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David Menzies (Youtube)
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David “The Menzoid” Menzies is The Rebel’s Mission Specialist. The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.
298 videos is founds.
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Welfare bums sue to name baby “Allah”4:6031,304
Top 10 baby naming rules (to avoid shaming them)4:5615,218
Public school turns computer lab into mosque, bars non-Muslim students3:23134,219
Garland, TX attacker jailed — while Canada bullies "Islamophobes"5:0023,380
Drunk Millennials HATE Trudeau’s alcohol tax!2:9012,173
Earth Hour celebrants won't turn off gadgets!3:166,511
Monopoly token vote: Blue collar symbols get the boot3:4422,987
Three Stooges U? "Ouch! Oops!" microaggressions handbook4:4627,171
Messing with Millennials: Should Toronto Zoo get a "Tamil Tiger"?2:3620,144
Koran torn up at Muslim school prayer meeting3:4063,660
Women vs. “trans” man in shelter: Who gets evicted?4:6014,608
Giant Wynne puppet terrorizes Toronto!2:509,436
Toronto’s “Stop the Hate” women’s march FAIL8:4254,040
UPDATE: “Mini mosque” reporter forced off school property6:2028,200
Before Brexit & Trump, there was Rob Ford4:5914,435
Reporter called "racist" over Muslim school prayer query3:2328,113
Why are Girl Guides scared of Trump?2:309,351
Parents say NO to Muslim school prayers5:6091,140
Left’s new race rules: Whitey is always wrong5:1686,805
M-103 "radical shift" on free speech in Canada1:5916,402
Muslim woman called “Nazi scum” by leftists3:1379,846
"Anti-fascists" mob Rebel reporters at M103 demo1:3218,157
Gym bans "fat shaming" scales3:4224,264
Campus crazies: Whites can't wear hoop earrings3:4816,202
New left antifas are okay with Islamofacism!5:4915,150
Australian feminists fight "sexist" crosswalk stick figures3:5016,733
Stormtrooper costume ban exposes ignorance of Princeton grads3:4418,103
Bigoted shoppers overreact to would-be jihadist at Toronto mall3:2632,424
Leftist lunacy at M-103 protest5:1132,488
Stress-free Valentine’s Day for campus snowflakes3:5120,078
Do trans athletes need a league of their own?5:3617,467
CAUGHT: More “filthy Jew” talk in Montreal mosque4:7024,079
Toronto police “hate crime” double standard6:3018,665
“Peeved Beavers” protest Ivanka Trump’s clothing line4:458,520
Controversial Toronto mosque holds open house6:5229,364
"Silenced for his own protection" for criticizing Islam6:4343,853
Hey, Millennials: Should Canada build a wall, too?2:3810,817
Millennial “triggered” by EuroMillions lottery win3:5955,767
Life imitates Twilight Zone (but worse)5:9033,997
NFL plays hardball over Texas “Bathroom Bill”4:293,796
Do Generation Trudeau trust Trump?2:3014,886
Generation Trudeau: Sarah Palin for U.S. Ambassador to Canada?1:5711,024
Top 3 anti-romance flicks of all time4:5327,364
Transgender snowpersons are snowmen too!4:3921,609
No second chance for porn actress turned teacher3:5159,212
Real Madrid removes cross from logo to calm Mid-East market3:1531,953
Did #AutisticTransPride prove trans activists wrong?4:2940,751
Justin Trudeau says anti-Trump 4th-grader a “hero”?3:3848,216
BMA: “Expectant mother” offensive to trans people4:4337,363
Toronto police “remove” counter-protester from anti-Trump rally6:5344,493
Trump vs Terminator: Who’d make a better President?2:1020,469
Super Bowl: Canadians finally get to see ads, but...5:2022,799
Unequal racial slurs may be causing “white privilege”4:4937,666
Millennials react to Jane Fonda's anti-oil sands campaign2:4815,744
Generation Trudeau weighs in on Justin’s declining popularity2:3047,524
Trump plans “Taco Tax” to pay for wall?2:3222,822
Toronto Star: Big power bills your fault, not Wynne's4:3814,997
How “out of control” is Islamophobia in Canada?4:44129,879
SUV ends climate activist's barefoot trek across U.S.3:5187,823
Billionaire family fights $25M settlement over deadly crash4:7019,381
Left’s respect for President depends on who it is4:2026,960
Canada 150 logo another publicly-funded design fail4:7020,052
Top 10 Dating Tips (from The Menzoid)5:4528,707
Panda on the menu at Trump’s inaugural dinner?2:1529,244
“Quebec White Skins” team name offensive to non-caucasians?3:4019,617
Trump “golden showers” rumour doesn’t faze young Canadians2:3225,201
SJW’s spread anti-male propaganda on drink coasters3:5754,954
Hindu plays "religion card" in City Hall fight and wins3:2717,255
Why do Millennials support Trudeau’s carbon tax?2:5013,085
Will pot legalization be Trudeau's greatest legacy?4:2114,104
Was Team USA’s hockey win inspired by Trump?2:389,808
Paper names BLM “heroes” but runs racist ads4:5029,770
Lindsay Lohan’s “vapid” anti-terrorism poem lacks rhyme and reason3:3622,970
SJWs attack Steve Martin's “sexist” Carrie Fisher tweet3:3784,577
Does trans-friendly NBA apply “bathroom bill” logic equally?8:3819,022
McDonald's suspends Ronald over 'creepy clown sightings'3:4519,758
ISIS uses Western ingenuity to destroy it3:5824,875
Bernie Farber's Trump Derangement Syndrome: name checks Timothy McVeigh4:2914,122
SJW's target roasts, last realm of politically incorrect speech5:1630,691
Kwanzaa: City spends real taxpayer money to celebrate fake holiday3:5221,748
SJWs try to shut down “Really British” shop4:28157,442
Generation Trudeau: How many candles do you light for Kwanzaa?3:2025,316
Millennials say: Add Obama to Mount Rushmore!3:1818,598
Remembering Pan Am Flight 103: The folly of “misplaced compassion” for jihadists4:285,635
Jennifer Lawrence's butt scratching tale triggers SJWs3:4964,438
Generation Trudeau rates Obama's presidency2:1920,658
"Sexualized” Wonder Woman fired as UN Ambassador3:4121,293
Ontario govt kills small distilleries “by design”12:155,392
Power companies “gouge then shame” customers3:5411,289
Generation Trudeau: Is it time for halal football?3:1226,450
Trump-haters target “Made in America” running shoes3:3933,357
If only Obama had read "The Art of the Deal"3:2727,579
Generation Trudeau on Fidel: Revolutionary or dictator?4:1923,693
Trump says Canada owes reparations for War of 1812?3:4987,938
StatsCan report: Dirty jokes “trigger” Canadian Forces personnel4:4313,980
Toronto police cruiser colour change “triggers” SJWs3:59179,571
Sports double standards: Kaeperneck vs. Sparks4:2683,562
Drunk millennials struggle to name great Canadian woman for bank note3:6015,441
ISIS destroys civilization, but immigration reforms will preserve it4:1724,759
Trans man loses “privilege” of being diversity officer at all female college4:5033,525

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