Big Think
11,285 vídeos, +2,710,000 suscriptores

Why Donald Trump Is Actually Obama’s Natural Successor | Michael Slaby9:3834,012
4 Incredible Words with No English Equivalent: What Is Grief-Bacon? | Kory Stamper2:2217,770
Cornel West: Hope Is Spiritual Armor Against Modern Society's Spiritual Warfare11:4016,732
What's Wrong with Journalism Today? Narrative, Click Bait, Story Quotas | Matthew Hiltzik4:6013,082
Social Media's Dark Side: How Facebook and Snapchat Try to Steal Our Self-Worth | Tristan Harris9:2143,067
Brain Bias: Why You Shouldn't Emulate Geniuses and Their Rigid Thinking Processes | Barbara Oakley6:3556,883
Universal Basic Income, the 30-Hour Workweek, and the Economics of Poverty | Michael Slaby6:5768,159
Why You Should Read Philosophy: Truth, Knowledge, and Meaning4:0034,218
Erasing the Self, Living in a Dream, and Creating New Power Relationships with VR | Jordan Greenhall4:4824,254
Optimists Do It Longer: How a Positive Outlook Will Boost Your Longevity | Michael Scheier7:2213,397
Which Jobs Will Machines Take Over? Movie Critics, Doctors, Truckers...8:4919,800
Knowing How to Tell a Good Story Is Like Having Mind Control | Alan Alda6:58117,870
Why Interest-Based Negotiation Will Get You What You Really Want3:4924,770
Why Are Nations So Divided? Trump, Brexit, and the Struggle for Status10:1653,877
How a False Arrest Pushed Ex-Tennis Pro James Blake to Be a Voice for Police Accountability7:5812,584
How to Control Your Rage, With Buddhist and Michelin Star Chef Eric Ripert3:3625,173
The Prison Project: How Can You Restore Humanity In an Inhumane System?6:329,069
Why the Best Scientists Are Open-Minded: Jane Goodall and Bali’s Water Temples8:7020,030
Do Humans Have Free Will, Or Are We Programmed By Society? | Joscha Bach7:3142,211
Job Automation: Are Writers, Artists, and Musicians Replaceable?6:2325,974
Neil deGrasse Tyson: How to Teach Science? Leverage the Power of Pop Culture10:6047,532
CRISPR Babies: Eugenics, Ethics, and Why Regulation Efforts Could Be Too Late2:3218,496
Lawrence Krauss on How to Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills6:9073,355
What Hope Actually Meant to Martin Luther King Jr. and President Obama8:538,792
Questions about Sex That Women and Men Google the Most | Seth Stephens-Davidowitz3:2978,912
How Your Brain Is Getting Hacked: Facebook, Tinder, Slot Machines | Tristan Harris5:43225,271
The True Value of Coding: It Teaches You to Think Differently | Gene Luen-Yang4:32139,793
Guns, God, & Drugs: How to Negotiate America's Political Arguments | Dan Shapiro7:3322,009
Artificial Intelligence Is the New Science of Human Consciousness | Joscha Bach8:3933,728
The Evolution of Homosexuality: From Criminal, to Mentally Ill, to Equal | Bennett Singer5:2117,626
3 Ways to Stop Racism: Diversity Exposure, Bias Intervention, Cross-Race Friendships | Lori Markson10:159,014
The Neuroscience of Creativity, Perception, and Confirmation Bias | Beau Lotto6:45198,102
Is Race Genetic or Socially Constructed? | Philip Kitcher6:1127,968
CRISPR's Gene Drive Could Revive Extinct Species–or Create New Ones | Jennifer Doudna5:3930,064
3 Brain Systems That Control Your Behavior: Reptilian, Limbic, Neo Cortex | Robert Sapolsky7:3846,633
How Our Cognitive Biases Create Emotional Conflict, and How to Rise above It | Dan Shapiro6:5019,122
LGBTQ Revolution: Coming Out, Harvey Milk, Live-Saving Statistics | Bennett Singer4:3015,548
Faith and Hope Are Two Different Philosophical Mindsets | Sam Newlands4:2313,422
Goal Setting Is a Hamster Wheel. Learn to Set Systems Instead. | Adam Alter3:50278,881
How Some People Predict Disasters before They Happen: ISIS, Katrina, Fukushima | Richard Clarke10:1019,411
What Climate Science Can (and Can’t) Predict | Philip Kitcher6:397,400
Why Buy Things You Only Use Once? Enter the Subscription Economy | Kevin Kelly4:2521,659
CRISPR 101: Curing Sickle Cell, Growing Organs, Mosquito Makeovers | Jennifer Doudna7:2217,118
The Truth about Job-Taking Machines, Globalization, and Mexican Trade | Robert Kaplan9:5721,352
Cornel West: The Difference Between Justice and Revenge9:3814,833
Career Advice from a Woman Who Ruled Wall Street | Sallie Krawcheck5:1412,279
Bill Nye on Manmade Earthquakes, Tectonic Plates, and Fracking4:7012,449
The Science of Learning: How to Turn Information into Intelligence8:2673,667
Universal Mathematics: All Life on Earth Is Bound by One Spooky Algorithm9:1575,114
