884 vídeos, 407 suscriptores

Lista de reproducción:
「Music」 Strings Of Euphonia (Midi Music Album) (Youtube)
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In 2009, for three consecutive months I challenged myself to compose one song every week. A deadline of 5 days per song for 3 months. It was quite challenging, well, for me at least. Unfortunately I have never recorded these songs with real guitars or better vst plug-ins. Time passed and today I don't feel the needs to record these songs anymore. My style has changed with years, I have become a better composer with a better personalised "touch".

Creating this album did a lot for the benefit of my progression as a musician to understand my musical personality and to understand what I really like about music, about notation, about composing, about arranging and about production. MIDI doesn't sound good on these songs but the essential is there, the music. less

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