1 571 vidéos, +150 000 abonnés

[JSConfEU 2011] Peter van der Zee: Sweet sixteen, but where are the tools?26:39731 liste
[JSConfEU 2011] Tim Becker: Your Credit Card was made with JavaScript24:12109
[JSConfEU 2011] Thilo Utke: The ruby guy that goes javascript20:30641 liste
[JSConfEU 2011] Philip Tellis: Messing with JavaScript and the DOM35:522201 liste
[JSConfEU 2011] Tomás Senart: Audio Jedi, May the Sound be with You21:584851 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Brendan Eich: Proxies are Awesome!50:353 4801 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Douglas Crockford: Loopage58:25330
[JSConfEU 2010] Philip Hofstetter: node.js in production use - tempalias.com24:801081 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Brian LeRoux: PhoneGap - Love the Web and Lose the SDK32:40691 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Chris Williams: community.js21:405331 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Alexander Lang: Not your unit test25:53601 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Ben Firshman: Lessons learnt pushing browsers to the limit19:142911 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Aaron Quint: The Front-end Takeover29:20261 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Sebastian Deutsch & Stephan Seidt: If it moves they will watch it25:34411 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Kris Kowal: CommonJS, I Promise35:483231 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] John-David Dalton: Srsly R1pp3d J@vaScript41:30321 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Paul Bakaus: Aves Engine: High performance browser games34:193251 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Sebastian Werner: Introducing Unify - A Framework for Cross Platform Applications23:54161 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Jed Schmidt: Getting Functional with (fab)27:802691 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Felix Geisendörfer: Dirty NoSQL26:30611 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Robert Nyman: HTML5 APIs - The New Frontier35:17191 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Pete LePage: Chakra - Building A New JavaScript Engine For Internet Explorer 937:211241 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Rebecca Murphey: The jQuery Divide34:201271 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Mikeal Rogers: node.js + CouchDB == Crazy Delicious27:271 0241 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Ryan Dahl: Techniques for a single stack world26:125411 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Jens Arps: The hitchhiker's guide to client side persistent data storage31:34621 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Thomas Steiner: Pirating the Semantic Web with JavaScript34:29271 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Guillermo Rauch: Socket.IO - WebSockets for everyone25:361981 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Nicolas Garcia Belmonte: Creating Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web24:10851 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Nikolai Onken & Jörn Zaefferer: Robotic JavaScript32:382751 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Jenn Lukas: JavaScript + Web Standards II: The Quickening28:151351 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Nicole Sullivan: CSS Lint for Massive Sites45:324511 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Peter Higgins: Your library sucks, and why you should use it42:25301 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Stoyan Stefanov: Performance Patterns39:503111 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Rostislav Hristov: The Art of Deep Linking and AJAX Crawling27:191201 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Paul Irish: The State of HTML5 - Inaugural Address30:16541 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Tim Caswell: Techniques and Tools for Taming Tangled Twisted Trains of Thought26:101771 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Tom Hughes-Croucher: Don't write spaghetti code in server side JavaScript20:37811 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Kevin Dangoor, Joe Walker, Patrick Walton: Bespin39:70301 liste
