1 571 vidéos, +150 000 abonnés

Avni Khatri: How quick can we be? (data visualization techniques for engineers)37:00751 liste
Jeremy Johnstone: JavaScript powered TVs!?44:20521 liste
David Balmer: Hello, Jo!45:12411 liste
Fabian Jakobs: Bespin, Skywriter, Ace - The Past, Present and Future of online Code Editing33:56941 liste
Peter Hallam & Alex Russell: The future of JS ans You29:504 2931 liste
James Halliday: Freestyle RPC for node25:533431 liste
Ryan Day: Bacon Themed QRCodes for Hungry Devices17:13251 liste
Tyler Gillies: Dirty Little Hacks21:24341 liste
John Schulz: Canvas in Node.js20:38861 liste
Robert Kieffer: Node @ Facebook25:481411 liste
Henrik Joreteg: Building Realtime Singlepage Apps24:131191 liste
Paul Querna: Cast Project & Node.js17:17231 liste
Antranig Basman: The Future is Frameworks, not Modules18:41761 liste
Visnu Pitiyanuvath: How To Win at NodeKnockout13:32241 liste
Nikolai Onken: Mobile Deathmatch - (almost) all you need to know in 20 minutes19:46291 liste
Tobias Schneider - VNC with JavaScript was waiting for some sugar21:571291 liste
Gonzalo Cordero: YUI Mobile17:54211 liste
Misko Hevery: angular.js31:504231 liste
Jon Pliske: Asynchronous Personalization21:59301 liste
John-David Dalton: Benchmarking Like a Boss21:00711 liste
Sean Cribbs: JavaScript Apps on Riak16:12391 liste
Edward Ocampo-Gooding: Shopify10:53761 liste
Peter Elger: Low Friction Development12:18251 liste
Rebecca Murphey: Modern JavaScript24:333171 liste
Alex Sexton: Uselessware - A brief history13:432971 liste
Tom Hughes-Croucher - Multi-tiered Node.js architectures21:456361 liste
Toby Ho: a Fun Way to Browser Test20:55431 liste
Mario Gonzalez: Realtime HTML5 Multiplayer Games with NodeJS17:3413 3401 liste
RGA Panel - Turning kick ass design into kick ass code22:29211 liste
Adam Baldwin: Writing an (in)secure webapp18:30321 liste
Dave Johnson: caesar.js14:21121 liste
[JSConf US 2011] Andrew Lunny: hangover.js11:38271 liste
Aaron Heckmann: Code is Cool Products are Better16:29471 liste
John Davidson: Building custom widgets with the closure library20:222481 liste
Charlie Robbins: Running Node.js in Production17:702701 liste
Dan Beam: How to be a Player (on the Internet). The making of Yahoos universal JS media player.15:3038
Brian LeRoux: Mobile knife fight PhoneGap project automation13:90261 liste
Brian Moschel: FuncUnit JavaScript functional testing + IDE12:592811 liste
Boris Bokowski: Orion: The web is my development environment19:34581 liste
Gaurav Seth: JavaScript MOJO with chakra20:48721 liste
David Kaneda: Building rich user experiences with sencha touch23:43421 liste
Anton Kovalyov: Code quality tools18:341231 liste
Brian Cavalier: wire.js26:194081 liste
Adam Christian: Run your JS everywhere, with Jellyfish26:55161 liste
Elijah Insua: Why node has a DOM24:26701 liste
Curtis Chambers: Being Uber with Node20:704521 liste
Andrew Paprocki: Bloomberg: home-grown server-side scripting29:136121 liste
John Schulz: Canvas in NodeJS15:50361 liste
Allen Pike: Making a JS meetup blow minds16:20891 liste
David Flanagan: Bytes and blobs44:581 4731 liste
Malte Ubl & Meno Abels: Conference wifi redux21:20721 liste
NodeCommit Panel: A panel of selected node contributors48:278181 liste
Ryan Dahl: Node v0.5 Roadmap29:185 5121 liste
Marco Rogers: Creating Node Addons, C/C++ extensions for fun and profit29:532 8671 liste
Peter van der Zee: Visual statical analysis tool15:36201 liste
Michael Bolin: with: JavaScripts most reviled keyword20:26911 liste
Paul Irish: Going steady with the Chrome Dev Tools19:505151 liste
John Hann & Brian Cavalier: The future is modules not frameworks. JS modules Architecture demo.40:582691 liste
Tim Caswell: Node powered desktop apps12:371 2991 liste
Reid Burke: Modules made awesome. Lessons learned from YUI loader on Node.js20:26621 liste
Jeremy Ashkenas: CoffeeScript as a JS/Next53:401 3981 liste
Nick Small: fighting crime and kicking apps with Batman.js31:428161 liste
Trevor Lalush-Menagh: Envjs and Jasmine: Headless tests FTW15:36871 liste
Andrew Dupont: Everything is Permitted: Extending Built-ins39:298821 liste
Jenn Lukas: JavaScript and Web Standards Sitting in a Tree34:521001 liste
Justin Meyer: Thin Server Architecture and JavaScriptMVC 3.028:478761 liste
NodeConf 2011 Welcome Video0:53451 liste
YayQuery - Lunch Spectacular Sponsored by Mozilla31:80391 liste
JSConf US 2011 Welcome Video1:22231 liste
Alex Russell: Google Chrome Frame29:41731 liste
CommonJS Panel - JavaScript Outside of the Browser - Where it is and where it's going!23:451091 liste
Marak Squires: the evented web, hook.io23:543141 liste
Mike Ball & Evin Grano: SproutCore35:422411 liste
Francisco Tolmasky: Socratic: Documentation Done Right39:70891 liste
Steve Souders: The Best of Steve51:53531 liste
Makinde Adeagbo: Primer39:317391 liste
Brendan Eich: An Introduction to JavaScript51:526 3141 liste
A Heaping Helping of performance, selector engines, and sandbox natives.34:30331 liste
Aaron Quint: Making Bacon : Making Code32:40901 liste
Aaron Newton: Programming To Patterns37:27861 liste
Tom Hughes-Croucher: Piratin' the YQL way22:23191 liste
Jan Lehnardt: Evently, Declarative CouchDB Applications33:45591 liste
Tobias Schneider: Flash is dead, long live Flash29:49331 liste
David Furfero: Making Ajax Sexy26:52641 liste
Gonzalo Cordero: YUI3 - Creating Custom Modules15:20811 liste
Kyle Simpson: Dude, where's my UI Architecture?28:534801 liste
Malte Ubl: JavaScript - The Private Parts [JSConf US 2010]18:52481 liste
Dean Landolt: Pintura, Perstore and Awesome-Oriented Persistence20:28211 liste
Adam Moore: YUI and NodeJS, Running YUI on the Server24:52311 liste
Shea Frederick: Ext JS App UI Morphing24:32371 liste
Douglas Crockford: Really. JavaScript.46:1068 9151 liste
Jonathan Julian: Hangover.js29:18341 liste
Michael Erlewine: The latest from Mozilla Jetpack14:57241 liste
Matthew Fowle: Laying New Web Infrastructure21:34321 liste
Jeffrey Van Gogh: The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript30:109061 liste
Kevin Dangoor & Patrick Walton: Bespin30:14941 liste
Alistair MacDonald: WebGL Demo Overload14:45431 liste
John Resig: Building a better DOM API30:291 3471 liste
Tobias von Klipstein: What the heck are HTML5 Apps29:53591 liste
Nikolai Onken: HumanApi - What the browser also can do25:35481 liste

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