My younger self revealed by a mysterious box at my parents' house!10:2899,103
Eat & kayak! Favorite lunchspot in Seattle! Agua Verde6:11248,500
最近自分にイライラする... Frustrated!〔#823〕7:51262,469
アメリカの食べ放題!ラスベガスの人気ビュッフェで母親とランチ☆ The Buffet at the Wynn! 〔#822〕7:60296,182
Family trip to Vegas for my mom's Bday!13:60324,679
大人留学!充実したセブ島生活☆ 部屋、食事、移動や…マッサージ!?〔#820〕16:21283,328
Shopping for home appliances in America!5:54300,430
Hotel English! My Japanese husband calls the front desk! Asking for our luggage!9:40480,538
Flying just the two of us! From Seattle to Tokyo!11:40398,035
Ordered way too many sides! Lunch at Uneeda Burger!7:21567,913
My daughter's 12-month update! Birthday picnic in Seattle!12:45444,199
Shopping at Party City! Getting ready for my daughter's first birthday!9:11220,891
Back in Japan! A month of good food, friends, and work!6:30339,904
Our final weekend in Melbourne!!16:90283,314
海外でバリバリ働く日本人!行列のできる超人気カフェのマネージャー☆ 経歴、苦労、工夫を聞いてみた。〔#807〕14:29197,931
My friend tries slimy fermented beans! Japanese natto challenge!9:51167,258
My husband goes to English school!26:43349,869
A day in the life of an Australian University Student!17:44398,980
鳥肌が立つほど素晴らしい!選びたくないよ〜 動画コンテストの結果発表! #ちか友留学生活2019〔#803〕32:42115,283
Back in Japan, but leaving again! Quick update!8:30253,889
Comparing differences in working styles! A day at an Australian IT firm! Yellowfin!24:52657,190
見どころ特に無し... 生活感溢れる私たちの一日 in メルボルン!〔#800〕18:39418,797
Shopping at the mall in Melbourne!11:48301,569
Day trip to the Australian countryside!8:15178,912
Our favorite cafe in Melbourne!10:50364,201
Trying some pub grub in Melbourne! Feat. Gordo the Drummer8:53299,874
My daughter's first babycino! @ Market Lane Coffee in Melbourne!10:22281,617
Australian Supermarket Favorites!8:15236,208
The fanciest pet food store I've ever seen!3:14119,372
Pay-what-you-can vegan restaurant in Australia! Lunch at Lentil as Anything!8:33244,900
Peninsula Hot Springs! Japan isn't the only place with great hot springs!9:26422,914
Is it Measles?? Going to the Doctor's in Melbroune! - A day in our life -13:31554,707
Fun at the Australian Grand Prix with my F1 loving husband!17:18169,408
超実用的な旅英語アプリ「HELP me TRAVEL」ANDROID版もついにリリース!〔#787〕4:1381,840
My Japanese husband goes to an Australian Barber!13:30346,452
A DAY IN OUR LIFE in Melbourne! Swimming lessons, work, shopping, etc!13:19356,101
Crazy foods at the Queen Victoria Night Market!6:80154,126
ゆる注意※ 日本から来た友達とメルボルン散策!ゴールドコーストぶりのまどか登場!〔#783〕6:18189,203
Our 10-month daughter starting day care in Melbourne!17:33346,990
Grocery shopping in Australia!8:39371,418
Hanging out at Australia's largest festival!9:90143,652
Doo well couple everyday! Eating cauliflower rice curry ~ [# 779]8:47276,917
一緒に情報発信をお願いします!第3回目、動画コンテストのご案内! #ちか友留学生活〔#777〕7:4358,933
Melbourne's famous coffee shop Market Lane Coffee!21:40268,483
Trying Vegemite for the first time! with Gordo the Drummer!12:00269,397
Take a drive with us on the Great Ocean Road! [VR180]6:2298,417
Have lunch with me in Melbourne!12:45157,023
Saturday Night Symphony in Melbourne!6:5485,390
メルボルン最大のマーケットで食べ歩き☆ ドーナツとホットドッグが美味しい!VR WEEK 2/5【VR180】〔#770〕7:48155,683
【VR180】Walking the streets of Melbourne's CBD!7:52180,636
Beetroot in my burger?! Aussie style lunch!9:56340,744
A day in our life! Being a YouTuber and raising a baby!【ENG-Sub】8:45442,763
9ヶ月の娘と二人っきり!お家での過ごし方 + 買い物 + 夕方の公園!〔#766〕7:43532,201
Out with the baby in Melbourne!6:38300,040
Our new home in Melbourne!11:14346,529
Our BIG purchase at the Melbourne BABY EXPO!11:49394,059
メルボルンから生配信!プチ移住アップデート☆ Hello from Melbourne! Live!33:24104,884
【ENG-sub】Loving this lifestyle! Moonlight Cinema in Melbourne!10:41260,074
スキルがあってこそ英語を活かせる!エンジニアとデザイナーに聞く「英語 ✖ 仕事」〔#761〕21:58122,792
What a creative little playground! Our nomad life in Melbourne!10:53281,162
Our first week in Melbourne!16:30525,936
Amazing Hawaiian Breakfast! Sunny Days!10:43381,959
Our nomad life begins! Going to Melbourne, Australia!13:39604,423
この家で最後の動画 (涙) 引っ越し終わった〜!20:35235,094
寝室、ベビー部屋、全部見せちゃいます!引っ越しでめちゃくちゃ散らかってるけど 汗〔#756〕28:58351,338
Family fun at the Mariner's Game!10:20222,728
動画撮ってる場合じゃないけど... ノマド生活に向けて準備!〔#754〕4:90157,392
English lesson with Konmari! Clean, tidy, organize, declutter, & konmari!9:34235,138
Moving to Australia! Our nomad life is about to begin!6:58546,964
空港ツアー in ロサンゼルス!LAX Airport Tour!〔#751〕4:44220,863
夢が叶ってしまった... BSBインタビュー直後の感想〜 ※ゆる注意〔#749〕12:1091,946
Talking to the Backstreet Boys about then and now! The interview of my dreams!!28:30692,784
2018年BESTアプリランキング入り!旅英語アプリ「Help me TRAVEL」を大幅にアップデートしました!〔#747〕7:3989,955
意識高い系 注文の仕方がおしゃれ過ぎて戸惑う L.A.のおすすめカフェ☆ 〔#746〕7:39411,077
English lesson with the Backstreet Boys! DNA Lyrics explained!14:29166,307
ABCの歌 ♬ 日本で習うのとはちょっと違う?![英語の歌]〔#744〕3:26157,779
L.Aで超人気な老舗ホットドッグ屋さん☆ Pink's Hot Dog!〔#743〕7:32437,036
2019年の目標を発表しちゃいます!My 2019 Goals!〔#742〕11:44314,304
10歳の私の英語力☆ 現地の友達と誕生日会!Watching my 10th Birthday Party!〔#741〕8:52598,468
アメリカのモールでクリスマス!✨ Christmas at the mall!〔#740〕6:58262,443
「お疲れ様です!」は英語で? 職場で使える様々なフレーズを紹介☆ 〔#739〕10:51549,240
アメリカのKFCのドライブスルーで夫が注文してみたら... 〔#737〕8:38514,504
子供が生まれてから5ヶ月!娘の成長記録 ☆ みてね!〔#734〕16:29798,666
日本語コンプレックス? 帰国子女の苦悩!〔#733〕18:25604,082

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