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Hacktivism and Cyberwarfare (Youtube)
21 videos is founds.

Dogecoin - From joke cryptocurrency to Bitcoin rival4:4443,932
LA's porn film sets in shutdown, dancing policemen at Carnival and new WikiLeaks revelations5:4626,354 1 more list
Live with Kevin Warwick - the human cyborg!32:600 1 more list
Is The Five Eyes Alliance watching you? - Truthloader4:5680,1824 more lists
Is Edward Snowden a criminal? LIVE debate highlights13:335,998 1 more list
"My freedom and safety came under threat for revealing the truth" - Edward Snowden2:1011,3123 more lists
Edward Snowden and the NSA's PRISM - What's happening to the whistleblower now? - Truthloader2:588,0853 more lists
Robot football, the Pirate Bay party, more Edward Snowden news and your comments - Truthloader4:706,3432 more lists
Is Edward Snowden a criminal? PRISM, Tempora, NSA and GCHQ discussed on Truthloader LIVE58:2003 more lists
A history of NSA wiretapping, Prism, Edward Snowden, William Binney and Thomas Drake - Truthloader10:4242,0352 more lists
Massive NSA spying program revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden - Truthloader8:50130,8333 more lists
3D printed gun 'removed from internet' - Truthloader2:3012,9912 more lists
Syria's Internet blackout and the propaganda war - Truthloader4:3915,265
Anonymous - Can you stop an idea? - Truthloader5:3349,131 1 more list
Are cyber attacks the future of warfare? Truthloader LIVE debate33:480 1 more list
Who are LulzSec? - Truthloader3:1919,3032 more lists
Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Bitcoin & The Economist: Can we govern ourselves in a digital age? - LIVE46:440 1 more list
Is trying to stop online piracy a waste of time? - Truthloader LIVE debate38:480 1 more list
Truthloader meets Anonymous3:368,223
Silk Road and the online drugs trade - Truthloader Investigates6:49188,516
How to get through the Great Firewall of China - Truthloader5:392,759 1 more list

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