Rebel News
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Albertans Speak Out: How Notley's Bill-6 Harms Family Farms4:453,400
Martina Markota in Paris: Tear Gas, Flames Sign of “Revolution"12:3676,789
Why We Wear Yellow Vests: Paris Protester | Jack Buckby9:2321,857
For or against violence against women? Unclear email leaves town councillor perplexed8:464,342
Martina Markota: Migrants Turn France Into “Third World Country”3:29331,493
Profs: Don’t Use Student Evals Because White Men Score Higher | Rob Shimshock3:106,569
Defend Croatia: Reject the UN Migration Compact4:5715,304
Bruce Springsteen: No One Can Beat Trump in 2020 | Amanda Head5:1713,581
Macron Backtracks on Carbon Tax After Paris Yellow Vest Protests?2:395,154
Apple CEO plans to ban "divisive" ideas - Ezra Levant5:347,725
Paris: Yellow Vests Won't Leave Until Macron is Gone | Jack Buckby3:2024,895
Liberals spend nearly $900K to study WRONG "extreme temperatures"7:0016,471
Canada Post Deems “Your Ward News” Guilty Without a Trial | David Menzies5:574,775
Christian landlord LOSES "Islamophobia" case against Muslim tenants | Ezra Levant19:5026,934
“End of the Spear”: Movie about murdered missionaries is more relevant than ever4:395,783
Missionary killed by tribe DEBATE: Ben Davies & David Menzies9:545,951
Do Albertans Support Notley's Oil Industry Cut?2:363,062
UN Migration Pact: How Many “Irregulars” Will Trudeau Let In? | David Menzies4:328,925
Notley Imposes Soviet Nationalization on Alberta Oil - Ezra Levant5:105,916
UN Compact on Migration Will Overrule Immigration Laws3:3611,597
Kurt Schlichter: When the FRENCH Protest Carbon Taxes, You Know Global Warming's a Scam6:495,344
Rachel Notley Announces Mandatory 9% Cut on Oil Industry11:549,810
Cali School Banning Israel Study-Abroad? | Rob Shimshock3:492,701
PROOF: Far Left Looters Rioted in Paris, not "Yellow Vests" | Jack Buckby4:1713,786
"The Level of Treason from the Press in France is Astounding" Yellow Vest Interview | Jack Buckby3:6031,512
Macron won't listen, "not yet." Interview with Yellow Vest protester | Jack Buckby5:1044,220
PC sports world drops “midget” category | David Menzies7:905,093
Radical Pakistani national runs illegally in Canadian election6:3430,342
PROOF: Canadian gov't blocks Rebel Media's military donation | David Menzies9:5417,819
Starbucks Bans Porn! | Amanda Head3:4420,515
White Students ‘Invading’ Black ‘Affinity Spaces’ At Princeton | Rob Shimshock3:4514,410
Raw! BEST Paris riot video: police vs protesters | Jack Buckby13:44520,705
Paris Streets on Fire1:3950,648
Yesteryear’s inter-racial Star Trek kiss would be a DOUBLE #MeToo moment today5:1911,875
PBO report citing $1.1B cost to process illegals just tip of the iceberg | Ezra Levant2:439,746
Canada’s first feminist PM still not sorry for Kokanee Grope | David Menzies4:3713,635
French Politicians Want to Tax EVERYTHING | Jack Buckby2:2726,280
An American shocked by the real Paris | Martina Markota2:2875,884
Poll: Customers say media don’t care about facts | Ezra Levant4:5112,099
Liberal Minister greeted by pro-pipeline protesters in Edmonton | Sheila Gunn Reid4:519,695
UN Making Migration A Human Right | David Menzies3:379,744
Bill & Hillary Clinton in Toronto: Cheap tickets and empty seats | David Menzies10:3990,951
Kurt Schlicter's New Book: Wildfire (Kelly Turnbull Book 3)1:332,221
Anne Hathaway: Trump is "gassing" "legal" asylum seekers | Amanda Head4:3614,155
EZRA LIVE! UN Migration Compact is dangerous — PLUS your questions & comments1:01:126,422
Teacher Evacuates Class Over MAGA Hat | Rob Shimshock3:3124,600
We're going to France to cover Yellow Vest protests | Jack Buckby1:475,517
Kurt Schlichter: "Conservatism, Inc." is ruining Trump's America — and how to fix it7:143,935
Ezra Levant: Trudeau's plan to monitor "truth" in election-year news5:0015,228
Liberals used Quebec Mosque shooting to resurrect Court Challenges Program11:4512,348
What they won't tell you about the UN Global Compact on Migration20:8058,714
