1,009 vídeos, +76,800 suscriptores

Quick Guide: Vladimir2:2737,571
This is why we hate Morgana0:51348,218es en una lista
FAQ - Official Summoner Names - Ask questions2:3035,025
Diablo 3 OPEN BETA GAYPLAY: Killing Leoric (With not British man)2:5315,628
Roostercast - Ep3: Diablo 3 Open Beta!0:313,614
Roostercast - Ep2: Hecarim finally here! SMNC released out now! Twitter0:376,632
Roostercast - Ep1: Introduction, Delayed patch and New features1:286,978
This is why we hate Ashe0:37345,838es en una lista
Featured - Shamezorz' channel (NA chat channel community member :D)1:387,173
Path of Exile Closed beta key give away! [OVER]0:496,390
Featured - Sushixftw's channel (Lets plays/Funny LoL clips/RP Giveaway)1:5012,881
This is why we hate Udyr0:55668,962es en una lista
2 BIRDS WITH 1 STONE?0:4060,999
Brick Force Spotlight3:5811,202
This is why we hate Nasus1:30659,638es en una lista
This is why we hate Nasus (FULL VERSION)1:29177,545es en una lista
Featured - REsidentVille's channel (LoL flash animations!)1:2922,796
JabeBot [Immediate stats in chat!]1:4721,428
This is why we hate Ziggs0:33425,485es en una lista
This is why we hate Corki0:29387,489es en una lista
Looking for unlabeled/unsigned music composers1:3260,833
Ezreal is a horrible and weak Champion1:19291,052
This is why we hate Irelia0:36620,290es en una lista
This is why we hate Shaco1:80535,332es en una lista
My blog (The end of "useless videos")0:146,635
Giving away/Trading stuff [Eligium beta key/Rusty Hearts character/Steam coupon]0:115,372
New Champion leak? Sejuani [Not a leak anymore XD]0:1115,426
This is why we hate Karma0:11516,999es en una lista
Stop SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) it will ruin the internet1:437,568
This is why we hate Cho'Gath0:59694,424es en una lista
[FEATURED] PSGamers3 "PonySlaystation"0:587,029
This is why we hate Lee Sin0:34744,873es en una lista
This is why we hate Urgot0:25655,271es en una lista
This is why we hate Gangplank0:19786,273es en una lista
[PIC] BIEBREAL0:5024,622
Everyday I'm upgradin'0:32168,887
This is why we hate Shyvana0:42808,305es en una lista
[GIVEAWAY] DotA2 beta key winner!1:237,459
This is why we hate Ahri0:341,637,111es en una lista
This is why we hate Bloodseeker [DOTA2]0:1126,664
This is why we hate Nunu0:57707,263es en una lista
ITS OFFICIAL: Dodge removed2:5837,746
The Vicious Cycle of Summoners Rift0:5367,109
New Season 2 masteries!1:2815,178
This is why we hate Ezreal1:40608,038es en una lista
Surprise Party Fiddles0:2831,777
Lag fix and 4v5 but I ate some oranges and it was K1:3618,185
New Ghost Nocturne duskbringer particles0:7019,709
You probably thought this Teemo was alive0:7083,214
This is why we hate Graves0:39619,840es en una lista
mr00sterdota Chat channel0:805,553
Halloween skins in 8 seconds0:8022,239
This is why we hate Brand0:27517,791es en una lista
This is why we hate Singed0:20541,336es en una lista
This is why we hate Xerath0:21733,368es en una lista
Cryocore Brand skin preview0:3738,779
Cryocore Brand skin art0:1212,188
This is why we hate Tristana0:41332,504es en una lista
Xerath, the Magus Ascendant and The Nine Tails Fox6:4512,614
Better nerf Irelia: Fiddles0:2338,345
This is why we hate Shen0:40990,819es en una lista
Xerath, the Magus Ascendant, Winged Hussar Xin Zhao, FREE ALISTAR SKIN2:2820,081
This is why we hate Gragas0:47577,477es en una lista
Riven's fixed art0:60117,039
A New Champion Approaches - Riven, the Exile3:4312,711
2 New Champion sneak peak - Riven and Magus0:2785,482
RE: In memory of Shilo2:4140,329
Champion Sneak Peek - Riven, the Exile2:2026,628
This is why we hate Swain0:48926,561es en una lista
This is why we hate Anivia0:531,161,858es en una lista
This is why we hate Talon0:13571,172es en una lista
League of Legends - Talon Champion Spotlight [Pro Commentary]5:2113,903
This is why we hate Tryndamere0:441,318,214es en una lista
A New Champion Approaches: Talon, the Blade's Shadow5:506,553
This is why we hate Nocturne0:501,353,008es en una lista
Champion Sneak Peek: Talon, the Blade Rogue1:304,223
This is why we hate Skarner0:15898,506es en una lista
League of Legends - Skarner Emotes0:569,296
This is why we hate Karthus0:482,063,580es en una lista
A New Champion Approaches: Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard3:483,787
This is why we hate Rammus0:331,404,191es en una lista
When Garen and Wukong collide0:70478,617
This is why we hate Master Yi1:191,715,054es en una lista
This is why we hate Warwick0:471,024,282es en una lista
This is why we hate Sion0:37758,005es en una lista
Join my chat channel [NA users]1:10768
Champion Sneak Peek - Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard1:304,072
Wukong gameplay7:282,866
This is why we hate Caitlyn0:281,554,671es en una lista
This is why we hate Wukong0:13802,375es en una lista
League of Legends - New Tryndamere emotes1:607,481
League of Legends - New Kayle emotes0:505,069
A New Champion Approaches: Wukong, the Monkey King3:292,873
This is why we hate Alistar0:10935,986es en una lista

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