Big Think
11,285 vídeos, +2,710,000 suscriptores

The Merits of Black and White Film, with A.J. Edwards3:230
Getting the Private and Public Sectors to Work Together, with Julie Sunderland5:300es en una lista
Using Human Computation and reCAPTCHA to Digitize Old Books, with Luis von Ahn2:510es en una lista
Searching For a Better Battery, with Brad Templeton1:590es en una lista
Social Welfare Does Not Kill Business, with President of Iceland Ólafur Grímsson3:480es en una lista
Bill Nye on Rosetta comet landing: We'll make discoveries that nobody's imagined yet.2:580es en 2 listas
Kenji Yoshino: Diversity Does Not Mean Having to Choose Between Identity and Inclusion7:000es en una lista
Slow Down Your Brain to Get More Done, with Steven Kotler5:000es en 2 listas
Business Can Play a Profitable Role in Combating Climate Change, with Andrew Winston4:420es en una lista
E.O. Wilson: Science, Not Philosophy, Will Explain the Meaning of Existence9:900es en 2 listas
Venture Capitalist Eric Hippeau: Silicon Valley Builds Technology, New York City Applies It4:400es en una lista
Sam Harris: Can Psychedelics Help You Expand Your Mind?9:000es en una lista
Venture for America: Creating Thousands of New Jobs in All the Right Places, with CEO Andrew Yang5:500es en una lista
The Best Executives Put Their Family First, with SAP CEO Bill McDermott2:580es en una lista
Walter Isaacson on Steve Jobs' Favorite Product: The Apple Team3:430es en 2 listas
How Iron Chef Jose Garces Got His Kids to Eat Their Veggies2:280es en una lista
Why Our Retail Staff Earns $50K, with Container Store CEO Kip Tindell5:000es en una lista
TechShop: Where Makers Can Pursue Their Dreams and Change the World, with CEO Mark Hatch7:430es en una lista
Nicholas Kristof: How to Have a Positive Impact, One Person at a Time4:700es en una lista
Empowering Women Doesn't Mean Disempowering Men, with Landesa's Tim Hanstad3:320
Lead the Life You Want: A Big Think Mentor Workshop, with Stewart D. Friedman4:410es en una lista
Dr. Madhav Chavan: Technology Alone Won't Reform Education3:420es en una lista
Michio Kaku on the Science of Dreams4:420es en una lista
Nuclear Catastrophe: How Much Risk are You Willing to Accept? With Eric Schlosser11:800es en 2 listas
President of Iceland, Ólafur R. Grímsson: The Arctic is the New Political Playing Field5:420es en una lista
Sheryl WuDunn: Giving Is Good For You6:260es en una lista
Esther Perel on the Difference Between Sexuality and Eroticism4:480es en 2 listas
The Importance of Knowing: A Big Think Mentor Workshop4:530es en una lista
Diamond Dallas Page: Don't Call It Yoga, Brother8:600es en una lista
Sam Harris: Mindfulness is Powerful, But Keep Religion Out of It6:580
Why the NSA Wants a Quantum Computer, with Brad Templeton4:210es en una lista
Hal Luftig: Theater Will Never Die5:210
Millennials 201: The Boomerangers, with Paul Taylor8:150
Jeffrey Kluger: Are you a narcissist? Run for President.9:420
Why Men Cheat, with Shmuley Boteach8:250
Barney Frank: Marijuana Legalization Will Follow in Gay Marriage's Footsteps5:800
Access for Everyone: A Model for Free Online Learning, with Duolingo's Luis von Ahn5:490
Sam Harris: The Self is an Illusion6:530
Chris Cole: Want a great idea? Ask a skateboarder.4:000es en una lista
Esther Perel on the Nature of Erotic Desire5:380
Leila Janah: No one should be jobless because of the birth lottery3:410
Who owns your data? With OkCupid's Christian Rudder3:000
Vivek Wadhwa on the Gender Gap in Silicon Valley6:300es en una lista
Lisa Bodell: Why Organizations Resist Change3:460es en una lista
