The Young Turks
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The Young Turks February 8, 2016 Hour 1 (Youtube)
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Cenk and Iadarola hosting. Hillary Clinton continues to refuse to release the transcripts of her speeches to financial entities. Video of her saying she’ll release them when everyone else releases theirs. She has made millions of dollars personally from these speeches, as well as the hundreds of thousands she’s obtained for campaigning. Hillary Clinton supporter Madeleine Albright told a crowd that there’s a special place in hell for women that don’t help each other. Video of the raucous reaction to her go to line. Video of Clinton defending the line on Meet the Press. She also wonders why people get so offended nowadays. Gloria Steinem told Bill Maher that the reason women support Bernie is because they know that’s where the boys are. She later apologized. The Clinton campaign also cried foul over some Sanders supporters that used incendiary language against Hillary for being a woman. Despite the fact that they have no connection to his campaign, Bernie distanced himself from them anyway.

Texas voters have received misleading mailers from Ted Cruz labeled “Check Enclosed” that end up being a donation request on a fake check made out to his campaign. The letters go on to say that their dollar amount will be matched by another group. Cenk points out that ironically, the check looks like its money from the government, which is something Cruz despises. Jeb Bush responded to being shushed by Trump during the debate. Video of the shush moment and Bush’s response on Fox News. He claimed that there’s no way Trump will shush Hillary in the general election. John points out that Jeb doesn’t realize he’s saying HIllary would never let Trump get away with it, while he did. Video of him on Morning Joe, going after Trump, calling him a loser and just a real estate guy. In response, Trump sent out a barrage of Twitter attacks on Jeb. Rubio is standing by his repetitive debate performance. Video of the many times Rubio spoke about how President Obama is purposefully destroying the country. When asked why he went with this embarrassing tactic, Rubio simply did it some more. After his robotic performance, some “supporters” came out to an event of his in impromptu robot outfits. less

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