The Platform
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Best Beauty Challenges | No Thumbs No Mirror Makeup Challenge| The Platform (Youtube)
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Check out some of the best YouTube challenges from your favorite Platform Babes! From makeup challenges to semi-gross food challenges we have compiled the best of the best for you. Dive into the no thumbs no mirror makeup challenge with Kelly Louise Killjoy, Amy Pham & Mr Kate, and Carlie and Doni. Watch Jenn Im 3 minute makeup challenge and Teni Panosian no brush makeup challenge. See Estee Button's boyfriend does my makeup, while Camila Coelho has her husband do my makeup. Get grossed out with the Rhodes Bros spice cabinet challenge and Soothing Sista and Jenn Im's baby food challenge. Finally take on the chubby bunny challenge with Charisma Star, The Cotton Ball challenge with CutiePieMarzia, PewDiePie, and Shameless Maya. less

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