Bill Nye: Could Common Core be the antidote for Creationist teachers?3:800
The Crackdown on China's Corrupt Gifting Economy, with Junheng Li3:500es en una lista
Why Bitcoin is Better Than Gold, with Wences Casares7:180es en una lista
The Shortcomings of Religion and the Coming Revolution, with Roberto Unger24:150
Philip Zimbardo on the Two Types of Heroes5:140
Want to Avoid Student Loans? Sell Your Future.3:570es en una lista
Brad Templeton: Today's Surveillance Society is Beyond Orwellian3:320
Bill Nye on the Remarkable Efficiency of SpaceX3:560
Dan Harris: Hack Your Brain's Default Mode with Meditation3:440
Rita McGrath: Want a competitive edge? Ignore stability.5:190es en una lista
Kill the Company to Save the Company, with Lisa Bodell3:390
Nicholas Negroponte: Net Neutrality Doesn't Make Sense6:500
Sand Mandalas Explained, with Losang Samten8:510es en una lista
Questions Are the New Answers, with Warren Berger3:240
The Internet of Things Meets Big Data, with Chris Curran7:430
Bill Nye to Climate Change Deniers: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever5:120
IBM's Jon Iwata on the Intelligence of Watson7:220es en una lista
Pay Attention to Bad Vibes, with Max Bazerman6:000
Bill Nye: We May Discover Life on Europa5:460es en una lista
Want to Lead? Be Well Spoken and Well Dressed.5:470es en una lista
How Uber Disrupted an Industry, with Karan Girotra2:420
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum: God Loves Queer People12:560
Hack Your Brain with Sense Science, Part 1: Introduction and Temperature6:560
Think Small to Solve Big Problems, with Stephen Dubner9:100es en una lista
Discovering One's Hidden Psychopathy13:450es en una lista
Predicting Corporate Fraud5:300
The Advancement of Crowdfunding2:430
A New Management Style for a New Workforce3:470
Can Ketamine Treat Depression?4:420
Ending Violence Against Women5:600
Why You Should Be Nice, with Stephen Post4:330es en una lista
The Giving Tree: Read by Arianna Huffington4:280
Arianna Huffington on Brain Maintenance3:570es en una lista
Regulation for the Future, with Barney Frank3:440
Strive to be Comfortably Confused, with Peter Baumann3:410es en una lista
The NYPD Needs to Regain Citizen Support, with Zachary Tumin5:110
Thinking Beyond Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In, with Jody Greenstone Miller6:590es en una lista
Bitcoin 101, with Daniel Altman2:440es en una lista
Quantum Computing 101, with D-Wave's Vern Brownell13:470es en una lista
Have Sexier Sex to Save Marriage, with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach6:160
Autonomous Cars 101, with Brad Templeton10:400es en una lista
Cognitive Biases 101, with Peter Baumann6:150
Valerie Purdie-Vaughns on Unintentional Bias3:500
Why We Need Enlightened Regulation, with David Weild5:290
A Brief History of South Africa, with Dave Steward20:480
How to Order Like an Oenophile (Tips from Sommelier Patrick Cappiello)3:420
Millennials 101, with Paul Taylor7:150es en una lista
How BBQ Transcends Race, with Michael Pollan3:320
Happiness Redefined, with Sharon Salzberg2:570
The Science of Receiving Feedback: Mentor Workshop Introduction5:160
Why Brazil Needs to Win the World Cup, with Daniel Altman3:300
A Message to Recent Graduates, from Aaron Hurst1:320
How Art Can Change Society, with Sarah Lewis2:300es en una lista
Michael Pollan: The Vestibule of Hell4:370
The Logistics Internet Explained, with Jeremy Rifkin4:180
Roberto Unger: Free Classical Social Theory from Illusions of False Necessity11:550

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