The Alex Jones Channel
37 981 vidéos, +2 357 920 abonnés

The Pros And Cons Of Trump's Syria Strike5:4019 875
Have Globalists Taken Over The Trump Administration?5:4627 952
Cognitive Dissonance Destroyed: Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic Myth Debunked11:2015 050
The Secrets Behind Trump's Syria Strike17:20125 815
Susan Rice Is Extremely Confused10:4626 198
Conservatives Are Winning The Culture War11:5621 887
Trump Boosting Economy17:5914 115
Trump Strikes Syrian Base: Alex Jones' Analysis5:59221 805
Trump Launches Cruise Missile Attacks On Syrian and Russian Base17:49199 309
Full Show - Senator Rand Paul Warns Trump Not To Back Al Qaeda/ISIS In Syria - 04/06/20172:51:2043 992
Independent Media Needs To Continue Fighting MSM Lies18:167 160
Citizen Journalists Are The Future Of The Truth5:104 015
Evidence Mounts Syrian WMD Attack Was False Flag44:2360 309
Planet Killing Weapons Are Now In Our Posession29:4124 148
A Call For Trump To Stop The Spread Of Fake News6:165 281
Memo To Trump: Sit Down With Putin Now12:1729 769
Propaganda Madness: North Korea Pushes WW311:4226 961
Infowars Nightly News Live - Trump Undoing Obama Agenda - 04/06/2017'1:01:0037 359
Hilarious: MSM Says Probiotics Are A Fraud10:206 023
National Israeli Study: Iodine Is Key6:2610 542
Trump Must Go On The Offense Against Enemy Media17:218 812
Ron Paul Doesn't Buy Syrian False Flag Chemical Attack Accusations6:5182 439
Syrian Rebels Have Been Caught Launching False Flags Before7:1111 399
Senator Schumer Tells China That America Is Weak11:3712 649
Senator Rand Paul Warns Trump Not To Back Al Qaeda/ISIS In Syria20:1630 601
War Propaganda: CNN Has Child Read Off Teleprompter11:4417 581
SHARIA LAW ALERT: Department Of Education Unconstitutionally Indoctrinating Students6:4014 429
LIVE: Evidence Mounts That Syrian Gas Attack Is False Flag2:04:1364 620
BUSTED: 'Safest Neighborhood' Home To Global Sex Trafficking Ring4:2745 727
Proof Susan Rice Was Spying On Trump #DirtyRice7:9021 354
End Dept of Education For Local Control & Constitutional Govt6:2712 202
Twitter Censors Drudge & Trump Tweet12:7018 931
Neocons “Wag The Dog” In Syria18:5028 593
Pepsi Forced To Remove Propaganda Commercial7:1048 039
Full Show - Nuclear War Looms As China Pushes North Korea Closer To The Edge - 04/05/20172:51:3451 928
How Google Threatens A Vibrant Free Speech18:509 702
Roger Stone Salutes Mike Cernovich And Jack Posobiec As Freedom Fighters4:3312 816
Joel Skousen’s Warning To The President29:3328 824
Myth Of Trump-Russian Collusion Disproven5:547 463
Trump Critic To Scarborough Established10:2510 137
Was Syrian Chemical Attack A False Flag?35:3226 151
Infowars Nightly News - Why Bannon Has Been Ousted - 04/05/20171:02:2990 899
Joel Skousen: The Doomsday Clock Has Almost Run Out22:4131 114
How Children Are Being Rescued From The Pedophile Elite9:4415 476
The Truth About Power Struggle In The Middle East4:364 243
Deep State Hackers Unmaksed?17:5420 228
Is Bannon Falling? Roger Stone Analysis4:5825 258
Democrats Call for Alex Jones' Arrest14:1551 580
Was The Chemical Attack In Syria A False Flag?15:2651 369
WWIII Nightmare Scenario Brewing In The East China Sea11:5927 372
China Using North Korea To Push For Nuclear War3:3828 491
LIVE! False Flag In Syria2:05:1273 525
Is The United States About To Bomb North Korea? The White House Says 'The Clock Has Now Run Out'4:40250 211
Roger Stone Explains Why Steve Bannon Was Removed From National Security Council3:10165 265
Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites7:46201 209
Bombshell: Why The Deep State Wants To Bury Rice12:3086 659
Full Show - Journalist Who Exposed Susan Rice Illegal Spying Tells All - 04/04/20172:51:3031 251
Build That Wall! MS-13 Gang Kills Another Teen16:3719 071
Smoking Gun: Susan Rice Unmasked15:1117 474
Police / Military Closing In On Pedophile Network18:3064 147
Mike Cernovich Exposes Pedophile Control System. Exclusive22:3059 412
LGBT Czar On Indoctrinating Children: The Younger The Better6:2712 572
Infowars Reports On California Pedophile Round Up14:5338 171
Scott Pelley Is The Definition Of A Fake5:276 668
The Definition Of God Fearing2:377 079
Kill My Critics With Poison Gas: Arnold Schwarzenegger7:4017 788
Why Is The EU Threatening War Against The UK? Lord Monckton Tells All11:0027 463
Lord Monckton Exposes Google Censorship3:185 783
Leaks Inside MSM Bring Down Globalists16:4610 733
Confirmed: Susan Rice Caught Illegal Spying On Trump5:3011 963
The Infowars Nightly News - Gruesome Gang Murder Plus, Rice Gets Cooked1:01:1941 015
Border Wall Contractors Worried About Attacks & Want Guns4:3812 839
Why MSM Is Covering For Susan Rice's Crimes50:3020 924
LIVE! Susan Rice EXPOSED!2:50:3574 380
Navy Veteran Has Dire Warning For The Public13:2092 513
Pedo-Priests Molest 508 Victims In LA2:2021 115
Breaking: Jared Kushner Is Leaking To MSNBC14:11227 950
Girl Pictured With Clinton Arrested In Prostitution Bust!3:4177 541
Obama Gets His Nixon On11:5618 033
Dems Vow To Block SCOTUS Appointment18:008 931
The Military Wants To Control Your Mind11:8013 090
Full Show - Islam Takes Credit For Russian Train Bombings / Bilderberg Intel Leaked - 04/03/20172:51:3220 477
Bilderberg Expert: Elite Are In Full Panic Mode35:1774 347
Facebook Gives In To Sharia Law5:4221 569
Obama's Watergate Begins9:1825 633
Putin Calls For Meeting With Trump To Fight The Globalist Empire18:3969 706
Marvel: PC Culture Is Bankrupting Hollywood6:3019 973
Cyborg Microchipping Goes Mainstream5:2910 306
Insider: Migrant Crisis Is A Mass Scale Political Weapon12:248 355
Green Beret Intel: Trump Is Under Globalist Skin23:5358 581
Montenegro Leverages Fake News For NATO Power6:154 220
Breaking! Desperate EU Calls For War9:4944 817
Drudge Exclusive! Trump Must Use His Charisma, Or Fail11:536 069
Breaking! Democratic Moles Inside White House Identified39:56100 170
Turkish Leader Calls For Islamic Takeover Of Europe4:368 924
Dems Walk Back On Trump-Russia Claims14:2721 140
Video: Dems Panic Over Gorsuch4:5111 719
After Trump Meeting, Rand Paul Is Optimistic About Obamacare Repeal6:238 819
Dr. Phil Reports On International Pedophile Ring4:4867 676
ISIS Celebrates Russian Train Bombing8:3610 484

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