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Science & Tech - Latest news and videos on new science & tech breakthroughs (Youtube)
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Animated explainers of the latest developments in science and technology from around the world
100 videos is founds.

Antarctica melting: NASA confirms West Antarctic ice sheets are melting - TomoNews7:256,620 1 more list
Human-sheep hybrids could grow human organs in innovative organ transplant technique - TomoNews4:305,045
Tallest wooden building in the world for planned for construction in Tokyo, Japan - TomoNews10:368,837
Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster could crash into Earth in the next million years - TomoNews6:907,105 1 more list
Future aircraft: This could change travel forever - TomoNews7:5013,278
The 2018 World Cup Adidas 'Smart Ball' isn't very intelligent - TomoNews4:154,364 1 more list
Tesla cryptojacked: Hackers hijack Tesla cloud account to mine cryptocurrency - TomoNews5:574,918
Extra heart attack symptoms in women sometimes missed by doctors - TomoNews6:230
Concussion blood test: FDA approves blood test that can help diagnose concussions - TomoNews6:270
Gene research: Genes might be key to figuring out time of someone's demise - TomoNews3:430
Self healing skin: Researchers just made electronic skin that can heal itself - TomoNews5:300
The science of how to escape from the world's fastest predators: predator vs. prey - TomoNews5:140 1 more list
Solar minimum: Sun will get dimmer by 2050 - TomoNews5:500
New antibiotic 'malacidin' found in dirt - TomoNews3:260
Patent filed for wristband tracker for staff working at Amazon warehouses - TomoNews4:410
Chinese cops use facial recognition smart glasses to identify suspects in crowds - TomoNews5:500
Baldness cure found in McDonald's french fries - TomoNews3:410
iPhone leak: Apple's secret iBoot source code posted to GitHub in biggest leak ever - TomoNews5:520
Virtual power plant: Tesla helps build world's largest virtual power plant in Australia - TomoNews3:380
How volcanoes 'cool' the earth - TomoNews5:480
Massive comet may have triggered mini ice age on Earth 13,000 years ago in cosmic impact - TomoNews6:500
Hacking into smart tv: Samsung and Roku smart TVs are hackable, warns Consumer Reports - TomoNews5:330
Cancer foods: Foods with asparagine may influence cancer spread - TomoNews4:350
PC Master Race: Should you buy a prebuilt PC or build your own desktop? - TomoNews2:100
Cancer vaccine? Immunotherapy treatment completely wipes out cancerous tumors in mice - TomoNews6:170
What happens when Earth's magnetic field flips? - TomoNews6:700
Chinese scientists grow new ears for children with rare ear abnormality condition - TomoNews6:190
Tsunami warning: Underwater sound waves could be key to early tsunami detection - TomoNews4:520
Mars missions: Astronauts could eat goo made from their own waste - TomoNews4:580
Zombie satellite thought lost to space, found by civilian radio astronomer - TomoNews3:490
Cryptojacking: Hackers using YouTube ads to hijack your CPU for cryptomining - TomoNews4:410
How we see and hear: Wherever your eyes look, your eardrums move along with eyeballs - TomoNews4:300
ATM jackpotting hack: Secret Service warns banks about ATM jackpot hack - TomoNews4:430
Strava Global Heat Map: US soldiers giving away valuable intel by using fitbit - TomoNews5:800
Snow on the Sahara: Recurring snowfalls on Sahara desert could be due to global warming - TomoNews6:330
Super Blue Blood Moon: Total lunar eclipse, blue moon together 1st time since 1982 - TomoNews6:130 1 more list
Zombie deer disease: Contagious brain-wasting disease could spread to humans next - TomoNews6:300 1 more list
Ring of Fire 'Active': UN warns of Ring of Fire activity in Pacific Ocean nations - TomoNews5:350
Geoengineering: Artificially cooling the planet with sulfates may pose threat to life - TomoNews6:260
Floating hotel: Swedish team plan to build hotel and spa on river - TomoNews6:280
Mars nuclear reactor: Kilopower nuclear power system could sustain future colony on Mars - TomoNews5:140
Earliest human remains outside Africa found inside Israeli cave - TomoNews4:560
Monkey clones: China clones two monkeys using same technique that made Dolly the Sheep - TomoNews5:280 1 more list
Flu season: How the flu can turn deadly - TomoNews5:100
Russia developing a 100-megaton underwater drone nuke, suggests Pentagon document - TomoNews4:510 1 more list
Amazon Go: Amazon finally opens futuristic, no-checkout store to the public - TomoNews5:700
Bat researchers discover how brain maps where others are - TomoNews4:900 1 more list
Big Brother: Your car is tracking your personal data, and sending it back to its makers - TomoNews6:000
Space laser: China wants to clean up orbital debris by blasting them with giant lasers - TomoNews5:200
