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Health Benefits of Vegetables by Pinky Madaan (Youtube)
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Vegetables contain all the blessings of God. The nutrients required for the effective functioning of our body and mind, are available through different kinds of vegetables. This playlist contains health benefits of various vegetables, explained in Hinglish, a mix of Hindi and English, with a little bit of Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali etc. Watch the various health benefits of Carrot, Cauli Flower, Spinach, Radish, Ginger, Peas, etc. less
27 videos is founds.

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बैंगन के फायदे । Health Benefits of Brinjal | Ms Pinky Madaan | Hindi5:10135,801
अदरक के फायदे । Benefits of Ginger | Pinky Madaan7:27277,205
पुदीना के फायदे । Benefits of Mint | Pinky Madaan6:33106,278
टमाटर के फायदे । Benefits of Tomatoes | Ms. Pinky Madaan9:10175,129
प्याज़ के फायदे । Benefits of Onion | Pinky Madaan12:181,306,213 1 more list
लेहसुन के फायदे । Benefits of Garlic | Pinky Madaan |10:22924,124 1 more list
फूल गोभी के फायदे । Benefits of Cauliflower | Hindi | Pinky Madaan5:6043,588
मटर के फायदे । Benefits of peas | Pinky Madaan5:1617,368
गाजर के फायदे । Benefits of Carrot | Pinky Madaan5:10115,461
नींबू के फायदे । Health Benefits of Lemon in Hindi | Pinky Madaan4:43351,609
पालक के फायदे । Benefits of Spinach | Pinky Madaan5:1348,990

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