1,988 vídeos, +88,100 suscriptores

LP: Wind Waker - [Ep4] - Barrels + Spotlights = FAIL.10:504,477
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep22] - A balcony and such..9:357,333es en una lista
LP: Wind Waker - [Ep3] - Grammy NOOO...12:407,069
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep21] - MERRY CHRISTMAS!9:267,971es en una lista
LP: Wind Waker - [Ep2] - Long ears!?14:594,917
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep20] - Stranded...kinda..10:607,727es en una lista
LP: Wind Waker - [Ep1] - A new adventure begins!14:426,543
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep19] - Mystery map...10:507,659es en una lista
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep18] - Creepers be creepin'!10:127,319
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep17] - Back to the grind!10:468,987
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep16] - Shenanigans of crafting mines...12:197,951
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [FINALE Ep31] - End of the road...17:236,456
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep15] - Smoothstone advancement...10:408,487
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep30] - Nothing changes...10:344,801
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep14] - Green Valley...9:1513,144
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep13] - SEA TREES and hints of man flu?8:548,398
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep12] - Smoothstone Problems!7:278,759
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep11] - The Ultimate Miner!10:2410,169
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep29] - Close calls...8:314,160
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep10] - Settling down...11:3210,663
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep28] - Surprising amounts of win!9:152,775
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep9] - Stunning world generationings :311:2210,585
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep8] - Chunk error galore!8:3010,254
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep27] - Failing consequences...10:514,574
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep7] - A hardcore detour!10:229,448
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep26] - Firey Fate8:703,414
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep6] - Salvation at last!12:3313,654
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep25] - Family Pregnancies in space...WHAT!?10:183,302
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep5] - Murky waters...11:4013,708
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep24] - Red button GETU!7:453,329
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep4] - Testing the new patch!9:4115,498
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep23] - Factory favoritism...13:413,612
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep3] - 1.8 on the horizon!11:1916,253
Minecraft Golf Tournament [Ep4] - The tournament resumes...13:324,803
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep2] - Something called progress!15:5320,479
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep22] - Wow...just, wow...11:423,515
Minecraft: Survival of the Yoshi - Minecraft Survival [Ep1] - A New Idea...14:1543,059
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep21] - Restoring those factory settings!10:254,580
Minecraft Golf Tournament [Ep3] - 9 POINTS!?!12:465,490
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep20] - Hungry hungry hippos!9:503,238
Minecraft Golf Tournament [Ep2] - Oh Noobyy, you're a noob :312:415,770
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep19] - Tippy Shippy...really!?11:112,213
Minecraft Golf Tournament [Ep1] - Let's tee off!12:3511,584
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep18] - Crumbly discussions...9:253,512
Minecraft [Ep37] - Temple secrets!12:194,839
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep17] - Tired failings of a Yoshi!16:143,481
Minecraft [Ep36] - DAT WINDOW!8:533,675
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep16] - Annoying boss, I'ma let you finish but...10:902,733
Minecraft [Ep35] - Golf tournaments :D9:104,178
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep15] - Jelly(ish) Jam!10:583,816
Minecraft [Ep34] - Computer's all fixed!8:384,404
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep14] - Utter humiliation!10:173,995
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep13] - Wait what!? How many fails!?!?10:312,049
Minecraft [Ep33] - Spawn continuation!11:523,028
Minecraft [Ep32] - Town Hall surprises!11:333,685
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep12] - The man with MANY accents!11:324,773
Minecraft [Ep31] - Intros16:905,183
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep11] - BATS...that's all.7:134,494
Minecraft [Ep30] - Hospitals and Dinosaurs. Standard.14:356,217
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep10] - Those carts!10:103,128
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep9] - So darn close!11:212,130
Minecraft [Ep29] - YOU ARE TEARING ME APART CELL PHONE!10:133,854
Minecraft [Ep28] - Mysterious goings on!12:514,620
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep8] - Old Habits!11:304,625
Minecraft [Ep27] - Return!12:544,129
Minecraft [Ep26] - Decorating the area!8:334,331
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep7] - Returning to the ruins!12:315,463
Minecraft [Ep25] - Breaking the height limit!14:3111,197
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep6] - Pilfering Pirates!12:362,626
Minecraft [Ep24] - Top renovation!13:273,311
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep5] - It's a hole...not a secret!17:333,078
Minecraft [Ep23] - Tiredness, World Tree and Exams...15:394,144
Minecraft [Ep22] - Further renovation!15:564,148
DKCR Playlist Logo0:60272
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep4] - Flying Barrel!?14:464,680
Minecraft [Ep21] - Shaping the tree!11:213,416
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep3] - Time for a tan!16:504,154
Minecraft [Ep20] - WORLD TREE!16:424,111
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep2] - Rolling along!14:574,402
Minecraft [Ep19] - Friends and lists!14:104,310
Let's Play: Donkey Kong Country Returns [Ep1] - Monkey business!19:1510,719
Minecraft [Ep18] - Plethora of new builds!17:904,279
Minecraft [Ep17] - Getting revenge...almost!13:584,788
Minecraft [Ep16] - Devil on the prowl15:588,712
Minecraft [Ep15] - Back on track!11:133,563
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [FINALE] - What a journey!27:1911,598
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep63] - Boss Brawl18:194,167
Minecraft [Ep14] - Nearly there!10:353,434
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep62] - +1 Fail Skill!12:542,701
Minecraft Exploration - Server Downtime = SCARY!10:573,309
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep61] - Thwomp Insanity!12:372,801
Minecraft [Ep13] - Everyone 'On-Board' ;D17:443,551
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep60] - The 200 Benchmark!10:232,068
Minecraft [Ep12] - Viewer Involvement FTW!14:543,622
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep59] - The cloud's silver lining!10:272,102
Minecraft [Ep11] - Pyromaniac! /w GrandPyromania15:114,503
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep58] - So much commentary!13:373,367
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep57] - The Yellow Glow10:122,231
Minecraft [Ep10] - City Ahoy!10:214,260
Let's Play: Super Mario Galaxy 2 [Ep56] - Fiery hot speed!13:203,541

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