6,281 videos, +1,330,000 subscribers

Graduate... Then Move to Asia?3:380
Bill Nye on Global Warming4:170
How to Pay off Your Student Loans in 7 Months6:340
Do College Students Know How to be Citizens?4:340
James Franco: "Commencement Speeches Suck!"4:170
Steps to Take to Accomplish Your Goals4:240
WWE Superstar Smackdown + Full Sail University5:260
Epic Wheel of Fortune Fail!2:130
Advice for New Graduates You Need to Hear - Part 16:510
Can Exes Be "Just Friends?"3:530
Getting Close With Professors?2:560
Super Smart Animals!? - The Common Room6:160
Graduation Ceremony Surprise! [Video]2:580
How Valuable Are Psychology Graduate Degrees?4:100
Women's Colleges: What Are They Like?6:260
Long Distance Relationships: Don't Do It!3:250
'Ban College Football!" - Friday Night Lights Author4:480
"Dog Therapy" Cures Finals Time Stress2:580
Romney Shoots Down Gay Marriage at Liberty University5:370
Obama at Women's College: Speech a Disappointment?6:230
Sex Advice: Cosmo Magazine's Hilarious, Terrible Tips Part #28:360
Young Women Discriminated Against?4:530
Interracial Dating: Will It Ever Be "Normal?" - The Common Room8:530
Ogling Women Pisses Them Off: Surprise!6:380
Generals Teaching College Courses in the Ivy League?6:190
How to Beat Procrastination For Good!4:530
Girls STILL Gone Wild in 2012?3:200
Chinese Students Hooked Up to IV Drips?! [VIDEO]3:000
Tufts T-Shirt So Offensive its Suspension Worthy?3:420
I Can Haz Dissertation? LOLCats in Academia!5:220
Food Stamps for PHD Students?!5:370
Shocking Video: Student Jumps off Roof, Misses Pool!2:420
Trayvon Martin Evoked in Cornell Frat Racist Attack4:430
Aimee Copeland: Flesh Eating Bacteria Tragedy4:410
Facebook Stalking + Our Scandalous Pasts! - The Common Room8:520
Can Women Make it in the News?3:480
Surprising Bias in Minority Education2:470
Blind Chinese Dissident Study Abroad Deal?5:460
Student Hit By Bus! [VIDEO]3:370
Anti-Gay Football Coach Responds to Controversy5:360
Flirting at Work: Looking for Loving or Just Plain Bored?2:560
TYTU Crew's Least Favorite Alcoholic Drinks3:460
THE FUTURE: Should We Be Afraid? The Common Room5:540
Time Flies After Graduation: John and Kim Look Back4:200
The Most Irrelevant College Courses2:380
World's Worst Liquor Flavors?6:430
Conservative Professor Turns Class into Fox News3:150
Glee Got this Student Kicked out of BJU5:900
Should Racial Sensitivity Training be Mandatory in College?3:490
How Far Should You Go? Study Abroad's Limitless Options3:290
Kim + Rick Throw John Under the Bus on John Wooden2:440
Gotye Parody Music Video "Some Study That I Used to Know"5:700
"Differential Tuition?" Prepare to Get Screwed4:300
Porn Video Shown in Class Part 23:450
Sleeping Guard Caught on Film4:450
[Video] Students Waterboarded in Symbolic Protest at Tufts5:200
Romney's Advice to Students: John and Kim's View3:380
Gay Student Beaten! [Video] Hate Crime?3:230
Boehner Rips Obama Student Loan Tour: "It's Pathetic!"4:290
Say Hello to Kim!5:210
College Courses in High School: Yes or No?4:110
Redistribution of Grades? Taxation + Silly Metaphors4:220
Mitt Romney's Out of Touch Student Speech2:420
Choose Your Apocalypse! - The Common Room3:800
Sassy Gay Friend and Gay Friends in College4:250
Is High School Too Easy? Controversy!3:360
Mario in the Classroom? Video Game Writing Course Debuts at U of Iowa6:100
"I had an Abortion" T-Shirt Sparks Controversy4:700
Obama Hitler Comparison by Notre Dame Bishop Enrages Faculty3:290
Drones Invade Universities Across the US3:800
Zorro Kills Thief in Chemistry Lecture! [Video]4:400
Kim Kardashian + Christina Hendricks = Unrealistic Body Standards?5:550
Bro Hunting at ASU: What Makes a Bro?5:220
"Dear Jeremy Lin..." Pretty William & Mary Senior Invites NBA Star to Formal4:140
Anders Behring Breivik (Norwegian Terrorist) Defended by Student! [Video]5:170
Porn Videos Ruin Sex?2:540
Ana and John's Favorite Cheap Dorm Foods + Noodle Chips?4:560
Jessica Ahlquist (Atheist Student)'s Hate Mail: Sexual, Violent Threats4:160
The Death of Critical Thinking: Scary NYU Study3:330
Group Sex, Running Trains and Drug Dealers3:000
How to Meet New Friends With Meetup Events2:450
University of Florida Chooses Football over Science!2:110
Chinese Students Not Deterred by Recent Shootings3:300
Is Work Study a Scam?3:310
Drug Dealers on Campus: Expose4:300
COACHELLA JUMPED THE SHARK + Comic-Con Sells Out?3:700
What the F*k is the Common Room?!1:410
Bomb Scares Cripple University of Pittsburgh!4:400
Facebook Before College: Should You Expose Yourself?4:400
Professor IMMEDIATELY Regrets Making This Mistake In Class!4:120
California Students Massive New Power?4:200
Porn or Art? Muslim Woman's Bra Photo Too Sexy?2:550
Are Energy Drinks Bad for You?3:160
How to Pickup Women at the Gym4:400
James Franco Reveals Details on NYU Controversy3:490
How to Save Money on Textbooks2:240
4/20 Smoke-out: Boulder Crackdown2:130
Free Sex for Students? + Phone Sex Lines3:370
Losing My Religion: TYTU Crew's Stories from College6:290
How to Avoid Regrets in College Choice3:240

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