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Donald J. Trump - MAGA (Youtube)
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All about the 45th President of the United States of America
100 videos is founds.

Government shutdown: U.S. 2018 government shutdown explained - TomoNews4:390
Nuclear button: U.S. doesn't actually have a nuclear button, but don't tell Trump - TomoNews6:340
CDC word ban: Trump bans words like 'science-based,' 'evidence-based' and 'diversity' - TomoNews5:230
Trump v LaVar Ball: Donald and LaVar throw shade over UCLA China sunglasses soap opera - TomoNews6:480 1 more list
Here's a loop of Donald Trump, Jr. crushing it at deadlifting at the gym. You're welcome - TomoNews5:290
Trump border wall: Cards Against Humanity bought border land to block Trump wall - TomoNews5:150
Trump feeds fish: Trump feeding koi triggers media outrage, which triggers right outrage - TomoNews5:100
Is North Korea preparing for another nuclear test? Seoul thinks so - TomoNews6:230 1 more list
JFK assassination files: Trump declassifies some JFK documents - TomoNews4:450
Trump border wall: Critics calling for a virtual border wall - TomoNews5:100
Trump border wall accident: Worker plunges 40-feet down hole at wall prototype site - TomoNews6:200
Take a knee: How President Trump played the NFL and won - TomoNews1:380 1 more list
Trump border wall: Construction begins on 8 border wall prototypes in Otay Mesa - TomoNews5:190
Travel ban: Trump slaps new travel restrictions on citizens from 8 countries - TomoNews8:280
Trump criticizes NFL and NBA: Entire sporting world blasts Trump for off-base remarks - TomoNews7:200 1 more list
McDonald's employee goes off on customer caught on camera: remarks on Trump, deportation - TomoNews7:180
What would a US-North Korea war look like? - TomoNews8:320 1 more list
Trump Witch Hunt: The Donald needs the Justice League of America - TomoNews1:390 1 more list
North Korea v USA: How could President Trump start a nuclear war? - TomoNews7:440 1 more list
North Korea nuclear threat: DPRK has created miniaturized nuclear warheads for ICBM - TomoNews6:300 1 more list
Wonder Woman vs Trump over military transgender ban - TomoNews1:470 1 more list
Donald Trump after announcing the $10 billion Foxconn plant in Wisconsin - TomoNews0:430 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: Trump on Putin high, Donald Jr. can’t escape Russia - TomoNews1:570 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: Trump finally meets Putin, goes toe-to-toe with CNN - TomoNews1:530 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: Trump at war with Morning Joe, wins at winning - TomoNews2:210 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: Trump back on campaign trail and Kushner speaks - TomoNews2:800 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: Trump getting investigated for obstruction for b-day - TomoNews1:400 1 more list
Trump UK visit: Donald might postpone trip across the pond because he’ll get booed - TomoNews1:230 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: He’s back, Comey, Comey, Comey, Comey, Comey — COMEY - TomoNews1:290 1 more list
Trump v Trump: Donald Trump would be doing great if it only weren’t for Donald Trump1:380 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: Trump pulls out of Paris Agreement, wins at spelling - TomoNews1:350 1 more list
Paris climate agreement: Here’s what effect U.S. pulling out of the deal will have - TomoNews8:130
Trump getting impeached? U.S. presidential impeachment process explained - TomoNews10:400
What Up at the White House recap: Trump straight nails his first trip abroad as POTUS - TomoNews1:410 1 more list
President Donald Trump has some serious Fidget Spinner fever - TomoNews1:700 1 more list
What Up at the White House recap: Trump has an up & down week, mostly down - TomoNews1:590 1 more list
Trump fires James Comey: President Trump goes all Apprentice on FBI Director Comey - TomoNews1:450 1 more list
Kushners in China: Kushners pitch rich Chinese on investor visas, name-drop Jared - TomoNews1:430 1 more list
President Trump after getting his grade for his first 100 days in Office - TomoNews0:300 1 more list
USA vs Canada: America will go to war with Canada over spilled milk and softwood1:320 1 more list
Trump’s first 100 days: President Trump works hard for the money day-in, day-out1:540 1 more list
Trump v Kim Jong-un war movie: Donald and Kim star in summer’s biggest, hottest blockbuster1:3702 more lists
Kim Jong Un vs Donald Trump: US to test defenses against simulated North Korea attack - TomoNews7:100 1 more list
Donald Trump’s Indonesian business partner also wants to be president - TomoNews6:420
Secret service agents: The President’s new ‘Cadillac One’; Secret agents in action - Compilation15:200
Donald Trump’s family crashes ‘BBC Dad’ viral interview - TomoNews0:420 1 more list
10-minute loop of Trumpdove. Just because.10:600 1 more list
President Trump says Obama spied on him, Congress set to investigate Twitter claims - TomoNews1:210 1 more list
Trump vs Obama: How the U.S. president can order a wiretap on a civilian - TomoNews7:260