[JSConfEU 2010] Ulrike Mueller: Server-side JavaScript the untold story25:16921 liste
[JSConfEU 2009] Remy Sharp: HTML5 JavaScript APIs29:20128
[JSConfEU 2009] Steve Souders: JavaScript in Browser Performance47:42117
[JSconfEU 2009] Thomas Fuchs: Extreme JavaScript Performance29:23392
[JSConfEU 2009] Christophe Porteneuve: Aggregation with Sprockets29:2471
[JSConfEU 2009] Alexandre Morgaut: Wakanda31:4049
[JSConfEU 2009] Alois Reitbauer: Tracing JS Performance33:0037
[JSConfEU 2009] Robert Nyman: JavaScript - From Birth to Closure44:12190
[JSConfEU 2009] Peter Svensson: Using dojox.gfx and dojox.charting46:10120
[JSConfEU 2009] Dion Almaer: The Future of the Web-Apps54:1153
[JSConfEU 2009] Fabian Jakobs: Autopsy of a Widget41:3231
[JSConfEU 2009] Douglas Crockford: The State and Future of JavaScript1:00:20527
[JSConfEU 2009] Faruk Ateş: JavaScript in the age of HTML 5 and CSS 340:5058
[JSConfEU 2009] Francisco Tolmasky: Building Desktop-Caliber Web Apps39:3167
[JSConfEU 2009] Malte Ubl: JavaScript 2 Enterprise Edition19:4176
[JSConfEU 2009] Julian Viereck & Dion Almaer: Bespin25:5928
[JSConfEU 2009] Alexander Lang: Writing apps on the edge with CouchDB30:14104
Avni Khatri & Chris Williams: Diversity in computing22:20946
James Whelton: Changing the world. One coderdojo at a time.22:13468
Christopher Chedeau: Morph C++ into JavaScript27:441 220
Brian McKenna: Roy16:541 126
Nikolai Onken: The Bikeshed Initiative23:50215
Jarred Nicholls: JavaScript on the GPU31:13788
Jake Archibald: AppCache: Douchebag32:562 793
Remy Sharp: Build anything32:29617
Thomas A Valletta: The web game console17:16118
Max Shawabkeh: repl.it15:57413
Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz: mojito your stuff runs on both sides20:56167
Vyacheslav Egorov: one day of life in V824:212 3421 liste
Stephan Herhut: River trail. Parallel computing in JavaScript.31:382 267
David Nolen: Jelly stains. Thoughts on JavaScript, lips & play19:141 053
Paul Irish: JavaScript tooling26:181 514
Andy Wingo: Stranger in these parts. A hired gun in the js corral.24:563071 liste
Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls Jr.: The Live Web. Drag 'n drop in the cloud27:213 297
Rick Falkvinge: Politics (or how we all make a difference)33:80166
Jacob Thornton: Brûlons les musées26:251 933
Brian Ford: Is Node.js Better?41:4357 833
Sean Cribbs: riak-js27:562911 liste
Rick Waldron: Intermission Entertainment with Popcorn.js50:372171 liste
JSConf 2012 Welcome Video1:5789
Felix Geisendörfer: How to Test Asynchronous Code29:573061 liste
Charlie Robbins: Running Node.js in Production19:131 1221 liste
Matt Ranney: Debuggin a Large Node Cluster24:222191 liste
Daniel Austin: Toward a High-Performance JSON Protocol: Notes47:17901 liste
Alex Russell: Performance of feature detection25:441391 liste
Thomas Fuchs: Nano? Pico? Femto? Atto? Zepto!38:544071 liste
Marijn Haverbeke: JavaScript Compilation Techniques or "Wasn't JavaScript supposed to be slow?"31:221 7131 liste
Dan Webb: PIMP Your JS Library or Desgning Non-Shit APIs with JavaScript39:36931 liste
Dethe Elza: Introduction to Waterbear24:281011 liste
Matthew Eernisse: Heaven & Hell JavaScript ... everywhere?30:451251 liste
Mark Headd: JavaScript The Future of Telephony Application Development36:51771 liste
Ray Morgan: Apps vs Web: Lesson from Zappos.com41:27501 liste
Dave Herman: Modules for JS.next36:32761 liste
Isaac Schlueter: How npm Works27:361 8321 liste
Brendan Eich: SpiderNode, V8Monkey, and You23:187261 liste
Marak Squires: Every node.js module ever!16:222321 liste
Guillermo Rauch: socket.io22:561 0131 liste
Mary Rose Cook: Fakery, Artificial Intelligence, Collision Detection, a 2D Platform Shooter in JS34:572 0861 liste
Chris Williams: Fuck cyberspaces, we'll do it live!6:43911 liste
Matt Eernisse: Lessons learned in production13:601471 liste
Ben Combee: Enyo: A JS Framework for Mobile Devices31:302701 liste

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