Google underwater internet cables: Alphabet is building 3 new underwater internet cables - TomoNews6:100
Self-driving cars: GM wants to test driverless cars with no steering wheel or pedals - TomoNews5:430
Monster asteroid: Skyscraper-sized space rock will pass near Earth in February 2018 - TomoNews5:100 1 more list
Cocoliztli epidemic of 1545 connected to Salmonella subspecies in new study - TomoNews3:570
Fugu fish: Poisonous blowfish meat mistakenly sold by Japanese grocery - TomoNews6:370
Measles alert issued for people at Chicago airport - TomoNews4:290
Deadly mudslide: After wildfires, catastrophic debris flow devastates California - TomoNews6:000
Water on Mars: Scientists find ice sheets, cliffs close to Martian surface - TomoNews3:370
World's biggest wind farm? Dutch to build artificial island and wind farm in North Sea - TomoNews6:330
Coral restoration: New coral sowing technique could help restore the world's reefs - TomoNews5:300
Coral reef bleaching: GAME OVER if bleaching and ocean warming get more frequent - TomoNews5:450
Astronaut mistakes: Space dude thought he got 3 inches taller in 3 weeks, he didn't - TomoNews5:480
Infertility in men: Painkillers are wiping out the sperm count, study suggests - TomoNews4:450
Falcon Heavy: SpaceX to launch Elon Musk's car onboard powerful Falcon Heavy rocket - TomoNews8:3902 more lists
Tabby's Star: Aliens aren't causing KIC 8462852 to flicker unfortunately - TomoNews6:900
What is that ringing in my ears? Anti-tinnitus device drowns out brain with sound - TomoNews4:140
Bionic hand: First portable bionic hand gives Italian woman back her sense of touch - TomoNews6:200
Alzheimer's treatment: Breakthroughs in research to lead to better treatment in 10 years - TomoNews7:200
Cryptocurrency boom: What is Ripple and how does it work? - TomoNews7:300
Blue moon 2018: Unique total lunar eclipse to light up night sky on Jan. 31 - TomoNews5:400 1 more list
Keto diet: Ketogenic high fat, low carb diet is sweeping through Silicon Valley - TomoNews5:400
Earth contact with aliens: Aliens aren't friending us because of zoo theory - TomoNews5:180 1 more list
China wants to put a lander on the far side of the moon landing this year - TomoNews3:520
What is a BOMB CYCLONE? Cold weather bomb may hit U.S. East Coast this week - TomoNews5:350
Solar road: Solar expressway begins testing in Jinan, China - TomoNews4:200
Wireless charging: Energous gets FCC certification for first distance charging system - TomoNews7:260
Can you be addicted to videogames? Gaming addiction to be listed mental health disorder - TomoNews6:560
Pain elimination: Small spinal implant helps chronic pain sufferers control aches - TomoNews3:590
Great American Eclipse created bow waves in Earth's atmosphere - TomoNews4:480 1 more list
SpaceX: Falcon 9 launch freaks California out - TomoNews1:180 1 more list
Male rub-on contraceptive: Topical gel about to enter human trials - TomoNews5:250
Electric road: Israeli bus company invests millions in wireless charging electric roads - TomoNews5:300
Wearable tech: Talk to the hand with 'Mobile Nail', the world's first wearable tech nail - TomoNews5:260
Glow in the dark plant: MIT researchers have made a glowing plant - TomoNews4:160
Toxic shock syndrome: Rare but deadly condition caused by bacterial toxins explained - TomoNews4:570
Winter solstice: The shortest day of the year (up north) is almost here - TomoNews4:490
Baby born after being frozen as an embryo 24 years ago - TomoNews5:450
California cell phone guidelines: CHPD warns about possible smartphone risks - TomoNews4:470
Car vending machine: Alibaba to sell cars using giant cat-shaped vending machines - TomoNews5:240
Great Pyramid Giza: Robotic blimp drone to explore newly discovered hidden chamber - TomoNews6:600 1 more list
Kepler-90i: Google AI discovers 8th planet orbiting around Kepler-90 star - TomoNews6:120
Meet the Dracula tick scientists discovered that fed on feathered dinosaurs - TomoNews3:430 1 more list
Orca v great white shark: orcas feasting on great white sharks in South Africa - TomoNews3:4703 more lists
Rocket launch: Electron Rocket attempts second test launch from New Zealand - TomoNews6:360
Nuclear fusion: ITER nuclear fusion project in France now 50% complete - TomoNews7:100
Living tattoo: MIT engineers create 'living tattoo' using ink made from live bacteria - TomoNews5:500 1 more list
Autonomous container ship: All-electric, autonomous container vessel set to sail in 2020 - TomoNews5:130
Volcano rising? Hot rock rising under New England could turn region volcanic someday - TomoNews6:260
Amazon patents self-destruct delivery drone - TomoNews5:290 1 more list
Glitter ban: Experts call for worldwide ban on glitter, call it global hazard - TomoNews6:600
Flu vaccines: Flu season has started already and it's going to be bad - TomoNews7:550

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