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The Young Turks February 10, 2016 Hour 1 (Youtube)
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Cenk and Iadarola hosting. Final results from last night’s NH primary. Trump won on the GOP side, while Sanders ran away with the win over Clinton. Despite the landslide, Hillary received nearly all of the Superdelegates, forcing a tie of delegates between the two. Reports all day have indicated that Chris Christie plans to drop out of the presidential race, but he still hasn’t officially done it. Rupert Murdoch tweeted that Christie acted as a suicide bomber that went down in flames, but damaged Rubio at the same time. Carly Fiorina has also decided to drop out of the presidential race.

Jeb Bush was run off the stage during a stump speech at a Rotary Club. Videos of his embarrassing appearance. The NRA members are looking to oust Ted Nugent from the board after he posted a picture of several Jewish politicians that he claims are responsible for gun control. The anti-Semitism was too much for them to ignore this time. In response, he posted another picture of Holocaust Era Jews being taken by Nazis, calling them soulless sheep being led to slaughter. Cenk retells the story of Nugent avoiding the army during Vietnam by taking a dump in his pants and sitting in it for days.

Hour 1 Source Articles:
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Bush is Silenced by His Own Hosts During Speech: ‘They’re Kicking Me Out the Door’

Gun Owners Pressure NRA Over Ted Nugent's Anti-Semitic Rant

Clinton likely to leave NH with same number of delegates as Sanders

Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina quit presidential race after New Hampshire disasters, leaving just SIX Republican candidates

Rupert Murdoch Compares Chris Christie To A 'Suicide Bomber'

Carly Fiorina Ends Bid For Republican Presidential Nomination less

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