Rebel News
12 567 vidéos, +1 300 000 abonnés

Bruno Mars slammed for "cultural appropriation": Who's next? | Amanda Head3:5012 629
Ezra Levant: Foreign-funded "lawbreakers" plan to kill Canadian pipelines3:5813 217
SHOCKING: The Rebel kicked out of PC Leadership Convention!5:8014 745
Dr. Gorka: Trump deserves Nobel Peace Prize, not Obama4:287 165
Kathleen Wynne's budget is a "Trojan Horse for unions"3:604 558
Ontario College of Art and Design caves to Islamic hypersensitivity4:5610 294
Notley “poaches” UCP policy to fight BC’s pipeline blockade6:274 372
White male MP must “zip it” when debating black female MP on race issues5:3117 033
Liberal's use Florida shooting to target Canadian gun owners2:474 788
Fight Capitalism By Buying Antifa Merch! | Campus Unmasked3:297 283
Amanda Head: Int. Women's Day, Jordon Peterson & Harvey Weinstein6:404 972
Jim Hanson: Online Islamic extremism reaches Utah3:294 905
Trump's hardline stance on North Korea is working | John Cardillo6:374 595
Ezra Levant: Transgender movement is ruining feminism2:5610 227
McKenna to “nag” G7 leaders to ban plastics | Sheila Gunn Reid4:505 763
Scott Israel's Deputy tied to terrorists involved in WTC bombing & 9/116:155 392
Jack Buckby: Theresa May Just Doesn’t Understand Math5:125 687
This School Official Loves Farrakhan | Campus Unmasked3:304 110
Sessions' "sanctuary cities" speech was great, but... | Amanda Head3:494 582
Sheila Gunn Reid: Darshan Kang should "fire himself"2:412 842
Media barons not satisfied with “paltry” $50M taxpayer bailout4:283 516
Justin Trudeau lies about Science Minister winning Nobel Prize2:347 958
Why the Left hates "Death Wish" remake | Ben Davies6:3754 620
3 dumbest moments from Bill Nye and Justin Trudeau’s “fireside chat”9:3647 452
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Democracy, not populism3:103 871
Media ignores thwarted ISIS inspired high school bombing | John Cardillo6:2012 406
Antifa Crashes Libertarian Talk | Campus Unmasked3:408 285
Do the people of Broward County want to fire Sheriff Scott Israel?12:265 943
“Children used as props” on March 14 anti-gun marches | Amanda Head3:104 126
Oscar reality check: The truth about Hollywood "diversity" | Ben Davies6:5210 049
Leftists: "Merry Christmas" is an Islamophobic microaggression | David Menzies3:2611 285
PC Party insider: It's between Christine Elliott and Doug Ford3:473 408
War on Acadia U prof Rick Mehta: "Weaponized" internal investigation15:474 163
Pro-censorship advocates push for ban on “FHRITP” outbursts5:108 467
Students Protest ‘Known Fascist’ Christina Hoff Sommers | Campus Unmasked4:548 360
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Ideology is dead. Long live ideology!4:363 328
Sam Nunberg looks "unhinged and foolish" | John Cardillo6:123 521
“Death threats” or “reconciliation”? Sir John A. pub owner explains name change6:354 542
Monica Lewinsky says #MeToo in Vanity Fair | Amanda Head3:103 551
Jack Buckby | Let's be honest: The Left want us dead6:455 930
NAFTA: Justin Trudeau "doesn't understand economics"2:1318 283
Ezra Levant: Canada doesn't have a sexism problem3:205 908
Former Liberal MP Darshan Kang Must Resign!9:128 923
Fire Scott Israel: Taking the message to Broward County streets1:383 993
Gary Oldman a "glimmer of hope" at America-bashing Oscars | Ben Davies4:1037 264
David Menzies: “Colourful characters” at Ottawa PC debate weigh in on leadership race10:201 888
College Jewish Group Denied "Minority Rights" Membership | Campus Unmasked3:604 045
Katie Hopkins: What South African "land expropriation" is REALLY about4:5073 296
MP Alex Nuttall Storms Out Of Leadership Debate After Patrick Brown Question5:262 653
UPDATE: Meet landlord charged with "Islamophobia" — for not taking off shoes!6:2110 420