The Neuroscience of Lies, Honesty, and Self-Control | Robert Sapolsky5:2734,549
How Cognitive Biases Bend Reality: Private Optimism vs. Public Despair | Neuroscientist Tali Sharot8:5617,856
Alan Alda: Grow Your Empathy Through Better Visual Perception10:2016,011
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Dark Matter, Dark Gravity, Ghost Particles, & the Essence of All Objects7:25195,020
Why Atheists and Believers Are Actually Agnostic | Bill Nye2:2129,386
Google Searches May Be the Best Measure of Human Nature Yet | Seth Stephens-Davidowitz6:3032,119
Capitalism 2.0 Will Include a Healthy Dose of Socialism | Eric Weinstein11:2647,838
How Russia's Election Meddling Revolutionized Propaganda | Jordan Greenhall6:1415,894
Why Schools Should Teach Skepticism Above Obedience | Lawrence Krauss5:3825,434
3 Warnings to Stop Global Catastrophe: CRISPR, AI, & Robots | Richard Clarke11:3822,420
Good Communication 101: Mirroring, Jargon, Hifalutin Words | Alan Alda7:2617,484
Hey Bill Nye, Do You Believe In Free Will?2:3525,370
How Lexicographers Think About Language | Kory Stamper5:5014,352
Consciousness Is a Narrative Created by Your Unconscious Mind | Dean Buonomano4:2033,453
Why Don’t Humans Live for More than 100 Years? | Physicist Geoffrey West13:12140,472
“Made in Prison” Is the New “Made in China” | Liza Jessie Peterson7:6019,356
Good Investors Make Money. Great Investors Create Value. | Mihir Desai7:1510,797
Why Controlling the Masses Through Media No Longer Works | Jordan Greenhall8:3625,159
Study Science, Think Abstractly, Change the World | Bill Nye2:2018,782
AI Can Now Self-Reproduce—Should Humans Be Worried? | Eric Weinstein5:31125,141
Time Paradox: Why Pleasure Is Fleeting and Pain Endures | Dean Buonomano4:4039,296
Are We Living in a Massive Computer Program? Or a Simulation? | Joscha Bach5:4145,663
Can You Spot a Liar Just by Someone's Looks? | Alexander Todorov6:0014,649
The Science of Optimism: How Gender, Age, and Race Affect Your Outlook | William Magee9:4516,410
Religion Is Nature's Antidepressant | Robert Sapolsky3:1824,325
Bill Nye: Would Humanity Make Peace with Aliens—or War?2:7021,641
Political Correctness Can't Beat Having Good Taste | Jeff Garlin3:1520,182
Stopping Psychopaths in Their Developmental Stage | James Fallon2:4732,589
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Life on Europa, Jupiter's Moons, Ice Fishing and Racket Sports6:4566,824
Evidence of God Isn't Necessary to Live a Good Life | Bill Nye2:1823,983
Embrace Contradictory Ideas to Reach New Intellectual Heights | Eric Weinstein4:2417,241
Are Humans Hardwired to Be Cruel to Each Other? | Robert Sapolsky6:4124,983
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Science, Abraham Lincoln, Immigrants, and the Fading of America11:37124,556
Mental Time Travel: Your Brain Is Literally a Time Machine | Dean Buonamano3:5030,229
Is It Really Possible to Change Someone's Beliefs? | Barbara Oakley4:5024,195
Is Moral Disgust Just Bad Evolution? | Robert Sapolsky5:8024,234
Truth Isn't Black and White: 3 Requirements Every Fact Should Meet | Katherine Maher7:9014,971
Genius Is Not about Excelling at Something—It's about Doing Things Differently | Eric Weinstein5:2350,995
Is Hope for Weak People? One Man's Journey through Life with MS | Richard M. Cohen5:5111,737
Transgender People Should Use the Bathroom of Their Choice | Elijah Nealy4:5620,351
Bill Nye: Is the Multiverse Theory Paradoxical, or Can We Test It?2:3333,000
Do Our Senses Reveal the World—Or Do They Obscure It? | Beau Lotto5:4236,383
Your Brain Tells You Time Is Real — But Is It Lying to You? | Dean Buonomano4:4430,543
You Don't Need a Lot of Money or Business Classes to Start a Company | Sara Blakely4:3215,111
Faith Is Absurd—Let’s Embrace the Comedy in That | Adam Mansbach3:3622,285
Quadruple Amputee Kyle Maynard Is a Photographer, Wrestler, and Inspiration Machine5:365,348
Bill Nye Explains the Scientific Method and His Greatest Accomplishment in Life1:5326,405
Artificial Intelligence Should Be a Good Kick in the Groin | MIT's Michael Schrage7:4810,583
Brain Training to Beat Procrastination with the World's Easiest Learning Technique | Barbara Oakley3:3643,179
Facebook May Not Want to Beat Fake News | Katherine Maher5:2621,904
Religion Can Be Dangerous without a Sense of Humor | Dave Barry2:1214,388

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