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Evolution and Medicine with Stephen Stearns (Youtube)
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This course is a survey of evolutionary insights that make important differences in medical research and clinical practice, including evolutionary mechanisms and the medical issues they affect. Individual genetic variation in susceptibility; evolutionary conflicts and tradeoffs in reproductive medicine; the evolution of antibiotic resistance and virulence in pathogens; emerging diseases; the evolution of aging; cancer as an evolutionary process. less
45 videos is founds.

7.3 Cancer as an Evolutionary Process: Clonal Evolution17:124,474
5.1 Pathogen Evolution: Virulence19:265,495
5.2 Pathogen Evolution: Evasion of Host Defenses19:802,958
5.4 Pathogen Evolution: Evolution-Proof Therapies13:581,742
6.2 The Evolution of Reproduction: Invasive Placentas17:251,929
6.5 The Evolution of Reproduction: Menstruation and Menopause14:501,978
6.6 The Evolution of Reproduction: Upright Posture and Childbirth11:323,501
4.5 Defenses: Tolerance15:591,678
4.2 Defenses: Specialized29:291,511
3.1 What is a disease? Introduction13:383,128
7.1 Cancer as an Evolutionary Process: Introduction11:243,243
7.2 Cancer as an Evolutionary Process: Why we are Susceptible18:292,179
7.4 Cancer as an Evolutionary Process: Phylogenetics14:33989
7.5 Cancer as an Evolutionary Process: Immune Evasion15:57933
7.6 Cancer as an Evolutionary Process: Managing Chemotherapy16:151,604
5.3 Pathogen Evolution: Antibiotic Resistance13:561,417
6.1 The Evolution of Reproduction: Mammalian Reproduction26:431,005
6.3 The Evolution of Reproduction: Evolutionary Conflict14:26605
6.4 The Evolution of Reproduction: Genomic Conflict and Mental Health13:45513
4.8 Defenses: Managing the Microbiome -- Symbionts vs. Pathogens15:131,234
4.7 Defenses: More Detail on the Vertebrate Immune Response21:11830
4.6 Defenses: Evolution of the Vertebrate Immune System22:141,381
4.4 Defenses: The Major Strategies13:10766
4.3 Defenses: Key Characteristics15:35850
4.1 Defenses: Origins and Costs13:10636
3.4 What is a Disease? History and Mismatch23:31867
3.3 What is a Disease? From Fixed to Adjustable Reactions8:20562
3.2 What is a Disease? Vulnerable vs. Robust Tissues and Organs13:90710
2.12 What is a patient? Summary6:24646
2.11 What is a patient? The Microbiome18:19660
2.10 What is a patient? The Developmental Origins of Disease14:59604
2.9 What is a patient? The Unusual Human Life History23:26698
2.8 What is a patient? Someone Who Ages19:00755
2.7 What is a patient? A Bundle of Tradeoffs19:50716
2.6 What is a patient? - Reaction Norms and Phenotypic Plasticity15:491,198
2.5 What is a Patient? - The Human Life History and its Evolution19:261,021
2.4 What is a Patient? Genetic Variation for Ability to Metabolize Drugs16:55926
2.3 What is a patient? Genetic Variation for Disease Resistance21:531,290
2.2 What is a patient? Recent History19:801,513
2.1 What is a patient? - Ancient History18:452,030
1.5 Types of Thinking17:495,992
1.4 Adaptation19:902,764
1.3 Mismatch14:203,685
1.2 Random Evolution29:306,871
1.1 Natural Selection20:5811,805

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