しとねこ。-The drawer and Maru&Hana.-2:3099,012
流しそうめんとねこ。-Flowing noodles and Maru.-1:55233,664
黄色いねこベッドとまるとはな3。-Yellow cat bed and Maru&Hana3.-2:1778,735
ブランコとねこ。-Swing and Maru.-3:221,122,169
まるとはな19。-Maru&Hana 19.-2:50278,287
お風呂で遊ぶねこ8。-Maru plays in the bathtub 8.-2:3392,024
セクシー大根とねこ。-Sexy Japanese white radish and Maru.-1:2763,302
タライで寝るねこ。-Maru is sleeping in the tub.-2:50100,271
かき氷とねこ。-Shaved ice and Maru&Hana.-3:36184,746
ハンモックで寛ぐまるとはな2。-Maru&Hana are relaxed on the hammock 2.-1:70186,626
選べないねこ。-Maru can't choose!.-3:33199,374
箱とねこ19。-Box and Maru 19.-2:45106,374
おもちゃを咥えるとふみふみが止まらないねこ2。-When Maru has a toy in his mouth, he cannot help kneading2.-2:1083,673
ソファで寛ぐねこ2。-Maru&Hana are relaxed on the sofa.-2:1068,551
箱で寛ぐまるとはな。-Maru&Hana are relaxed with the box.-1:1580,038
もちろん、入っているねこ3。-Of course, Maru is in the box 3.-1:33197,089
ぎゅうぎゅう過ぎるねこ。-The canned box is jam packed with Maru&Hana.-0:57165,107
いろいろなねこ21。-Many Maru 21.-4:15189,142
さるとねこ。-Japanese macaque and Maru.-1:39298,906
箱を愛しすぎなねこ。-Because Maru loves the box too much,-3:28482,607
庭とねこ3。-The garden and Maru&Hana3.-5:4084,519
ボウルとねこ2。-Mixing bowl and Maru 2.-1:52130,915
またたビールとねこ。-Maru&Hana get drunk on the toy of beer.-2:48211,552
風呂あがりなねこ。-Maru&Hana after taking a shower.-2:46154,802
ささみとまるとはな。-White meat and Maru&Hana.-2:60217,425
まるです9。-I am Maru 9.-5:51211,862
庭とねこ2。-The garden and Maru&Hana2.-6:48114,771
猫缶とねこ。-Canned box and Maru&Hana.-3:39168,352
小さすぎる箱とねこ3。-Too small box and Maru 3.-1:13144,809
鯉のぼりなねこ。-Carp streamer and Maru.-2:31121,596
小さすぎる箱とねこ2。-Too small box and Maru 2.-1:1471,465
選べる箱とねこ。-Maru can choose the most suitable box.-1:37106,159
かっぱとねこ。-Rainy day and Maru.-3:44125,713
おさげなまる子。-Pigtailed Maru.-1:35141,219
紙で遊ぶまる。-Maru plays with the paper.-1:1088,667
麻袋とねこ。-Jute bag and Maru&Hana.-2:90114,632
まるとはな?- Maru&Hana?-2:52117,756
牛とねこ。-Cow and Maru.-1:11192,930
スリムなプラケースで寛ぐねこ2。-Maru is relaxed in the slim plastic case2.-0:55116,928
スリムなプラケースで寛ぐねこ。-Maru is relaxed in the slim plastic case.-1:54820,084
利き手とねこ。-Dominant hand and Maru&Hana.-2:21372,114
透明な猫ベッドとねこ。-Clear cat bed and Maru.-1:46177,526
黄色いねこベッドとまるとはな2。-Yellow cat bed and Maru&Hana2.-1:10108,484
まるとチビはな2。-Maru&little Hana 2.-3:1467,760
ねこ団子なまるとはな。- Maru&Hana sleep together.-1:1387,461
まるとチビはな1。-Maru & Little Hana 1.-3:5582,127
もぐらたたきとねこ。-A mole game and Maru&Hana.-1:13278,242
寛ぐねこ。-Maru&Hana are relaxed.-1:30231,413
(Long ver.) まるとはな17。-Maru&Hana17.-5:58110,685
箱に入っているねこ。 -Maru is in the box.-1:11187,288
カリカリとねこ。 -Maru&Hana eat dry foods.-2:49129,040
白い大きな紙とねこ。 -White large paper and Maru.-3:10172,311
黄色いねこベッドとまるとはな。- Yellow cat bed and Maru&Hana.-1:10160,784
(4K)正月のねこ。-New year's Maru&Hana.-1:49134,542
(Slow ver.)まるとはな16。-Maru&Hana16.-2:43120,361
小さ過ぎた穴とねこ。- I made a mistake in the size of the hole.-1:22113,088
ブラッシングされるねこ6。-Brushing and Maru 6.-2:33123,899
もちろん、入っているねこ2。 Of course, Maru is in the box 20:55291,961
脚立とねこ。-The stepladder and Maru.-1:20179,305
秋のねこ。-Maru&Hana in autumn.-2:35208,901
かこまる2。-Past Maru 2.-1:26112,713
二つの箱とねこ。-Two boxes and Maru.-1:39143,651
おもちゃを咥えるとふみふみが止まらないねこ。-When Maru has a toy in his mouth, he makes bread.-1:50260,883
おもちゃを咥えると鈴を鳴らし続けるねこ。 When Hana has a toy in her mouth, she keeps ringing a bell1:17101,141
かこまる1。-Past Maru 1.-3:19298,970
着ぐるみ風なねこ。-Animal costume and Maru.-3:48235,209
そして、騙されなくなったねこ。-Maru&Hana are never fooled any more.-0:45159,139
騙されるねこ2。-Maru&Hana are fooled.-1:90266,337
まるとはな15。- Maru&Hana15.-2:30390,532
箱で寛ぐねこ。- Maru&Hana are relaxing in the box.-1:60111,855
演奏会なねこ。-Music Festival by Maru&Hana.-2:60268,185
吸い込まれるねこ。-Maru is sucked into the mouse.-0:44412,703
ブラインドとねこ2。-Window shade and Maru 2.-0:56141,787
ハンモックで寛ぐまるとはな2。- Maru&Hana are relaxed on the hammock 2.-0:55525,956
ハンモックで寛ぐまるとはな。- Maru&Hana are relaxed on the hammock.-0:51143,075
たぶん、寛いでいるねこ。- Maybe, Maru is relaxing in the box.-0:48146,482
まるとはなの物語。-Story of Maru&Hana.-5:10269,673
ハンモックで寝るねこ。-Maru sleeps on the hammock.-0:53646,578

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