What's the truth behind France's 'yellow vest' protests? | Jack Buckby2:0024,817
Leftists: “Lord of the Rings" is “racist" against… Orcs | Ben Davies4:419,973
Rob Shimshock: Cali Prof Assigns ‘Donald Rump’ Essay3:174,256
Detroit judge declares federal law against FGM “unconstitutional” | David Menzies4:399,978
Janice Atkinson: What's REALLY in the UN Migrant Compact | Jack Buckby38:1271,126
Calgary voters reject Mayor Nenshi's Olympic vanity project2:393,382
Airbnb ban on West Bank Jews will damage local economy4:332,487
Trudeau sides with Cuban dictatorship against feminist UN amendment3:2214,326
Liberals HATE Melania Trump’s “Handmaid’s Tale” White House Christmas decorations | Amanda Head5:4812,078
BC NDP join fight to save Trudeau’s carbon tax (and make case against it)4:195,942
Clinton fans RUN AWAY when asked about Monica Lewinsky! | David Menzies9:5373,575
“Doomed” Oshawa GM plant got taxpayer-funded welfare for too long | David Menzies8:2236,842
Pakistan’s Islamic Blasphemy Laws Explained | Jack Buckby9:5612,745
Rob Shimshock: Profs Lament Arrest Of Illegal Alien Drunk Driver3:236,069
Theresa May DENIED Asia Bibi Asylum in UK | Jack Buckby5:2013,951
Nazis sought to replace Christianity with "religion of nature"3:277,795
Oshawa GM union bosses fought to block Alberta pipelines4:1615,852
Notley starts “petty” beer brawl with Doug Ford | Sheila Gunn Reid5:326,856
Why is race and age fluidity off-side with Left? | David Menzies5:158,622
Media puts down murdered missionary as “adventure seeker” | Ben Davies3:5619,717
Kurt Schlichter: Gaza or San Diego? Illegals chuck rocks for left wing propaganda6:498,740
Princeton Prof: ‘Open The Border. Let Them All In’ | Rob Shimshock3:007,140
GM Oshawa plant the latest victim of Trudeau's anti-business agenda15:5232,597
GM closes Oshawa plant despite massive auto bailout4:2717,017
Trudeau’s bad economy hits Liberals’ Ontario doorstep with GM plant closure6:1744,369
NDP Education Minister goes to Islamic Relief fundraiser. Who are they?7:165,652
UK school bans “swank” Canada Goose coats | David Menzies3:5119,553
Facebook Suspends TA Who Bashed ‘Crappy White People’ | Rob Shimshock2:5212,676
REVIEW: “Creed II” is another knockout movie by Stallone | Ben Davies5:704,748
FACTCHECK: Bette Midler blames Black Friday violence on — low minimum wage | Amanda Head4:4711,606
Why is THIS kind of “intolerance” rewarded in Ford’s PC Party? | David Menzies7:1023,423
Former residential school student’s experience showed “no hint of abuse”4:9011,259
Feminists use St. Michael’s College scandal to target masculinity | David Menzies6:3911,538
Calgarians “blow off steam” over joblessness caused by Trudeau’s policies2:4924,705
Morneau “out of ideas” to fix Alberta oil and gas crisis: Calgary protesters offer 35:5210,467
Calgary pro-pipeline anti-Trudeau protest draws thousands2:8012,977
Asia Bibi's family hunted by religious extremists going door-to-door | Jack Buckby5:5718,824
EZRA LIVE! Trudeau gives $595M to media he “trusts” — PLUS your questions & comments1:02:107,620
Fire Eggen: Crowdfunded anti-NDP billboard hits Alberta highway2:208,735
University deems merit based hiring "problematic" - Martina Markota5:1313,294
Kurt Schlichter: “Every healthy, law-abiding America should have an assault weapon!”7:234,686
Trans "woman" gets light sentence for sexually assaulting daughter4:2011,537
NYC Marathon marriage proposal deemed “misogynistic” | David Menzies5:1114,343
Liberals tell UN: Ban Rebel Media reporter from global warming conference | Sheila Gunn Reid9:5119,389
Ezra Levant: Trudeau gives $595M to media — but The Rebel isn't for sale7:2738,961
Debunking liberal Thanksgiving lies - Martina Markota5:4415,393
UK/EU Political Declaration EXPLAINED | Jack Buckby8:4815,990
TorStar writer wants re-do of Ontario’s “colonialist” flag | David Menzies5:369,593
Trudeau scraps Harper law mandating union financial transparency2:154,281

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