Obama’s shadow government: Is Barack plotting to overthrow the Trump administration? - TomoNews1:360 1 more list
Donald Trump car: All-new Cadillac One a.k.a. ‘The Beast’ is ready to be deployed - TomoNews10:600
Donald Trump vs. Media: Trump press conference berates media over intelligence leaks - TomoNews6:590
Trump UK trip: Britain snubs Donald, but has no problem rolling out red carpet for Xi Jinping1:310 1 more list
Donald Trump's hair explained: Trump uses Propecia, a hair loss drug to stop baldness - TomoNews8:320
Pro-Trump man KO’d: Street preacher punched by travel ban protesters at Portland airport — TomoNews8:370
Coffee shop stories: Idiot caught on camera getting up close and harassing Muslim woman - TomoNews7:200
Trump May meeting: President Trump meets with UK Prime Minister Theresa May - TomoNews1:460 1 more list
Dakota Access Pipeline: Trump signs executive action, project back on agenda - TomoNews7:270
Trump v China: Donald vows to stop China from taking over South China Sea islands - TomoNews2:4002 more lists
Trump supporter on plane: Woman ejected from plane for harassing Donald Trump fan - TomoNews5:120
Trump inauguration 2017: President Trump had the most greatest inauguration ever - TomoNews1:370 1 more list
Trump Inauguration Dance: Donald Trump makes dancing great again1:530 1 more list
Trump Russia ties: How did Christopher Steele compile his now infamous dossier? - TomoNews1:360 1 more list
Trump Russia dossier: Ex-spy claims Trump has been cultivated by Russians, likes showers - TomoNews1:350 1 more list
President Trump’s car: new ‘Cadillac One’ to be rolled out for the Donald’s inauguration - TomoNews5:400
Obama v Putin: President expels 35 Russian ‘spies’, closes Maryland and New York mansions - TomoNews6:500
Ivanka Trump confronted by angry passenger on JetBlue flight who brags about it - TomoNews8:320
Behind the Scenes: Trump hits the dance floor with Taiwan, China presidents in parody dance video -1:440 1 more list
Kanye West visits Donald Trump: Yeezy drops by Trump Tower to kick it with the president-elect1:510
Faithless electors: electors voting against their pledge aim to stop Trump’s America - TomoNews1:540
Hillary Clinton sore loser: Hillary needs to give it a rest, accept her crushing loss to Trump2:160
Trump hits the dance floor with Taiwan, China presidents in parody dance video - TomoNews1:390 1 more list
President Trump Celebrity Apprentice: Donald to retain executive producer credit as POTUS1:250
Nuclear football: US president's emergency satchel of nuclear codes will go to Trump - TomoNews1:540
Trump angers China: After Taiwan call, Trump decides to double down against butthurt Chinese2:200 1 more list
Trump-Taiwan phone call controversy and Taiwan-China relations explained - TomoNews3:110 1 more list
Trumps talks with Taiwan president: Tsai Ing-wen calls Donald, Western media flips out1:440
Disruptive Trump supporter banned from Delta flight for life - TomoNews2:600
PPAP parody: Donald Trump and Mike Pence0:410
Ex-CIA head James Woolsey doesn’t represent Trump on China policy, he represents private interests -1:540 1 more list
Houston mom kicks son out for voting Trump; Crocodile joins couple for late night swim - 11/14/201610:280
President Trump’s first 100 days in office: Can Trump accomplish everything he promised?1:580 1 more list
Americans trying to escape wrath of President Trump cause Canada immigration site crash - TomoNews1:380 1 more list
Donald Trump wins US presidential election, defies haters, media, polls - TomoNews1:310 1 more list
TomoNews declares US presidential election for Donald Trump0:110 1 more list
How to vote: machines you’ll likely encounter inside the U.S. election voting booth - TomoNews1:440 1 more list
Hillary Clinton in the clear after FBI finishes review of emails on Weiner’s laptop - TomoNews1:230 1 more list
US election 2016: Trump, Clinton prepare for final countdown in race for the White House - TomoNews15:400
Trump’s US-Mexico border wall would likely cost up to $40 billion, according to MIT - TomoNews1:260
Voter fraud 2016: Trump supporter commits fraud, believing 2016 election is rigged - TomoNews1:270
Trump and Putin: Donald and Vladimir are brothers from another mother for life-TomoNews2:500 1 more list
Trump-Pence plane skid landing: VP nominee Mike Pence survives scary touchdown - TomoNews0:500
Donald Trump 2016 election parody song: build the wall, ban the Muslims - TomoNews3:300
Third Presidential Debate: Trump, Clinton bet big in Sin City while America loses - TomoNews1:400 1 more list
Man runs over Trump campaign sign then posts video to Facebook and gets arrested - TomoNews1:230
Trump dissed: 200 people walk out after Amy Schumer mocks Trump during Tampa comedy show - TomoNews1:280 1 more list
Firebomb attack on N. Carolina GOP HQ: Trump blames ‘animals representing Hillary’ - TomoNews1:320
Second presidential debate: Trump and Hillary go gutter for town hall debate - TomoNews1:410 1 more list
Donald Trump audio: When you’re a TV star, you can GHRITP, Trump says - TomoNews1:230 1 more list
Pence wins veep debate: Pence outshines Trump to beat Kaine in VP debate - TomoNews1:240 1 more list

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