Jimmy Kimmel broke "less political Oscars" vow in 2 minutes | Amanda Head4:429 983
Trump was right about Sweden | John Cardillo3:5916 764
Tanya Granic Allen: "We have to beat Kathleen Wynne"3:426 367
Media isn’t buying “barrage of lies” from Liberals on Atwal’s invite3:3112 503
Ezra Levant: Trudeau's 'oblivious' response to Trump's tariffs3:1218 395
Liberals “scapegoat” lawful gun owners after Florida shooting5:208 172
Candice Malcolm: Ralph Goodale dodges questions about Indian conspiracy theory4:508 645
McGuinty aide apologizes to “political masters” but not taxpayers4:414 291
Jim Karahalios: Next PC leader has to “turn the page from this dark history”10:273 931
White Student Called ‘Mayonnaise Monster’ | Campus Unmasked2:558 187
BC sneaks "gender fluid ideology" into sex-ed curriculum2:1511 660
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: What Andrew Breitbart taught me3:373 505
Amanda Head: #BoycottNRA backfires, anti-Oscar art & more7:475 081
Why “Lady Bird” may be a conservative movie | Ben Davies6:603 675
John Cardillo: Oakland Mayor is 'no better than a gang lookout'6:344 266
South African white farm seizure ruins opportunity for progress3:4813 227
Ezra Levant: Indian govt rebukes Trudeau's Sikh terrorist conspiracy theory2:3613 645
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Hillary's Limitless Audacity5:318 793
John Cardillo: Obama loyalists try to gerrymander Pennsylvania7:191 826
Tories cave to Sikh Canadian activists | Sheila Gunn Reid9:246 228
Tommy Robinson: UPDATES on two important campaigns2:407 082 The other side of the story3:105 071
NYC settles suit with Muslims over hijabs, mugshots | John Cardillo5:498 332
"The Shape of Water” is anti-American & anti-family | Ben Davies9:296 658
Twitter Bans Antifa Student Group | Campus Unmasked3:305 280
Menzies’ Winter Olympics Dubious Achievement Awards6:243 992
Christine Elliott: “You can’t just pluck wind turbines out of the ground”4:523 630
Amanda Head: I agree with PETA... about Barbra Streisand2:552 986
Post-debate scrum with Tanya Granic Allen: “I respect grassroots democracy”8:154 193
Trudeau's "gender budget" distracts from real economic problems3:167 515
Post-debate scrum with Mulroney leaves more questions than answers4:497 587
Doug Ford: “We have to be business friendly here in Ontario”6:154 732
Trudeau's "feminist" budget fails to react to Trump | Ezra Levant3:326 640
Katie Hopkins on Trump: "He looks unbeatable"5:4214 775
Trudeau Liberals drop "first NDP budget in Canadian history" | Sheila Gunn Reid5:4710 582
Profs Threaten To Tear Down Confederate Statue | Campus Unmasked3:193 472
Dr. Gorka: 3 Things You MUST Do During a School Shooting or Terror Attack5:703 159
David Menzies: Is Patrick Brown “delusional” after month of “shenanigans”?5:102 654
GOP Rep. Brian Mast sides with anti-gun Democrats | John Cardillo5:421 678
Ryan Seacrest “the latest roadkill” in #MeToo's war on due process | Amanda Head3:245 473
Violence in Gaza justifies Israeli presence in the West Bank1:534 378
Poll: Canada "too generous" towards immigrants3:309 830
Black Panther: What I saw in the REAL Wakanda | Ben Davies10:469 914
Ezra Levant: Come to debut of "Save the Christians" doc: Toronto, March 82:572 576
Anti-firearms busybodies target “social justice outdoor retailer” MEC8:508 743
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Trump's win was "a political revolution"5:404 925
Rob Shimshock at CPAC: Generation Z are "woke", Millennials are hopeless4:404 900
Police Called On Pro-Palestinian Students | Campus Unmasked3:183 646
Why Scott Israel's deputies stayed outside during school shooting | John Cardillo5:308 835
Millennials OK with Trudeau’s “cultural appreciation” on India trip6:5022 888

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